I’m sorry.

Hi. You’ve probably heard some really concerning stuff over the last few days. You might have seen a video that has left you feeling worried, disappointed, and wondering what I have to say for myself.

There’s a part of me that wants to say, “No, you don’t understand, the video was edited in an extremely dishonest and misleading way, blah blah blah…” but, no, I’m not going to focus on that.

There’s a part of me that wants to do what I usually do, and type out a massive essay where I over-explain absolutely every single detail about the entire situation, provide context to absolutely everything, go point-by-point down the list of every possible fact that could make the situation easier to understand.

But, no, I’m not going to do that. This isn’t a blog post about how, “Actually, you see, I didn’t really do anything all that bad, if you consider all the facts…” I’m just going to take accountability and own up to a really, REALLY huge fucking mistake that I’ve made.

A few months back, a fan of the game DM’d me and wanted to chat. I normally just turn fans away and tell them I’m busy, but in this case, the fan seemed really funny and interesting, so I agreed to talk. After around 2 months, I agreed to do a voice chat with her.

Right off the bat, she let me know that she was 16. At the time, I didn’t even perceive this as a problem. “What do I care what her age is? She’s just a funny fan of the game who wants to talk to me. This is no big deal!” I rationalized to myself that it was fine. (This was massive mistake #1. More to follow.)

We talked for a while, and eventually, I started to feel really comfortable speaking to her. I started talking to her the same way I would speak to any of my other friends – like she was “One of the Guys.” I made the same type of vulgar jokes that I make when voice chatting with my other friends. This was an absolutely unacceptable mistake. No grown-up should ever use adult language or make adult jokes in the presence of a minor. Just because I “felt really comfortable speaking to her,” that doesn’t make it okay. That’s no excuse, not in the slightest.

Occasionally, she would say something flirty towards me. Most of the time, I would shut that down immediately, and refused to reciprocate. However, there were times when I didn’t shut it down, and let her talk to me that way without stopping her.

Obviously, it goes without saying that THIS WAS ABSOLUTELY NOT FUCKING OKAY. This was the point in time when I should have instantly disengaged and ended all contact with her. In any interaction between an adult and a minor, it is the adult’s responsibility to put an immediate stop to any inappropriate behavior. There is absolutely no excuse for tolerating this as if it was okay. “I didn’t want to be a buzzkill” or “I didn’t want to ruin the vibes” or “We were just having a lighthearted jokey conversation, it didn’t really feel like anything wrong was happening” are not acceptable excuses in the slightest.

At some point, she started recording our conversations so that she could share my jokes with her friends. However, one of her friends interpreted my remarks as showing sexual interest in her. They convinced her that I was trying to “groom” her, and that she should release all of her recordings to “expose” me.

Her friend pressured her into providing the recordings to a drama YouTuber who began producing a video about the situation. A preview of the video revealed that the intention of the video would be to characterize me as a predator/groomer by presenting clips of the conversation that sounded sexual.

(Obviously, it doesn’t matter how the recordings were made public, because the entire situation never should have been allowed to happen in the first place. I am just explaining why such a video even exists.)

Watching the recordings of the way I interacted with her has been mortifying for me. I keep thinking, “I actually did that??” and “You god damn idiot!!” whenever I’m reminded of something inappropriate that I said in conversation with her. I’m not going to spend a million years belaboring this point, but I want you to know that I have been kicking myself nonstop since this situation happened. I feel disgust and disappointment in myself on a level that I have never before felt on my entire life.

It was foolish – EXTREMELY damn foolish – for me to think to myself that it was possible to rationalize an adult becoming friends with a minor, because no matter what the adult’s intentions are in the beginning, there are so many potential things that can go wrong involving an adult and a minor alone together that the scenario should never even be allowed to happen in the first place. (Not to mention the inherent power imbalance, etc. I could write out every single reason why an adult and a minor can’t have a meaningful friendship, but then this blog post would be twice as long.)

Over the years, a lot of people have contacted me to tell me that they look up to me. That they admire me. That I inspired them. Right now, I’m thinking about all the people who ever said those words to me, and I realize that my actions have completely invalidated their words. No, someone who makes this kind of mind-numbingly stupid mistake is not admirable or inspiring.

