Unity 2019 Update

Hey! I’ve uploaded a new build of the game that runs on Unity 2019. This is a big deal, since it has given the game a noteworthy performance boost (better FPS!)

Purely for the sake of tradition, here’s some gorgeous fan art that was sent to me from an artist who wished to remain anonymous:

The only differences between this build and the previous build are:

  • You now choose screen resolution / windowed mode / quality settings after launching the game, rather than before launching it.
  • Fixed bug that would prevent Otohiko from spawning during the Alphabet Killer Challenge.
  • The game is now running on a more recent version of the Unity engine!

Personally, for me, the game is running 15 FPS faster than it did before! I used to get 35~40 FPS, but now I get 50~55 FPS! Wow! Getting closer and closer to that target of consistent 60 with every update! Let me know if you see any drastic performance improvement in the latest build!

595 thoughts on “Unity 2019 Update

  1. aww that’s exciting news. keep up the amazing work. you’re doing wonderful and your fans love you for it. never lose hope. ❤

  2. Woohoo!
    Progress to the end goal!
    You have made so much progress over the last few weeks!
    As an independent game designer I am proud!

  3. I am downloading it now! I can’t wait to play it and it saves my progress! Even though you’ve been designing this game for a long time, I say it was definitely worth it. I’m definitely buying this game when it’s done. This game has provided me entertainment and it’s scary how I can relate to Ayano a little bit. Read my comment to this if you are interested in knowing why; otherwise, please skip it. I’m hoping we can all become friends on here. And no hate comments please; especially since this took place so long ago if you do read it.

  4. I don’t murder nor do panty shots, but I have done some things Ayano would do even though in high school, my high school Senpai (my crush) noticed me and I talked to him but never asked him out. I feel like if Ayano could, she could break up a couple intentionally. I am kind of wondering if that could be part of the matchmaking option in the game to be able to break up a couple if the couple is already together. I accidentally broke up my Senpai and his girlfriend’s relationship right after he started flirting with me. I guess we all have some inner Yandere inside us.

  5. Downloading the game now! And I just wanted to let you know that I’m loving the distractions you added into the game for the Alphabet Killer Challenge! I honestly think that it’d be cool to add some of those distractions into the game (not the crazy ones, like smoke bombs. But maybe if Ayano could purchase the Rubix Cube from a store on the street, she could use it to potentially distract a student. To make it harder, they have to already be friends with that student so they’ll trust Ayano). But that’s not a priority, just one of my ideas 🙂 Can not wait for the next update and I hope Unity 2019 serves you well!

  6. Wow! I just tried it. And now, the crashing is fixed! Yay!! I usally get like 30 fps, now I get 40-45! Amazing update!!

  7. That’s awesome yan-dev! Totally looking forward to those boosts in FPS! Thanks for the update!

    On Fri, Apr 10, 2020 at 11:48 PM Yandere Simulator Development Blog wrote:

    > YandereDev posted: “Hey! I’ve uploaded a new build of the game that runs > on Unity 2019. This is a big deal, since it has given the game a noteworthy > performance boost (better FPS!) Purely for the sake of tradition, here’s > some gorgeous fan art that was sent to me from an ar” >

  8. Yes! Love the progress on Yandere Simulator! Good job on making Yandere Sim a more stable game. 😀

    I was thinking about this when I read this newest build. Now that SNAP is implemented, what other features are even waiting to be implemented in the game besides the rivals?

    • Currently, the only thing to be implemented before Osana is released is a new UI and a fresh look for the game. And a few more bug fixes. But after the rivals, he said that maybe there will be DLC rivals, also a female Senpai version, and maybe even a genderbend rival mode.

  9. the performance improved greatly. if you have a partner than the updates will go faster and Osana maybe will come back in a few weeks or months. i am looking forward to THAT!!!

