Yandere Simulator’s 7-year Anniversary

…whoa! As of today, it’s been 7 years since I started developing Yandere Simulator! To be honest, I have very mixed feelings about that. I’ll elaborate below, but first, I want to share an incredible video with you:

For years now, ReubenThePig80 has been making truly extraordinary Yandere Simulator videos, and this year, he knocked it out of the park yet again! To commemorate the game’s anniversary, he used Pose Mode to arrange over 100 Yandere Simulator characters for an epic group photo! The sheer amount of time, effort, and patience required to pose all of those characters is absolutely superhuman! It warms my heart immensely to know that there are people out there who enjoy Yandere Simulator enough to spend their time building such impressive creations!

Actually, the existence of this video kinda supports a point that I’d like to make about the game. Click “Continue Reading” if you’re curious to hear this year’s anniversary thoughts.

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March 23rd Bug-Fixing Build

I fixed some bugs related to Raibaru, and made some progress towards making the last remaining improvements that I wanted to make before we can move out of this “refine the demo” stage of the game’s development.

To read a list of everything that is new or different in the latest build, please scroll down past this gorgeous artwork by WhiteCat!

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Fixing Raibaru to make Yandere Simulator a better game

The Amai Challenge has been out for several months, but I never announced what I gained or learned from watching people play it! That’s what I’ve made a video about today.

In short, I observed that people had far more meaningful experiences with the Amai Challenge than with Osana’s week, and I could easily see the exact reasons why. It’s given me a sobering reminder of where my priorities should be, and it has inspired me to make some pretty meaningful changes to Raibaru and Osana’s week. I’ve made a video all about it – please check it out!

Oh, yeah, and I’d like to mention that it’s now possible to order Yandere Simulator plushies from Crowdmade!

You’re only able to order for the next 10 days, so if you want them, hop on it right away!


I’m also releasing a new build today. Click “Continue Reading” to read a list of the changes!

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March 10th Bug-Fixing Build

The next update I want to release requires a bunch of sweeping changes all throughout the game. I’m not sure how long it’ll take me to prepare that update, so before I begin working on it, I want to make extra-sure that the latest build of the game is as bug-free as possible. That’s the purpose of today’s build!

To see a list of everything that was fixed or changed in the latest build, please click “Continue Reading”!

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