“I let the fans down.” I keep saying that to myself, over and over. Years of trying my best to prove that I’m not the bad guy that people say I am, and then I go and screw up so badly that I’ve retroactively vindicated some of the hate that has been directed at me.

It’s ironic. I’ve always tried so hard to disprove the hateful remarks that people make about me by doing the opposite of what they expect of me. For example, if people say I’m lazy, I respond by working more hours than usual. If people say I’m greedy, I respond by turning down opportunities to make money. If people say I’m interested in minors, I respond by adding rules to my Discord server to actively discourage minors from participating. At every turn, I try my absolute best to disprove every ignorant and hateful false accusation that people make about me.

And now, look what I’ve gone and done. Instead of doing everything in my power to disprove the allegations that I’m attracted to kids, I made some remarks that sound really, really, REALLY fucking questionable. I’m not even going to say, “It only sounds bad because it’s out of context! If only you had the context, you’d understand that it wasn’t so bad…” I’m just going to own up to this one. The fact that it even happened at all is bad, regardless of the context. There is no excuse. It is an outright fuck-up, pure and simple.

After that video went public, some of the game’s volunteers started receiving harassment and abusive messages. Several of them have already contacted me to inform me that they can no longer be associated with me or my project, and want me to remove their assets from the game. I get it. There is a part of me that wants to profusely beg them to reconsider, but whatever they decide, I’m going to respect their wishes.

It’s one thing to make a stupid mistake that results in self-humiliation. It’s another thing to make a mistake that affects all of the people who associate with me. However, it’s a mistake on an entirely different level to make a mistake that involves an inappropriate interaction with a minor.

At this point in time, it’s difficult to determine exactly how much this is going to impact the development of Yandere Simulator. If I have to replace huge numbers of assets – hundreds of voice-acted lines, for example – I won’t lie, that’s going to be a pretty big setback. I really only have myself to blame for it, though.

For what it’s worth, I’d like to make you aware of the fact that the fan I spoke to has expressed her feelings on the situation. You can find her post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/yandere_simulator/comments/16ponuy/disrespecting_the_victim/

I feel like it’s going to take a really long time for me to forgive myself for such a stupid mistake. But, as the first step, I’ve donated $1,000 to RAINN, an organization that provides care and benefits to survivors of abuse:

I know that it doesn’t instantly wash away my bad decisions, but I hope it demonstrates that I’m willing to do whatever feels necessary to begin atoning for my mistakes.

I’d like to apologize to my volunteers, to my fans, and to anyone who has ever called themself my friend.

I am truly and sincerely sorry. Actions speak louder than words, though, so I’m going to try my hardest to grow as much as I can from this and make absolutely sure that nothing even remotely similar to this ever happens in the future.

EDIT: Please don’t bash the fan who DM’d me. That’s the last thing I want.

EDIT 2: Throughout the years, many “YandereDev impostors” have impersonated me and said awful things while using my username and avatar. As a result of the recent controversy, a lot of these “Look, YandereDev said something awful!” screenshots are resurfacing and being spread around. Please don’t fall for the fakes; it’s not me in those screenshots.

398 thoughts on “I’m sorry.

  1. All I’m gonna say is, this will make it incredibly difficult to defend you in comment sections.
    I understand the nuance of the situation and wish it didn’t end this way, regardless seeing that you were willing to atone for your mistake more than proves your worth to me.

    • Though, his emotions are unstable, it won’t give him a reason to stop development. All he could do by now after working on the game and not releasing it yet after 9 years, is to take a break.

    • bro if u want him to stop working on the game u can easily just quit, he knows he made a mistake and feels terrible, im sure hes in therapy rn but no need to write this stupid ass comment on an apology post, what are u? 12?

  2. Yanderedev, thank you for apologizing for such a situation in such manner. Actually claiming your mistake rather than making excuses for it is really, really hard and takes A LOT of guts and self-awarness to do. I am glad that you are trying to make thing better by actions and not words, this is what really shows your intentions. Thank you for this post. It shows that you’re learned from your past mistakes, and this is worth the respect.

