October 15th Very Large Update

Whenever I update the game, I usually categorize the update as either a “Bug-Fixing Build” or a “Minor Improvement Build” – but occasionally, a build will defy either of those categories, and I’ll feel compelled to give it a special name. This is one of those occasions!

This new build contains 60 differences from the previous build, which means that it’s six times the size of a normal update! The previous record for “highest number of changes in a single build” was 42 differences – which, by sheer coincidence, was also released on October 15th. In short, I’m telling you that this new build is officially the largest Yandere Simulator update ever! (Excluding the Osana update, of course.)

To read a list of all the fixes, changes, additions, and improvements in the latest build, scroll down past this chilling artwork by nxxxhni!

Changes, Additions, and Quality-Of-Life Improvements

Previously, the water in the school pool was using a standard Unity water shader:

It was terribly inappropriate for Yandere Simulator, because photorealistic water clashed with Yandere Sim’s anime art style. To resolve this, the water now looks more cartoony:

Much more appropriate for an anime game, right? I would like to gradually update many graphical aspects of the game one at a time, until Yandere Sim eventually reaches the same level of quality as other recently-released anime games.

The water in the school pool isn’t the only liquid that got an update; blood looks different now, too. Here’s the old blood:

It was just one texture, rotated at a random angle to create the fake impression of unique blood pools. Acceptable for a prototype, but we’re past that stage now. Here’s the new blood:

Each individual pool of blood now has a unique shape! This is a massive improvement over one blood texture being duplicated infinitely. (The way that it looks when it spawns is really cool, too!)

For years, I’ve been saying that “the appeal of a stealth game is having a bunch of fun options for getting from Point A to Point B”. However, the stalker house stealth mission was linear, with only one path to the objective! I decided to change this and add another way to enter the house:

This isn’t the only improvement that I want to make to the stalker house experience, but it’s a start.

Previously, in the game’s intro cutscene, we could see a very clear shot of Yandere-chan’s father, and could clearly see his hair color, skin color, etc. I’ve decided that this was a bad idea. I would like to allow the player to customize Yandere-chan’s appearance (including hair color and skin color). Because Ryoba’s appearance is set in stone, this means that, when the player chooses Yandere-chan’s appearance, they are basically deciding what her father looked like. As a result, I’ve decided that Yandere-chan’s father should appear as a mysterious silhouette in the intro cutscene:

From now on, during the text message cutscene where Yandere-chan first meets Info-chan, Osana will now appear onscreen during the portion of the conversation where Info-chan talks about Osana:

You might be thinking, “Huh? Why?” It’s hard to explain, but in short, it’s a psychological thing. If Osana is absent from the screen while characters are talking about her, then she’s just a vague, abstract concept that isn’t leaving a strong impression in the player’s mind. However, if she has a visible presence onscreen while the characters are talking about her, then the mental connection between the character and Info-chan’s words becomes stronger.

As you probably know by now, Info-chan appears in the cutscene where Senpai meets Amai. However, there was a problem! In that cutscene, Info-chan was wearing her school uniform, which didn’t make any logical sense, because the cutscene took place outside of school on the weekend. To rectify this, Info-chan now wears a different outfit in that cutscene:

I’m still reconsidering many aspects of the game’s graphical user interface. The Calendar screen was blindingly bright and unpleasant to look at, so I’ve toned down the intensity and brightness of the colors in an attempt to find a more aesthetically pleasing color palette:

Feels…soft and creamy! Or something like that. Doesn’t it? I’m still working on it, but if it gets a positive reception, this might be the direction that the rest of the UI moves in.

The “Kaobook” feature broke when I put Osana into the game. I’m pleased to say that, as of the latest update, the functionality has returned! You’ll have to purchase Osana’s “Embarrassing Secret” from Info-chan in order to use it:

I know that there are people who won’t care about this at all, but I’ll mention it anyway: there is now an easier way to take panty shots. While walking around (not aiming your phone), if you activate Yandere Vision, you’ll see that there is now a “Sneak Panty Shot” button. Pressing this button will cause Yandere-chan to hold her phone out in front of her at thigh height, and automatically take a photo of whatever is directly above her phone.

Crawling around on your stomach in order to take panty shots was sometimes awkward and frustrating. This is supposed to be an easier, faster alternative. If the feature turns out to be really finicky and difficult to use, then I’ll tweak it further in future updates.

