May 19th Bug-Fixing Build

Today’s update is very simple; it’s just a very minor bug-fixing build, with a couple of small improvements.

Scroll down past this phenomenal illustration by Ologica to read a list of everything that changed in the latest build!

Fixes, Changes, Improvements

  • If a student witnesses something disturbing (like a murder or a corpse) and screams in fear, nearby students will turn and look in the direction that the screaming student is facing. Previously, other students would simply perform their regular idle animation when turning to look at what other students were reacting to. As of now, students will perform a “craning neck” animation while they are trying to see whatever other students are freaking out about.
  • There is now a chibi anime figurine somewhere in the school. Why did I add it to the game? It’s related to Osana. How could it possibly be related to Osana? You’ll see, one day in the future…
  • Added a special item in the first-floor east storage room. Once you’re wearing it, laugh in order to remove it.
  • Fixed bug that would trigger the “Paranormal” flag even if Yandere-chan had not traveled to the demon realm.
  • Fixed bug that would make the ritual knife play the wrong sound effect when absorbing a soul.
  • Changed the model of the magical girl wand (the previous model was copyrighted material).
  • Fixed bug that caused an object’s invisible collider to be visible as a white sphere.
  • Decorated the Drama Club a little bit. It’s not finished yet.
  • Added a couple of new hairstyles for Yandere-chan.
  • Updated Yandere-kun’s running animation.

48 thoughts on “May 19th Bug-Fixing Build

  1. Am I spamming? My comments aren’t showing up, and I can’t tell if they’re even being posted or not.

    • The teasers of DLC rivals are actually stolen artworks from some DeviantArt artists. Yandere Dev didn’t credit them. They weren’t even informed. You can check Yandere Simulator subreddit for more information.

  2. not many people know this, but go into the JSON file and change student number 34 to ‘Kizana Sunobu’ and she appears in game. her task is available, but don’t do it, cause the game freezes as she doesn’t have an animation or lines for an acception. In Pose Mode, her hair is available after Osana’s but her stockings aren’t. in game, she does the same as Midori Gurin, she just walks to the Drama Club and stands in the centre of the room all day (just like Midori). also, if you go into the JSON files, her stockings are available as ‘Kizana’ and the CustomPortraits.jpg folder in StreamingAssets, if changed to 1 from 0, will show her portrait.

  3. I found the figure but don’t read this comment if you didn’t.

    are these figure sorts of collectible like bubble heads in resident evil vii. are you going to make a figure for each student?

    • in the past, yanderedev stated there would be an in game anime (something like magical girl miyuki of something). Since the magical girl wand matches the symbol on her skirt, i think the figure is her, not osana. My theory is that Osana and senpai used to watch that anime together when they were little.

  4. Without thinking, I know that the storage thing is related to KUBBZZZZ SCOUUTUTTSSS
    I’m just guessing, I haven’t even played the build.

  5. Hey Yandere Dev, I wrote a monolougue in theatre class about your progression in Yandere Simulator!

  6. I don’t really like the walls for the drama club. It’s way too much purple…not only that but it’s too dark. :/ the drama club room needs to be lighter colors, like creams or whotes. Even a tan color would probably be better. Though yeah it’s a bit more boring, the purple in the drama club room just isn’t very nice to look at.

    • The purple is probably supposed to represent royalty, since Kizana, the planned drama club leader, considers herself better than others and more deserving; a royalty. I haven’t tried the new build, but I’m not expecting him to remove purple. However, if he does decide it doesn’t look very nice, he’ll probably lighten it up. Although I’m not expecting that to happen, either.

    • You’ll never get ahead in life if you don’t focus on the important tasks first. You’ll have time to play a video game AFTER you do your homework.

      Sorry, that was the educator in me talking. For all I know, you’re a straight A student or a college/grad student, in which case you can probably afford a little free time, since you’re gonna get your work done regardless.

  7. God dang it Yanderedev I just finished making the magical girl wand for my yandere-chan cosplay and now its updated… But it was from the anime Go! Princess Precure which is probably why it was copyrighted

  8. Kizana is in the game, it’s like Osana but you have to go to student number #34 and change it to (whatever you want, it just changes what her student profile says, you could call her Shit Nugget and it would work)
    Jay will like this Easter egg…

  9. i think that tsutsudere (idk how to write it) figurine will be used in the final game to match make osana with a boy

    • in the past, yanderedev stated there would be an in game anime (something like magical girl miyuki of something). Since the magical girl wand matches the symbol on her skirt, i think the figure is her, not osana. My theory is that Osana and senpai used to watch that anime together when they were little.

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