  3. Judging by Jelly/the alleged Victim’s response (as well as Ally/the Youtuber’s messages) I think it’s safe to say that Ally wasn’t being very respect for of Jelly and was trying to make you sound as bad as possible. While this does not excuse your recorded actions, I think Ally was definitely trying to go increase the hate on you. Jelly cleared up that she does not think she was groomed and does not feel traumatized, yet Ally just ignores it and tries to victimize Jelly. Obviously, there will be lots of backlash as many people don’t spend a lot of time considering and just make a lot of assumptions. Anyways, I’ve been following your game for a while now and am concerned about what will happen to Yan Sim after this.

      • Wow, I’m such a dumbfuck… I read the Reddit post and holy shit…

        I feel bad for her, her life was ruined because of Ally who exploit to push the Anti YandereDev hate campaign

        I know YandereDev isn’t a saint, this kind of shit literally is really sussy especially Ally disrespecting her wishes

      • I could be missing important context, but i feel like one of the major details that many people seem to be overlooking here is that reddit post. Unless the subject comes back later to say that yandev pressured her into making the statement, her word is important to consider

  4. Yandere dev, before, people were saying that you did weird stuff in the past. But reading this today, I can see that you clearly apologize for your actions that have been taken place in the past and I sincerely wish that you have a good recovery from these emotions. I many not support you fully, but I can say that you’re no longer the predator everyones been talking about.

    • Infact, I don’t even know if you were a predator in the first place *excuse me on that mistake.*. I meant the person everyone’s been talking about in the past. Again, I wish full recovery of all weighed down emotions in your head yandere dev.

  5. Wow… This is a lot. It doesn’t particularly matter how I feel about this but this is just really really disappointing as someone who has been on your side for the last 8 years or so, defending you from previous allegations. I can understand that it was a mistake and it just got too far, and I’m glad that you’ve owned up to it rather than squashed it down, but I really don’t know what to think right now. Yandere simulator has been one of my special interests since I was a kid. I hope both you and the girl involved heal from this.

  6. Yandere Dev, there is no need to think that you are to blame. After all, no one was harmed by your actions, and if there are no victims, there are no culprits.

    In any case, it’s obvious that the public made a big deal out of nothing. Someone wanted to raise the drama again, as it was a few years ago.

    I wish you to find the strength to survive this difficult moment. I am sure that your true fans will stay with you and support you.

    • I fully support your position. In the new drama, the development of the game is once again suffering, and the situation is inflated like a bubble due to public pressure. I can only wish Alex to gather his strength and get through this situation.

    • I fully support your position. In the new drama, the development of the game is once again suffering, and the situation is inflated like a bubble under public pressure. I can only wish Alex to gather his strength and get through this situation.

    • Criticizing someone else’s work is not harassment (and now Dev is being accused of exactly that). Criticism is not punishable in any way, it is not considered something forbidden, it is not condemned by society. Yes, criticism can be hurtful to the person criticized, but that’s no reason to condemn Dev and support accusations of harassment.

      As for sexual art with underage characters…. Let’s talk about facts: if these arts are present on the regular internet (twitter) and not the darknet, therefore it is not illegal. So then what should we blame Dev for? He’s not violating anything by viewing publicly available content. Besides, we all gravitate towards something aesthetic and there is nothing wrong with that either. Some of us draw it, some of us watch it. It doesn’t hurt anyone.

      I am defending Dev because I sincerely see nothing wrong with his actions. I’ve thoroughly researched the whole situation with the new drama, so my opinion is valid and not unsubstantiated.

  7. Cancel culture going too far yet again. Talked to a 16-year-old who initiated contact with you like an actual human being? Time to end your career.

    I don’t know you personally or how hard you actually work, but I do feel very bad for any additional work this causes by way of volunteers wanting their assets removed. When I have friends participate in my projects these days, I have them sign a one-page contract stating they understand there will be no compensation and the license is non-revocable to avoid that scenario popping up. I started doing it after some of my older friends began expressing political views that I disagree with; you never know when someone will decide they need to ruin someone else’s hard work for “justice.”

  8. I get that your trying to take responsiblity for making a stupid mistake but i personally would sue The friend and this allymcc person for defamation and get my moneys worth but i get that your trying to take responsiblity.

    • I don’t think he should sue the friend. As far as I can tell, the friend was the most vocal person for stopping the video from being made and even had the video taken down.