The rest of the changes/additions don’t come with accompanying screenshots, but are objective improvements nonetheless:

  • Previously, it was impossible to poison a Photography Club member during Mission Mode, since they would be busy performing the “Sleuth” routine during lunchtime. In order to make it possible to poison them, Photography Club members will now stop their Sleuth routine at lunchtime, but only during Mission Mode.
  • After sabotaging all 5 of Osana’s Senpai events, it’s a guarantee that Senpai will reject her, so it is no longer necessary to stay at school and watch the “Rejection” cutscene play out. You can now just go straight home, and Osana will be eliminated.
  • If the player kills someone, they will see a Memorial event at school the next day. From now on, if the player uses the Calendar screen to skip ahead in the week, the game will bypass the memorial event.
  • From now on, after “Tagging” a student from the Student Info screen, the pink trail (spawned by pressing the “T” key) will lead to that student, instead of leading to class.
  • The glowing outline that appears around things in Yandere Vision is now thicker, so that it’s easier to see with the new post-processing effects active.
  • It is now possible for the player to use the Settings menu to choose whether the camera goes over Yandere-chan’s right shoulder or left shoulder.
  • The falling sakura blossoms present throughout the game now drift left and right as they float down from trees, like real falling leaves do!
  • From now on, during Mission Mode, your target will have a red highlight around them. (Not applicable during multi-target missions.)
  • Adjusted the shape of Amai’s eyes in the “Senpai Meets Amai” cutscene; her eyes now reflect her official character artwork.
  • From now on, the game will not reset your Censorship settings whenever you start a new save file.
  • Adjusted Mai Waifu’s appearance (I didn’t like her previous face texture or accessory).
  • Added simple animation to the Puzzle Cube during the “solving puzzle cub” animation.
  • It is now possible to use the Audio menu to change the current background track.
  • Yandere-chan’s footsteps now make a different sound if she is barefoot.
  • The “TASK COMPLETE” animation now goes by MUCH faster.

That covers the changes; now, on to the literally dozens of bug fixes!

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug that would prevent the player from being able to perform a kidnapping, but only if the player was using a mod that translated the game into Russian. (Even though it’s not an officially-supported mod, I want to help out the Russian fan community if I can!)
  • Fixed bug that would make Raibaru slide across the ground without performing any sort of walking animation if the player laughed nearby her while she was spying on Osana at the beginning of the school day.
  • Fixed bug that would cause a sunbathing student to manifest their phone in their hand and lose the ability to perform their “lying down” animation if they were alarmed by something while sunbathing.
  • Fixed bug that would cause police to identify a school uniform splattered with red paint as bloody clothing, only if the clothing was inside of the incinerator, and not burning.
  • Adjusted the collision box for students’ faces so that the game should no longer have difficulty recognizing when the player is trying to take a photograph of a student’s face.
  • Fixed bug that caused students to instantly be alarmed by Yandere-chan if the player advanced the day to Cleaning Time before Osana’s Monday rooftop event had ended.
  • Fixed bug that would cause Osana to get permanently stuck in a weird state if she consumed Emetic poison simultaneously as Raibaru consumed lethal poison.
  • Fixed bug that prevented Yandere-chan’s gloves from being rendered onscreen while she was in the first-person (aiming her smartphone camera) mode.
  • Fixed bug that turned some of Info-chan’s services into one-time purchases, even though it should be possible to purchase them multiple times.
  • Fixed bug that prevented the game from resetting a character’s “Friend” status if the player befriended that student and then reset the day.
  • Fixed bug that prevented the game from being able to accurately determine whether or not there were any clean uniforms present at school.
  • It’s no longer possible to splash your clothing with red paint if there are no spare clean uniforms for you to change into afterwards.
  • Fixed bug that would make Osana freeze in place during her Thursday rooftop event if the player sabotaged her phone and then laughed.
  • Fixed bug that prevented Osana from confessing to her suitor if the player had completed her Befriend sidequest earlier in the week.
  • Male Social Butterflies will no longer see female bathrooms as valid places to hide in while reporting a murder. (And vice-versa.)
  • Fixed bug that was preventing teachers from putting their hands on their podium during their “wait for class to begin” animation.
  • The text in the Settings menu that reports whether or not the game is in windowed mode or not should now be updating accurately.
  • Fixed bug that would prevent Yandere-chan’s “removing gloves” animation from resetting if the player released the button.
  • Fixed bug that prevented Osana from appearing in the “Killed by Mind-Broken Slave” state at the title screen.
  • Fixed bug that permitted the player to bypass Friday on the Calendar screen without eliminating Osana first.
  • Fixed bug that would cause Osana to lose her suitor’s previous gift whenever the suitor gave her a new gift.
  • Fixed bug that was preventing the Task List from functioning properly while inside of Yandere-chan’s home.
  • Fixed bug that made Budo stand in the wrong spot during the Martial Arts Club’s 5:00 PM activity.
  • Attempted to fix bug that was preventing the tape player from working properly for some players.
  • Fixed bug that made it impossible to select Osana/Raibaru during a Mission Mode “Multi Mission”.
  • Fixed bug that prevented glowing outlines from appearing the right color in Yandere Vision.
  • Fixed bug that caused the Puzzle Cube to shrink when placed in the hands of a student.
  • It is no longer possible for Senpai to die from the Cirno or Flame Demon easter eggs.
  • Fixed bug that prevented the player from being able to pick up the Mysterious Keys.
  • Teachers can no longer be alarmed by laughter while Yandere-chan is being chased.
  • Fixed bug that made the “Osana confesses to suitor” cutscene play at super-speed.
  • Fixed bug that prevented any store music track in the street scene from looping.
  • Fixed bug that prevented the Life Note easter egg from being able to kill Osana.
  • Attempted to fix the “Sometimes the Extras menu won’t unlock” bug.
  • Fixed bug that caused the Puzzle Cube to float in midair.
  • Fixed some typos and spelling errors.