  10. Yanderedev! I’ve downloaded the latest version from the MEGA.nz of the game and school was empty, even Senpai wasn’t there. if I turn off rim lights, Ayano will be completely pink and the Headmaster could’nt use shoker on her. Mission mod was even worse! Instead of names of students in the Design Mission menu was ”code-generated text” and when I loaded in the music was like in normal school, mission wasn’t active, and stundents weren’t here either

  11. I went to check the graphics and everything. Very nice work. I do have a question, is the game save button still not to be functioning properly? I just assumed once it was updated to the Unity engine 2019 version, it would save. I run into the same problems of trying to save the game. Except, the save button in the camera just froze on me (I’ve only tested that one time). But, when I go to quit and came back, it puts me back on Monday and the default clothing. I made it to Wednesday really quickly and it didn’t save the progress after I got to a stopping point to save. I just wanted to know just in case if it was possible I’m doing something wrong or if it just isn’t functioning properly at the moment still. I updated to the current version already; the newest 2nd April 10th build. Overall, I like the fps. I even got to have my computers improve on the quality for both graphics and screen resolution without crashing.

    I see I have two posts already before this post. Honestly, I don’t remember writing those. I remember telling my good ex-roommate from college about this game, who was also a computer graphic designer and learned to hack at my college for an assignment. She told me she hacked into my account as a late April Fool’s prank. She got me good on a bad day I’m already having. Unfortunately, some parts of that story were true. I’m still excited to buy the game when it comes out though!

      • It’s okay, YandereDev! You don’t need to apologize. Take as much time as you need! Although, if this isn’t fixed in the next build, I might ask this stupid question again but I will just assume if I can’t save the game yet that you haven’t fixed it and you would make an announcement about it in a later build so I quit with asking this question we would both know the answer to. In your next build update, I’ll definitely ask a question.
        This part of the paragraph isn’t as important as the above one. But if you do read it, thank you! This part of the paragraph might sound like fan mail and like I’m giving a Christian lesson when I’m trying not too. It’s just to show I do understand this whole process. But, it’s important to just show some compassion and understanding for others (also part of being a music therapy student for me)(and this is also a message to those who are criticizing the development time of this game). I’ve worked on a project called an EDGE project at my college I graduated from. It took four years (was a success) and I understand the process and challenges that come with a long-term project. But if I were to buy a game or a product, I take the quality (over the normal time for a game to come out) over an early release of the game any day, which is what you are doing by improving the quality of the game rather than trying to make a quick buck. I’m not a huge gamer, but the progress and quality you are trying to ensure is one of the reasons I like to play this game.

  12. This is bewildering!
    There have been countless amounts of improvements in recent days; I’m completely stunned! I’m very thankful for those marvellous features you’ve added.
    Keep up the significant work, YanDev!

  13. The build I have is painfully laggy so I’m waiting to get this update

    (By the way I’m from Czech Republic)

  14. Am I the only one that saw that most of the female students have now titties which are bigger that their heads?! And student council ones are bigger than two times themselves! I think this is a bug, it really made me surprised!

    • Another person has this problem too, it’s either there’s no students or you get the female students that have something unusual! ;u;

  15. That grass is hurting the fps. Having it flat is better. When I played the April 10th build the grass didn’t even load. If you’re gonna add see through windows then we should be able the open then and throw stuff or people out of them

  16. I have downloaded the latest.zip of the game and I unzipped it. But when I tried to run the game, it said that the app can’t run on my PC and to contact the editor of the software (?). I have a 64 bit laptop but Windows 10 32 bit. Is it because of that? Or is my laptop too old for that? ;-;

    • Also, the launcher didn’t work for me either. (And it’s the first time trying to download the game on this laptop)

      • I clicked right click and extract to… And then made a folder named Yanderesim ;-; And… To be honest, I don’t know how old it is, my cousin gave it to me for my birthday ;-;

      • Ah, I think you were meant to double click the “Yandere Simulator” file and then you would receive a pop-up saying you have to extract the files. If you click “Extract All” then you will receive another pop-up that tells you where you will find the extracted file.
        I normally press “Extract” on this pop-up instead of changing where I would like to put the file so nothing messes up.
        Once everything is finished, you will be directed to the file that has the game where you can play it.
        I’m sorry if that is confusing but I hope it helps ;u;

      • I would try to try an older version, but I think it would take 4 more hours to download ;-;

      • I have an old build from 2016 that I downloaded last month. It only took a few minutes since the file was smaller ;u;

      • I’ll try to download the 2016 then to see if I can run the game and then I’ll tell chu ;-;

      • Okay, so I could download a 2015 build *since it was smaller* and it worked on my laptop. It reached 40(+?) FPS and now I’m trying to think why the new build didn’t work. Oh, and something that I noticed in the New build folder: it had a thing called “UnityCrashHandlet64”. What is that?