  9. Everybody makes mistakes. We are all human. The important thing is to learn from it and not do them again.
    Don‘t be so hard on yourself – if you weren‘t a person of interest nothing of this would have happened.
    You are accepting the point that it was a mistake, you are taking responsibility for it, at the moment, there is nothing more you can do.
    Learn from it, avoid it in the future, and everybody will forget about this in time.

  10. Regardless of my opinion on the situation (i havent fully made one yet) one thing is clear. The crowdfunding is dead. I honestly wasnt sure how confident I was in its success at this point in the first place. Now though it is clear. No matter what happens from now on (if the game even gets finished) I dont think a crowdfunding campaign will be possible. It really is a shame considering the past 6 months have been on such a good track. If this is where the games development ends you had a good run. If that happens I hope you can put your focus on generally improving yourself and just living life. No ones beyond redemption from life. From the community though? that might be a different story.

  11. Yes, you should have known better, even if the PiQ contacted you first. But as you have shown, you have taken accountability and have owned up to your mistakes (without the use of a ukulele too).
    You have proven to care deeply about your community, maybe a little too far in this case, but nonetheless you do.
    What you need to do, Alex, is to remember to set boundaries and continue with development. You’ve come too far to abandon Yandere Simulator.
    At the end of the day, you had nothing to gain from talking to your fan and the PiQ has said that they have, to sum it up, felt fine (apart from feeling bad about the outcome).
    Remember, Alex. No matter how platonic, young fans are not your friends.

  12. Honestly I think something like this had to happen to realize how inappropriate your conversations with the fan was, I don’t think there was any ill-intention behind your actions and from it seems the fan doesn’t feel victimized in any way from your interactions. But it’s easy to forgot that as a very prominent creator and an adult there’s a level of responsibility and conduct you gotta hold yourself too. There’s probably gonna be a lot of heat and discourse to power through but I do really admire how you held yourself accountable and are recognizing the gravity of the situation and your actions, and that you’re trying to take the right steps to improve yourself. I’m sorry this unfolded in such a messy way for all parties involved. No matter what happens with you and with the game, I do believe that you’ll be able to recover from this. This fan at least still supports you and hope that you’re able to grow and learn from this situation, good luck Yandere Dev and thank you for the hard work you’ve done for us.

  13. It’s okay, Yandere Dev! We all make mistakes. I understand how you feel right now, and yeah, it sucks that we can’t load a save file, and try again like in video games.
    But… no matter what happens, I’ll keep on supporting you and the development of Yandere Simulator.

  14. In my opinion, everyone deserves a second chance to fix what they’ve done, and donating $1,000+ to RAINN sounds very remorseful. I’ve been a fan of the game for a while now and I believe Alex isn’t a bad guy.

  15. I know poeple will say things but first of all i believe in you yandere dev you are not a bad guy and that you donarnted proves that but even if poeple on tik tok YouTube and Twitter call you out for Bening a grommer i dont belive it and i wanna say one thing more i love yandere simulator and i will never stop playing it even if you quit depelmeont your game is one is the best ive played in years

  16. You are to blame for this event. What are you really thinking, interacting with minors? They are still young and probably don’t know if things are right or wrong. But you are an adult, right? You should be able to judge whether things are good or bad. So what is this? Many people were hurt by you, including volunteers, fans of the game, and others who had nothing to do with it. This is truly unforgivable.
    As a fan of yours, I am disappointed. I am really, really sorry.

  17. Should the situation have had the chance to happen? No. But did grooming occur in this situation? NO. And I say this having read the attached reddit post; Jelly does not WANT this information spread. Those who are doing so are literally going against the comfortability and bypassing the CONSENT of said minor. Ally made Jelly uncomfortable, but they continued trying to manipulate Jelly into twisting things. Alex never actively pursued a sexual relationship with a minor; nobody was genuinely harmed here. It was an irresponsible mistake, but this is FAR from pedophilia.

    Say that Jelly comes forward and says, without prior coercion, “I feel that I was victimized by Alex, I feel very uncomfortable with him, here is why”, then we can reevaluate. For now, responsibility was taken, and Alex is holding himself accountable. There is nothing that anybody else needs to do, and there is nothing someone could add to this fire that would be beneficial to Jelly nor the situation in any way (EXCEPT LEAVING IT ALONE LIKE THEY HAVE ASKED!)

