Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! It’s time for another…

 Yandere Sim Spooktacular!

Two years ago, I celebrated Halloween by releasing a yandere-themed tribute to Castlevania. Last year, I paid homage to Undertale. I wanted to keep the tradition alive this year, but I also didn’t want it to take up a lot of my time. So, I decided to make an extremely simple minigame that would only take me a couple of nights to create.

The idea was to make a parody of “Slender: The Eight Pages“, which was the most simple horror game I could think of. However, somewhere along the way, my parody evolved into something original! Considering the fact that I only spent two nights on it, I’m quite happy with how it turned out. Please check it out below!

Here are the download links:

Official Website: http://www.yanderesimulator.com/MidoriForest.zip

Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/file/fevccc12l60lmd6/MidoriForest.zip

Remember; the objective was to create an extremely simple minigame as quickly as possible,.The ending is abrupt, and there’s probably not much replay value. I still hope that you manage to get some enjoyment out of it anyway!

In addition to the above minigame, I also want to share some artwork and cosplay with you today! Click “Continue Reading” to see the rest of this year’s Spooktacular!

The above illustration was drawn by MarvelPoison! It’s sooooo cute! I think she did a wonderful job of picking out appropriate costumes for all of the characters!

The above 4 illustrations are from Sad Adrian, who clearly enjoys drawing Yandere Sim’s characters in elegant attire. I absolutely love the outfits he’s designed for the characters! I just can’t get enough of his gorgeous artwork, so here’s a couple of bonus illustrations of Oka Ruto and Asu Rito from him!

The two illustrations above came from Azurra Mysteria! She has drawn Megami as a mummy, and Nemesis as a Jiangshi – that’s a Chinese vampire!

Halloween is all about costumes, so I’d like to take this opportunity to share some outstanding cosplay by Minta! She chose to cosplay Amai, which is wonderful, since I rarely see cosplay for her! It’s a really well-done cosplay, and her photographer Layla Alter took such amazing pictures! You can see the whole gallery of photos here: https://imgur.com/a/7UHsU

The next cosplayer I’d like to acknowledge is Simbamboo, who looks absolutely gorgeous as Yandere-chan! Her photographer, Barak Elbaz, did an excellent job as well! You can view all photos of her cosplay here: https://imgur.com/a/nwQZQ

This isn’t actually Halloween-related, but it definitely falls under the category of “horror”! An artist named V1V404 has drawn a series of bone-chilling Yandere Sim illustrations! You can see all of her morbid and grotesquely beautiful Yandere Sim artwork here: https://imgur.com/a/ouJwv

Last but not least, I want to share something with you; it’s an illustration by Mulberry that was created for one of my videos, but was never used. It was meant to convey the idea of an “unfinished Osana”, but was a little too horrific. Halloween is the perfect day for horror, so here’s the illustration that never got a chance to be seen!

I hope you enjoyed the artwork and cosplay that I wanted to share with you! If I see any more outstanding Halloween-themed Yandere Sim fan art or videosover the next 24 hours, I’ll update this blog post to share it with you!


Sakura Media, the group who is currently creating an animated series based on Yandere Simulator, has uploaded a Halloween Special! Check it out below!


Last year, TachTan instantly became one of my favorite Yandere Sim fan-artists by drawing 31 Yandere Sim illustrations in the span of just one month – the “Inktober” challenge. This year, she’s done it again, and her drawings are just as gorgeous as they were before! In addition, she has also created this wonderful artwork:


The talented SKY-Lia has produced a wonderful music video depicting Yandere-chan as a lovelorn zombie during an undead apocalypse! I absolutely adore the art style! Please check it out!

When is the next Yandere Simulator update?

I’ll be releasing a new build on November 1st.

Osana’s confession cutscene is 100% finished, and I’m eager to make a video about it! There’s a lot of material for me to cover in my next video, so it probably won’t be ready by Nov 1st. I’d like to give you an estimate for when the next video will be ready…but it always comes back to bite me when I make an estimate that turns out to be incorrect, so this time around, I’ll just say: “within the next few days.”

Thank you for following the development of Yandere Simulator – and have a Happy Halloween!

40 thoughts on “Happy Halloween!

      • Osana is around 98% finished at least. Dev-pai (yandere dev) still needs to work a little bit on ironing out some Osana-related bugs (glitches.) He was working for years on Osana, but remember, OSANA IS NOT THE ONLY THING HE IS FOCUSED ON. He could also be working on Club leaders, instead of the place holder demonic ones. He could be working on a way to make the game a little better (even though it is already amazing,) etc etc. I don’t exactly know but I’m kinda 100% sure that Osana is not the MOST important thing he needs to do. (he still needs to fix bugs so Osana doesn’t turn out like normal students. glitching through walls, expanding neck, etc could have to be fixed before Osana is put inside the game.)

  1. There are so many talented artists sending in art and dev did such a nice job of picking out illustrations for the holiday! If any of the artists see this for some reason, I applaud your skill ^^

  2. That was freaking HILARIOUS! If only the video had ended with a dozen Midoris going “YANDERE DEV, YANDERE DEV!”. That would have been perfect.

    Great art as always. I especially like “unfinished Osana”, in a twisted sort of way.

    SPEAKING OF WHICH! Have you played “Doki Doki Literature Club”? It seems like the kind of game you might enjoy. I suspect, given everything that’s appeared or been hinted at for Yandere Simulator, you probably don’t have to worry about the content warnings…it’s an emotional roller coaster, though. (Least that’s how I found it)

    I literally just posted my “halloween special” yandere sim animatied series finale c:

  4. yanderedev yanderedev …
    where is the next update yanderedev? …
    in the few next days yanderedev ? …
    it’s not how it works yanderedev …
    I’m not happy yanderedev …
    you’ll pay for it … readdy? …


  5. Wow! The complete confession cutscene! Finally, I can’t wait! And that unfinished Osana… that’s horrifying. Who’s the artist that did that? I want to see more of their artwork.

    Keep up the fun YanDev! ❤

  6. Pingback: September 1st Bug-Fixing Update | Yandere Simulator Development Blog

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  9. Pingback: Happy Halloween! | Yandere Simulator Development Blog

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