      • Hm, I am not sure. I think it’s something to help prevent crashes – judging by its name. I hope that helps!

    • Okay, so I downloaded the March 2015 (I think) build and it works with around 26-30 FPS. So… I don’t know what to say ;-;

  17. umm … is it just me ? or there is no students in the game ? 😦 i tried everything but nothing worked .. what’s wrong ?

  18. Hello Yandere Dev. I’m sorry if I bother you. Can you please introduce in Yandere Simulator an option to allow players to change their controls ? ( 1 – because I reinstalled Yandere Simulator with the full version and had some controls changed by me, and now I can’t change them; 2 – because some keys on my laptop don’t work 😐 )

      • Of course, but am I supposed to be using the launcher? Because it doesn’t let me lunch the game via launcher, only downloading from this website. Is there something wrong or am I doing it correctly?

      • The launcher is supposed to update the game whenever there is a new update.
        If you’re downloading the latest update from the website because the launcher doesn’t work, you’re doing everything right!

  19. YandereDev your going crazy with the updates calm down o_O I’m surprised your added and fixed so much in a couple of days. Your doing an amazing job

  20. The game’s completely broken for me. Ayano’s not even being rendered properly and the school scene doesn’t load. My computer’s not the best, but the game used to run fine. Does anyone else have this issue?

    • Other people’s cases are: there are no other students with them & the female students look unusual.
      My laptop isn’t the greatest either, though the game also used to run finely for me too.
      I haven’t heard from anyone about Ayano not rendering; although someone did say that the game would quit if they tried to go to school (I think this is a crash – if I am not mistaken). I hope that helps you!
      I can’t seem to install the newest build yet – so I apologise for not being able to tell you if I am having the issue or not.

      • I see. It”s expected that the port still needs a little work. Stuff like this isn’t easy to do. I hope we can help narrow down what’s causing the issues soon. 🙂

    • Hey, just letting you guys know. I decided to test the new build on another computer and it runs flawlessly. The loadtimes are fantastic, great job! The only problem I ran into on that machine is the female students (Saki and two of the student council members) with huge breasts. The only noteable difference between the two computers is that the one I just tested supports DirectX 11, while the other one (where Ayano was rendered weirdly) doesn’t. Could this be the issue?

      • The students aren’t loading into the game somehow but Ayano seems to be broken too. Don’t worry, this will go soon, I hope!

  21. I know asking this is going to seem stupid but … when I try to open yansim a screen appears saying “YandereSimulator.exe will run when the application that is running it closes” “I think it is on my computer because I already closed all the antivirus (sorry, bad english)

  22. I have to say that i dont know why but with this update the game got alower and laggier. I think the thing that makes me lose the most fps is the transparent windows to the plaza. If i could toggle them i think FPS would be higher.

  23. Hi YanDev! Sorry to annoy you but just a couple quick questions.
    1. Will everyone/most students have tasks before Osana releases?
    2. Will we be able to join Student Council before Osana releases?
    3. Did you now that in exactly 300 days from this day it will pass Fortnite in time of development? (lul)

      • @Ari Okay I checked for real today. If you go to hatsune elissu’s vid and see where Pippi gets killed and what the rest of the video Inkyu doesn’t get killed for the rest of the video. (Just so you know Inkyu is in pippis class)

      • I swear I saw her get killed yesterday when I went to check! If I find the timestamp – I will let you know.

      • Alright then. Prove me wrong. (Geall liom nach féidir leat í a fháil marbh(Translate from Irish to English))

      • I apologise!
        I got mixed up between the two sisters again, and yes! Inkyu is not in the challenge. I seriously need to think before I speak – once again; I’m sorry! ;u;

  24. Overall, this update is great! However, I’ve been experiencing a big where when you do a mission mode challenge. It doesnt seem to work. You don’t have a target or the things you pick to make it harder. Possible fix in a few days?

    • So many bugs! Unity 2019 sure has made things a bit unusual but there might be a possible fix in a few days – let’s keep our hopes high!

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