  18. I believe you! I’m really sorry that this happened to you! I love your work, please don’t stop working on it! I love seeing the game develop even if it’s just minor improvements! I believe in you and I know that it will be a wonderful game as long as you have fun developing it! I will never stop playing, in fact i already downloaded all of the old builds so i can play all of them and follow the development blog bit by bit! And even without all the assets, the work you did still remains and I believe it will be wonderful when it’s finally finished!

  19. i heard what happend on tiktok and i was shocked.. i came here to see that your really terrible for your mistake, btw they said that she wasnt 16 they said that she was 9, but anyways im glad that you saw your mistake! please dont do it again!

    • He made a major mistake by talking with a fan and regarding her as “one of the guys.” She showed one of her friends their conversation and that “friend” forced her to give it to a YouTuber that apparently made him seem a lot worse. He acknowledges that he definitely fucked up in a major way and should have stopped but he screwed up and wants to take steps to help make up for his mistakes

  20. Hey… I know this is really hard but.. a couple things:
    1 – Regarding the game: I think it’s best if you sell the project to another company at this point. Nobody’s going to buy the game if you keep making it. A bunch of well known artists have spoken up and it’s irreversible.
    2 – Regarding you: I think you genuinely seem sorry, but this can’t go unseen. The consequence is to leave the game to someone else and try to have a fresh start. I don’t believe in cancel culture, obviously you need to make something out of your life, mistakes and all included.
    I wish you the best.
    – A long time fan.

  21. welp, you flunked up. while what you did wasn’t grooming, it was very weird and kinda creepy, but you’re genuine admitting your mistake, taking accountability, and working to make up for it.
    hope you’re able to recover from this

  22. you fucked it up dev, but I can see that you are really lonely too, the mistake is made already, so please, try to get over it, and please don’t hate her, she’s with you too

  23. At this point I’m so exhausted of all the drama revolving around this game’s development that I wish you’d sell it to some company so that it could finally be finished. I’ve followed the game’s development for almost ten years, have defended you many times. But it’s been so long already. And now, another drama to make the game’s development slow down again. You should sell the project and go do some therapy because, in my opinion, it’s no longer worth working on. The game’s development is something that hurts you and your reputation hurts the game at this point.
    I’m a fan and I wish to not say stuff like this, but I can’t see any better way for this project to continue…

      • Exactly… I just hope Yandere Dev does the best decision regarding the game’s development. I’d hate to see this project going to waste

    • I’m thinking the same thing now Michaela laws and the other volunteers left him…

      It’s better to let a company or someone to handle the game…

      Yandere Simulator’s development suffer because of this recent issue

  24. This is extremely disappointing considering how much I love the game and how it’s grown. I was shocked when I saw Bijuu Mike’s video on how he’s not going to be playing the game anymore and when Michaela Laws left but I am glad that you realized how badly you messed up and are going to try to take steps to fix this. I do hope that things get fixed and more things are clarified because I would love to continue playing the game but right now I’m hesitant to do so

  25. I don’t even know what to say… You definitely screwed up big time, Yandev. But I’m gonna stay neutral for now. I know how much your haters exaggerate this kinds of stuff, so I can’t believe any videos that are on youtube right now. what I have to say is, I’m not the person that was involved in all this so I can’t say anything for everyone. However I hope thinks work out for you and them.

  26. Damn I didn’t even know this was happening, I don’t have any social medias or anything and I was just like yippeee! Cant wait for next build!
    The bravery it takes to admit a mistake however is astonishing and I appreciate the honesty and donating to that organization.
    I’ve made lots of mistakes in the past too and I hope you don’t let the guilt destroy your life. ‘Forgiveness wasn’t gifted for the innocent’
    I don’t know the best next step from here, I’ve been a fan of the game for a long time and tbh I’d hate to see another developer destroy the vision I’ve had for the game you’ve been planning, however this game is clearly causing you so much grief and it breaks my heart. I wish I could help in any possible way (if you don’t remember, I’m Mel, who volunteered for art help a while back :)) but all I can really do is recommend you take a break. Time fixes everything, and you haven’t taken a break in a long time so please take a break. It’ll help I hope.
    Whatever you decide to do I’m still on your side, mostly because im quite proud of the honesty you showed and now doing that whole debunking process. Much love Dev, it’ll get better ❤️‍🩹