Phew! After resolving all of those issues, I feel like it’s finally time to shift my attention away from bug-fixes, and focus exclusively on improving the demo based on the feedback that I received over the past month-and-a-half, as outlined here in this blog post.

I hope that this build will improve your experience with the demo! As always, thank you very, very much for following the development of Yandere Simulator!

136 thoughts on “October 15th Very Large Update

  1. Hi there, I know this has nothing to do about the update, but I had an idea about the headmaster (I’m not sure if this is already in the game or not). But whenever you take something from his office (e.g:his sake bottle, key, tapes etc.) I feel like he should install a security camera or sensor in his office to detect or record if Ayano ever steals from the headmaster and he would know then further expel Ayano because of it. This is a long shot and it probably won’t get implemented but it’s just an idea that popped to me.

    • Maby only if you steal something really important and not a tape recorder or booze something that he thinks he couldn’t misplace then he would add security cams

  2. Oh my, I woke up and behold a new blog! The improvements you’ve made graphically, makes the game look better each time! The new shader and blood texture looks absolutely beautiful, I’m excited to test it for myself. I’m thrilled to see what else you are capable of, it’s such a fantastic experience including the new mechanics!

    Keep up the talented work, I’m loving it

  3. I don’t know if I said this already because my entire paragraph just randomly disappeared but I’m gonna say it again just in case. I’ve had an idea about the headmaster, (and I’m not sure if this is in the game or not) but I think when you steal something from him (e.g:his sake bottle, key, tapes etc.) he should implement a security camera or sensor to detect or record Yan-Chan whenever she steals something again and the headmaster would know about it. I think the consequences of that is that Yan-Chan should be expelled or something like that. Like I said this is a long shot and I don’t expect you to do this right now, and I hope you can get the best rest you can.

  4. These changes sound great! Can’t wait to test out this build and find some bugs. Small heads-up, there’s a typo for:

    “It is now possible for the player to use the Settings menu to choose whether the camera goes over Yandere-chan’s right shoulder or right shoulder.”

    ..one of them should be Left.

  5. All of this is wonderful YandereDev but do you intend to make the Stalker’s house mission to be more challenging, by punishing the player for getting caught after retrieving the cat? And by perhaps manipulating residents of the house to move from a certain place, instead of them just magically disappearing.

    Also, what are you planning on doing next? I wish to See the new Character models.

  6. Won’t this panties mechanic end up making the game easy? I think there might be a mini game or a skill that is unlocked by clubs or mangas.

