February 6th Bug-Fixing Build

The primary purpose of this update is to fix a critical game-breaking bug in the previous build, but this update also has a handful of minor improvements, as well!

To see a list of everything that is different in the latest build, scroll down beneath this Kill La Kill-inspired artwork of the Student Council drawn by NvgOtoha!

There’s a much higher-resolution version of this artwork in NvgOtoha’s gallery, so please check it out!

Fixes, Changes, and Additions

  • Previously, I attempted to make it possible for female students to have long skirts. However, I wasn’t able to get it to work properly (a long skirt would always clip into the characters’ legs during their walk animation). Today, I came up with a possible solution to the problem, and it seems to be working. Presently, you will be able to see one student in school with a long skirt.
  • A bully can no longer be broken out of one of their bullying events by hearing a giggle from Yandere-chan. (However, a bully can still be broken out of a bullying event by seeing Yandere-chan covered in blood, carrying a weapon, acting insane, etc.)
  • If Yandere-chan causes a disruption that breaks a bully out of their bullying event, the bully will remark about how Yandere-chan “killed the mood”, and then the bully will leave the area.
  • Fixed bug that would cause students to turn invisible in Yandere-chan’s basement if they were kidnapped while wearing the 6th school uniform.
  • Fixed bug that would cause Nemesis to have a countdown timer / scrunchies / loose socks as if she was a member of the bully clique.
  • Fixed bug that would cause ankle ropes to appear on the chair in the basement even if there was no kidnapped victim in the chair.
  • Fixed bug that prevented a bully’s “Interests” screen from updating with their opinions on various subjects.
  • Fixed bug that would cause randomly-generated students to sit in the same seats as the new bully students.
  • Fixed bug that caused Kokona and Riku to clip into Musume if they walked into school as a couple.
  • Fixed bug that cause Yandere-chan to freeze in place permanently after killing a male student.
  • A student’s “bullied” animations will now take priority over their “shy” animations.
  • Fixed bug that would cause a mind-broken slave to use the “bullied” walk animation.
  • Fixed bug that would cause the bullies to target a mind-broken slave for bullying.
  • Adjusted the way that male students hold their phones.

51 thoughts on “February 6th Bug-Fixing Build

  1. If Yandere-chan causes a disruption that breaks a bully out of their bullying event, the bully will remark about how Yandere-chan “killed the mood”, and then the bully will leave the area.

    As I read the part with “killed”, I thought she “killed the bullies” than “killed the mood”.
    Oh my, what’s up my sight?

  2. Idk if you fixed this or not but with the hunger easter egg, when you eat some students and unlock the power it doesn’t work on males, only females they just yell horrifically and call the police and make the game lag.

    • I don’t think it’s a good idea to let him prioritize on easter eggs, I’m informed that he fix and implement easter eggs if he has nothing to do or to take some stress out from Yandere Simulator but seeing the build still have some bugs related to the Bully & Phone Addicts I don’t think it’s a good idea.

  3. Musume’s placeholder is intiresting.

    First off, she looks like someone who doesn’t fit in, not like the occult club members, but an outcast. This is evident by how she is alone during freetime. This is also symbolically represented with her hair, which covers a lot of her face, as if she is hiding behind it. The black colour also ties in with her personality, she doesn’t stand out in any way, her hair is an ordinary colour. And the fact that she is an easy target for bullying also makes her a bit more sympathy worthy.

    She seems like a cool character and having someone like her in the game would make the gameplay more intiresting too. She could hide from people and bullies, being an outcast, this would give her a unique schedule, she would go to wherever the least amount of people are, which is bad for you if you have already planned out a murder or scheme.

    So much for not getting attached, she’s an intiresting character and I could imagine ways she could positively affect the gameplay.

  4. If you point your camera at Horuda Puresu, take down your camera as she performs the shy animation and walk around her, her skirt will ‘expand’. It goes back to normal as soon as she starts walking again.

    • You kind of need to send the contents of that to YandereDev. I recommend e-mailing him; build comments aren’t the place for it.

  5. “I take one day off per month. Today, Feb 6th, is my day off for February. I will spend today streaming Shadow of the Colossus at twitch.tv/yanderedev – the stream will begin whenever the mailman delivers the game. I hope you join me!”- decoded message

  6. Here’s the Translation: I take one day off per month. Today, Feb 6th, is my day off for February. I will spend today streaming Shadow of the Colossus at twitch.tv/yanderedev – the stream will begin whenever the mailman delivers the game. I hope you join me!

  7. I take one day off per month. Today, Feb 6th, is my day off for February. I will spend today streaming Shadow of the Colossus at twitch.tv/yanderedev – the stream will begin whenever the mailman delivers the game. I hope you join me!

  8. yandere dev in the new build if you kill chojo you will glitch out when I played misson mode he was my target then it broke could you look at that and fix it please, thank you

  9. To be honest, I really like Horuda. She’s a cute character, and I just feel really bad for her. I know she won’t stay in the game, but if Yanderedev were to end up keeping her I personally wouldn’t be upset about it.
    I also kind of like how the bullies look. Even though I hate them because well… they’re bullies, and they pick on Horuda.

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