  27. We all make mistakes and always ask for
    Forgiveness and we get forgiveness no matter what. YandereDev plz keep what you doing on making the game for your fans ❤️🥰 don’t forget we will always forgive your mistakes and your actions 🥰

  28. I’d hate to be that one person, but this is your fault and you’re the one to blame for the event. I was shocked to see that Bijuu Mike would stop posting Yan Sim content and the VA for Ayano/Ryoba left due to the drama; at this point I feel like you need to stop developing the game for a while, take a huge break and get therapy. I hope things go well for both you and the victim in the future, as a fan of the game’s development since Jay and Bijuu’s videos of it..I’m disappointed. You should think of what you did and get some help, that’s the best for your fans and your well-being mentally

  29. Thank you for not making an excuse, Yandere Simulator is like my favourite game, all I can think about. But after this, volunteers leaving, Youtubers quitting, I don’t think it’ll be the same game. I might not support you fully but I might consider continuing to play. I think you should take a break and get therapy. I wish you the best for you and the child and I hope you listen to every single comment’s words. Maybe i’ll check the blog from time to time, but for now…You need help.

  30. I didn’t even know something lke this happened.. Kudos to YanDev for owning up tho. Imo, the overdramatization from the youtuber wasn’t necessary and was only for views, and if the fan was all right, like completely fine physically, emotionally, and psychologically, I really think it isn’t a MASSIVE deal. Of course, YanDev could have done better, like he said, no excuse for letting the flirty jokes continue with a minor, but you don’t see people owning up like this anymore nowadays without 10 different excuses and a ukelele lmao. I’ll keep playing and supporting Yandere Simulator no matter what, keep focusing on doing the next right thing YanDev!

  31. hi YanDev I heard what the drama said. I’m actually appreciate that you have apologized. I’m also going to still be neutral I’ll still be with you. I’m not mad, I’m just a little bit disappointed This is a good step in the right direction. You just need a learner. Forgive yourself and move on. And if people are going to hate you for this and try to ruin your life, there’s nothing you can do about it. But always remember, no one is perfect. No one is perfect in this drama. I’m not perfect. You’re not perfect. The people are against. You aren’t perfect, and no one is. I’m glad you just put this out so the whole thing doesn’t get even worse. Although you’re not perfect, but people can still see that you’re not this type of monster that people are trying to make it out for you. But you have made mistakes. So I hope the best of luck. Good luck of you and I’ll talk to you again.

  32. hi YanDev I heard what the drama said. I’m actually appreciate that you have apologized. I’m also going to still be neutral I’ll still be with you. I’m not mad, I’m just a little bit disappointed This is a good step in the right direction. You just need a learner. Forgive yourself and move on. And if people are going to hate you for this and try to ruin your life, there’s nothing you can do about it. But always remember, no one is perfect. No one is perfect in this drama. I’m not perfect. You’re not perfect. The people are against. You aren’t perfect, and no one is. I’m glad you just put this out so the whole thing doesn’t get even worse. Although you’re not perfect, but people can still see that you’re not this type of monster that people are trying to make it out for you. But you have made mistakes. So I hope the best of luck. Good luck of you and I’ll talk to you again.

  33. Wow. I don’t really know what to say. I have been such a big supporter and defender against the drama. All I can say is, it isn’t as bad as it could be. You did multiple times try to shut down the advances and didn’t exploit her for nudes and stuff. I still want the game, but I need time for this. Sad ti see even the VA for Ayano has left because of this. I guess all that’s left to say is, despite everything, don’t hurt yourself, Dev

  34. Wow, I heard a bit about this, but just assumed that it was gremlins lying through their teeth yet again… but having read this, I went and did a deeper dive into what happened and… yeesh. I took a nap and I still don’t know what to think. You’ve been a huge inspiration to me as a game developer and I’ve been so excited for this game to come out. I still think that the Youtuber exploited the friend for bad faith reasons, and painted you in a worse light… but this is still very bad. I think now is a good time for you to finally take a break and get therapy. I’ve been thinking you deserve a break for a while… but now I think you NEED a break, ya know.