  7. hello, yandev, there are still some ways to speedrun the game

    1. killing osana with the delinquetn’s weapon
    – at the start of the day wait until the delinquents come. pick one and block his way so he will stuck with you while the others are moving forward
    – continue blocking his way until he starts to fight you. fight him, so he drops the weapon.
    – pick the weapon and run to the raibaru and osana who are chatting under the tree. when they start moving to school, go between them so raibaru will stop and look at you while osana will continue moving
    – when the distance between them is good enough and osana is almost near the gate, run to her and kill her. don’t drop the weapon
    – run to the pe teacher near the gate and laugh. let her send you to the counselor before raibaru gets you
    – lie at the counselor’s so she sends you home.

    police will come to school and frame raibaru, osana is eliminated/

    2. skipping the week
    although you can’t skip a lot days at once, you still can do this one by one and complete the demo without killing osana.

    skip the days by going to counselor’s, when saturday comes there will be senpai animation and demo will count as completed even though osana is alive

    hope this helps

    • 1. That speedrun method doesn’t strike me as a problem. It involves game mechanics being used in perfectly valid ways, and doesn’t rely on unintentional side-effects resulting from Yandere-chan entering two states that were never meant to exist simultaneously.

      2. This sounds like a bug. However, I tried to replicate it, and could not make it happen.

  8. Wow! Great work! The water and blood textures have bothered me for the longest time. Im glad they finally suit the style of yandere simulator. I think the thing I’m most excited about are the new character models and customization in the future. Keep up the good work!

  9. I found a bug! So I sabotaged the thing to the stalker’s house,I entered in the house and somewhere near the stalker’s room it showed me the climb button. I pressed it and Yandere chan walked in the room above while climbing…the air? I hope you see this!🙂

  10. One last bug for today: I’ve been noticing this bug quite often now, and it’s REALLY annoying. When I get a body out of a locker, drag it to the incinerator and dump it in, the body “disappears”. Ayano carries/shoves nothing into the incinerator. However, if you actually look for the body (I tagged it), you’ll find the body randomly sprawled on the ground/in the bushes near the incinerator area.

  11. Hello! Lately I haven’t been able to play Yandere Simulator because when I start the game, it shows as only a little tab with a bloody heart, and doesn’t actually open the game, I am playing on windows 10 laptop, is that the problem? If anyone else has this problem can they tell me?

  12. Wow! There are many bug fixes! Also, the graphics changes are really great! And Thank you for fixing this! “Fixed bug that caused students to instantly be alarmed by Yandere-chan if the player advanced the day to Cleaning Time before Osana’s Monday rooftop event had ended.”

  13. The Calendar screen was blindingly bright and unpleasant to look at? I don’t think so.

    When is the camera over Ayano’s shoulder? Do you mean SNAP?

  14. is it just me or does osana have blue/green eyes in that info test scene? and also will allt he rivals appear in that text scene?

  15. Yes! Thank you Yandere Dev for this huge update! I can’t wait to start playing it myself! And I did wonder why the pool water (before you fixed that to look different) did not change when Osana was in the demo. Also there was A LOT of people saying why was info-Chan still in her school uniform on a Saturday?! Thanks for fixing all this! Keep up the great work! 😊

  16. I have an idea to make the school seem even more life like than it already is. Continue reading if you’re interested.

    So you know how Yandere Chan (Ayano) is the only person in the whole school who runs around, or talks to people, or does favors for people, or anything that people usually do? Why not make other students do the same?

    For example: Kokona would still have her background as a girl who is struggling with money issues. This makes it so that the rivals arent all of a sudden completely unique because they love Taro.

    On one of these days, if Ayano has a big enough reputation, Kokona can go to Ayano to ask if she could have some advice, or a favor, or something like that. Ayano could agree or disagree to the things other students ask her.

    You could even make just a few students have some sort of code where if they walk past the player or their friend, they go talk to them. This would make the game seem more real, and not just students walking around doing their daily tasks everyday.

    This would also add some difficulty to the player. If the player wanted to kidnap someone and was leading them to the kid napping place, then the student programmed to talk to people would stop Ayano and talk to her for a bit, causing the timer to run out more.

