April 28th Bug-Fixing Build

Last build still had some bugs lingering around in it! I’ve uploaded a new build with a bunch of fixes.

To read a list of all the fixes, scroll down past this absolutely amazing illustration by Manya-kun!

Fixes, Changes, Additions

  • From now on, a delinquent’s fingerprints will be on his weapon from the start of the day, rather than only appearing on his weapon when he grabbed it. (Logically, he had to get his fingerprints on his weapon while putting it in his bag before going to school.)
  • Fixed bug that allowed the player to break a delinquent’s animations by triggering the delinquent’s “shove” animation while ending dialogue with the delinquent.
  • Fixed bug that would cause delinquents to turn into the Phone Addict persona after witnessing a murder with a smartphone in their hands.
  • Fixed bug that would cause missing posters to appear for characters who were placed inside of incinerators without being incinerated.
  • Fixed bug that would allow Yandere-chan to travel backwards through time by using the “Rest” command in the infirmary after 3:30 PM.
  • Fixed bug that would cause delinquents to attack Yandere-chan immediately after witnessing her lose a fight with another delinquent.
  • Fixed bug that would cause the player to instantly get a game over during Mission Mode if their target was one of the delinquents.
  • Fixed bug that would cause the delinquents’ radio to continue playing music even if the delinquents weren’t actually around.
  • Fixed bug that caused the combat minigame to completely break if Yandere-chan was laughing when combat began.
  • Fixed bug that would cause delinquents to try to sit in occupied seats when High Population Mode was active.
  • Delinquents will no longer bust out their smartphones and start texting immediately after winning a fight.
  • Fixed bug that caused the game’s volume to jump up sharply when attending class.

47 thoughts on “April 28th Bug-Fixing Build

      • Such assertion more or less translates to “please magically finish writing up the perfect, flawless, god-like software”: that’s not possible for a human. His debugging skills are as good as it gets, especially considering he’s doing almost everything alone. Besides, if he just focuses on that 24/7, somebody else’ll start lamenting that he isn’t implementing new features.

      • @zipotuha there’s a difference between giving criticism and just being rude like you are
        it wouldn’t surprise me if your comment gets deleted later
        YandereDev is slaving over this game to please people like you instead of the fans that are in it for more than just the hype like myself
        It is very stressful for him and you should be more respectful to him if you actually care about him and his game
        Sure, he’s not the best at coding, and he’s already admitted it
        He’s also tried to explain how implementing new features always creates bugs in a game- no matter what
        If you missed out on that, look for it on his YouTube channel

      • @zipotuha, you do realize that Yandere Simulator is still a debug build, right? The whole purpose of debug builds is to fix the bugs that new features in the game cause (it’s literally called DE-BUG). So you complaining about how every build of the game has a “fuckton of bugs” makes no sence at all.
        Also when trying to critique try not to be such an ass about it. People like you are not helping the game’s development in the least.

  1. Pingback: This was expected… New Bug fixing Build! – Yandere Simulator Archives – Old Builds

  2. Question: what penalty does being beat-up cause? As in, what’s the point of healing at the nurses office if it makes you late for class? Neither the students not senpai care.

    • I don’t think the penalties have been added yet. He might still be trying to figure it out. Though if I were to theorize, you probably wouldn’t be able to run, people would gossip about you for being beaten up, and due to being injured, you could only kill people with stealth attacks. That last on is probably a stretch. Though he could’ve overlooked said feature when implementing them. But he’s normally already has everything planned. He might just be saving that mechanic for a later build.

  3. I got the update and I went to the character files, and there is a new “Reserved” person, and it isn’t Osana. I am confused, does anyone thing it is the mystery student?

  4. it is so cool! could you do an endless number of weeks in the official game so that the player does not just eliminate the rivals but also just have fun .I know that you probably just ignore me because who I am to ask you about this but still I hope ……… and so on please!and add more opportunities! Well, like new clothes so that the jander could eat that the city was open!

  5. Hi dev, i don’t know if you see these, but are Mai Waifu’s eyes meant to change colour? because i noticed this when getting a picture of her face. just wondering if this is a bug or not.

  6. @zipotuha, you do realize that Yandere Simulator is still a debug build, right? The whole purpose of debug builds is to fix the bugs that new features in the game cause (it’s literally called DE-BUG). So you complaining about how every build of the game has a “fuckton of bugs” makes no sence at all.
    Also when trying to critique try not to be such an ass about it. People like you are not helping the game’s development in the least.

  7. SO one day I was playing with the delinquents and i grabbed a bucket filled with water and went to the back of te school. I falled with the bucket of water while the delinquent was pushing me. Minigame started and yan-chan would randomly move.

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