December 17th Bug-Fixing Build

There were some bugs in the previous build, so I made a new one!

To see a list of everything that is new in the latest build, scroll down past this beautiful artwork by Ralunix!

I really love the concept in this illustration! It’s beautiful, yet morbid at the same time. It’s a very appropriate portrayal of Yandere-chan’s desires!

Change Log

  • During Mission Mode, the player is no longer able to aim a camera at a student’s face to make them stand in one spot forever, because the Awareness meter will now quickly rise for every second that the player spends aiming their camera at a student.
  • Fixed bug that would cause Nemesis’ hair to glow in Yandere Vision when she was disguised as a female student, giving away her identity.
  • Fixed bug that would cause the Mission Mode timer to count down at a lightning-fast speed when the “Pass Time” command was being used.
  • Removed one of Nemesis’ spawn points, since it was too easy to figure out who she was if she was coming from that direction.
  • Fixed bug that was preventing stolen documents from disappearing after they had been removed from the safe in Mission Mode.
  • Fixed bug that caused the mouse scrollwheel “zoom in” functionality to focus on Yandere-chan’s hips instead of her face.
  • Fixed bug that would cause the “Nemesis: Off” text label to not update after using a Mission ID to load a mission.
  • Fixed bug that was preventing Yandere-chan’s feet from creating footstep sound effects while on staircases.
  • Changed the color of the caution symbol, subtitle label, and top-of-screen notifications in Mission Mode.
  • Fixed bug that caused errors if the player attempted to access the Settings menu in Yandere-chan’s home.
  • Fixed bug that caused the game to permanently freeze if the player tried to use Pose Mode.
  • Added new voiced lines for Info-chan in the Mission Mode menu screen.
  • This isn’t actually related to the game, but I also added Nemesis to the Characters page on the official website!

What’s Next?

The plan hasn’t changed; full-steam ahead on Osana!

16 thoughts on “December 17th Bug-Fixing Build

  1. Nice work on this update! Sometimes it’s the small updates following the big ones that really make a difference! Less bugs I run into, the easier it is to enjoy the previous big update. Thanks! That said, I still hope you add some little easter egg into the game for the holidays 🙂

  2. hello yandere dev can you send me the link of game to download the upgrade please?

    PD: y love your game!! [😃] Thanks

    De: Yandere Simulator Development Blog
    Enviado: sábado, 17 de diciembre de 2016 05:38 a.m.
    Asunto: [New post] December 17th Bug-Fixing Build

    yanderedev posted: “There were some bugs in the previous build, so I made a new one! To see a list of everything that is new in the latest build, scroll down past this beautiful artwork by Ralunix!

  3. I kind of wish that you could kill nemesis-chan even if she is disguised as another female student, also if she’s disguised as the student you’re supposed to kill then you can’t complete the mission which is frustrating sometimes

  4. OK i know this isn’t the bug report section but i don’t know how to email yandev so if some one could do it for me thanks OK the bug is when or after caring a corpse the footstep sounds don’t play and again sorry and thanks if you reported it to yan dev(:

  5. Er meh gerd yandere dev whyyyyy you fixed the camera thing where the characters stood in place for a long time, there’s literally no other way to kill some of the targets when that’s fixed. For example, Kuu Dere. You’d think she’d be an easy target, but when the challenges are no witnesses, can’t speak to students, etc. there’s no way to successfully kill her. She never strays far enough away to kill her without witnesses, even when she’s by herself on the roof all the girls up there see you kill her, you can’t do a favor for her to gain her trust and even if you could, you can’t talk to her. There’s no opportunity to kill her without witnesses. It’s impossible to beat the mission without that camera glitch. The only student that you’d be able to kill with all those conditions would be Midori Gurin, because she just stands on the rooftop all day, even throughout class. Please please please find a better way, sure fix the camera glitch but make it actually possible to kill some of the students under those situations, please.

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