    Talking about kid napping, the whole timer thing for the students is kinda useless, because you can just ask the person again to follow you. It’s just an annoying task. Instead, it could be that depending on your reputation, the person you asked to follow will follow you again.

    Example: if your reputation is -30, and you ask Kokona to follow you, then she would follow you for a less amount of time, and then once the timer is done, Kokona would walk away from getting bored and if the player asked again for them to follow, they wouldn’t. If Ayano had a higher reputation though, then they would follow her for 3 more times before getting bored.

    Hope you take these into consideration!

    • Hmm…that’s a very interesting suggestion. A type of student whose routine involves running around the school, going student to student, giving the appearance that they are doing tasks and favors, similar to the player. That’s actually a very interesting idea. This would help Yandere-chan look like she fits in with other students at school, instead of being the one singular student who behaves differently from everyone else.

      I’ll give this some thought, but ultimately, student routines have to be designed around placing them in locations that will make it difficult for the player to eliminate them without witnesses. I’ll be going over this in my next video.

      • Hi yandere dev , if that’s the case for wanting the player to be able to have to think about stealth when carrying a corpse or something round the school, why don’t you get some students just Using chatting ( like Osana and Riaberu but with no dialogue or anything ) At the bottom of the stairs , people should be chatting in the corridors , even if it only takes them a couple of minutis from their rountine . I feel this would actually make the students feel like students and the school more alive

  17. I love this update, it has so much new content. I like the new colors of the calendar screen and the water and blood look much better. Congratulations YandereDev, you always sorprise me. Keep the good work ✌️

  18. Good job yandere dev I wish the bug fixing was finished already because I want see the crowdfunding campaign is a success and can’t wait until you work on Amai😁😁😁

  19. This is a very big update. Yandere-Dev you should be proud of all you’ve been able to accomplish. Not just in the last month but for all of the game.

  20. Yandere Dev I found no textures. Since you removed the water from Unity, now the water in these Japanese gardens looks like cement

  21. I am guilty of never having the game. But don’t you customise appearances 1st? Why does the father have to have a silhouette Instead of being alike to the Yandere Chan you select?

    Or is it a time consuming task involving inventing new code?

  22. Very good Yandere Dev you did a great job as always, Yandere Dev you read emails I sent you this month and important because there are critical bugs. Tell me if you’ve read this comment

  23. Bug-report: When Ayano puts a letter in the shoes’ wardrobe to meet one of the members of the Photography Club with the meeting place “on the school rooftop”, when the member of the Photography Club arrives on the roof, it is a kind of glitch when the member of the Photography Club normally must stand with his back to Ayano, but it stands totally different, and when Ayano do the “Push” action, the member of the Photography Club falls somewhere other than where the incinerator is.

    And a little suggestion: In Mission Mode, when the player activate the Yandere Vision, I think it will be cool if, instead of saying: Speed Up Time (Requires Photo of Senpai), “Speed Up Time (Requires Photo of the Target’s Dead Body)”, or something like that…

    Thank you so much for continuing working on Yandere Simulator ! Peace ✌

    • I left a note for a Photo Club student, but he didn’t exhibit the behavior that you described here…

      I fully believe that the bug exists, but there must be some specific criteria to activate it…

  24. I think another improvement you can make is the driving Osana into suicide elimination method. That can take up to 2 days max, I think it’s more realistic for this sorta situation to take longer than 2 days, at least for this, it should take up the whole week. Also, another thing you should adjust is the Japan weeks here since in Japan, people go to school on 6 days a week and they their weekends on Sundays. So, I feel that that scene for when Senpai meets the next rival here should be on Sunday and save Saturday as a free school day with no rival to deal with. And also, when are you’re going to replace the dollars with yen?

      • Oh, really? Well, in each Persona game, each week is a 6 day school week. I guess I was confused, thinking that’s how school weeks works in Japan. But, you’re still eventually going to replace the dollars with yen in a future build, right?

      • Weird, it’s just that I understand if you want to have the characters here actually speak Japanese, but here, they’ve been translated into English. But Persona actually does that same thing in the English versions where all the characters in those games actually speak Japanese, but they’ve been translated into English, but in those games in all versions, they keep in the games’ currency being Japanese yen, even when all the characters have been translated to English. I don’t really understand why for your game, you choose to have it like this when Persona didn’t. Kinda an odd choice to me.

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