  35. i was really shocked when i saw bijuu mike uploaded his video and michaela laws stopped working with you, which is really sucks, and this drama is so messy it resemble more jeffree stars drama, especially after jeffree interview with chris hansen regarding his old friend dahvie vanity action, or prince andrew, duke of york controversy. Its hard to diferentiate between fact and hoax, you should lay low and take a break but still continued to develop the game slowly, i hope this situation can be settled down between every party,best of luck for you dev and every party

  36. I don’t have much hope for this game to complete quickly ,I just hope that you could look for therapy and some days of resting after this ,those 7 years are hell and it definitely effects your behavior ,please delay your project for your physical and mental health

    • tbh it really sad to see his progress being watsed, this game has so much potential. i hope he didnt hurt himself in any possible way

  37. hi YandereDev, first of all i know i shouldn’t write this here but i’m aware of all the drama that is going on, and i want to reassure you that there are people (like me) who are on your side, it’s not really your fault because that kid was so immature that couldn’t understand that what you said were just jokes, i hate the fact that they always need to target you for everything but i never believed them. you aren’t a bad person or something like that, i trust you Dev, i love you and your awesome game! that i am still looking forward to play the full version, if you want you can take a break from Yandere Simulator development for a couple of months, i am perfectly fine with this atleast its for your own good, you can take those months to take care of yourself, i was and i still am someone that never harass you with the development because i know that you want this game to be a success and i want that to!

  38. Hello Yan-Dev ! I jst wanted to tell you something about the mistake you made, we can all see that tou’re absolutly aware of how bad it is and also how bad and responsable you feel. But i just wanted to make a quick reminder, EVERYONE makes mistakes and I can’t count how many stories and accusations like this exists on the net. But as I can see, you didn’t harass, injure, threaten or blackmail someone, you didn’t get her in danger, you just were a way too friendly with her, as a result, her friends easely manipulated her and got you and your reputation of “game developper” in trouble. But THAT is not making you a criminal, pardon my english but you just fucked up, this is not an excuse to make you feel that bad. I admire you since i discovered the game, in 2016, and a bunch of people like me knows that you’re not a pedophile or something, this just happen. So i’m in the team of “we still love you”, shit like that happen, just be more carefull next time buddy. That’s all for me.

  39. Alex, save your dignity, refund your money, its not going anywhere except for schools to people who will NOT get educated.
    “To prove to you that i am not a groomer, i will pay for Anti-Groomer education” This sounds silly.
    Stop being so sorry, it ain’t funny, you just say sorry once, you haven’t killed or raped anyone, Stop crying over every mistake you do, Be a jerk for once, it really feels repulsive how every time the community cries over a plunder you made, you bend your ass to them, Stop this, Be ashamed for being too sorry.

  40. I’m proud of you YandereDev for admitting to this mistake. That’s what all it was, a stupid mistake. We’ve all seen the ‘Youtube apology’ type of video, and I’m really glad that you didn’t go along that route of fake apologising. What you’ve said here is a sincere and well thought out response, and I hope to see more from YandereSim in the future. For now though, I feel like it would be best to not work on the game for a while, as it’ll help both your mental health and it’ll help with public opinion of you too. Best wishes mate, and good luck with everything.

  41. Hello Yan-Dev ! I jst wanted to tell you something about the mistake you made, we can all see that tou’re absolutly aware of how bad it is and also how bad and responsable you feel. But i just wanted to make a quick reminder, EVERYONE makes mistakes and I can’t count how many stories and accusations like this exists on the net. But as I can see, you didn’t harass, injure, threaten or blackmail someone, you didn’t get her in danger, you just were a way too friendly with her, as a result, her friends easely manipulated her and got you and your reputation of “game developper” in trouble. But THAT is not making you a criminal, pardon my english but you just fucked up, this is not an excuse to make you feel that bad. I admire you since i discovered the game, in 2016, and a bunch of people like me knows that you’re not a pedophile or something, this just happen. So i’m in the team of “we still love you”, shit like that happen, just be more carefull next time buddy. That’s all for me.

  42. Mistakes happen. I always support you. I learn programming because of you. I always dreamed that when I finished my studies, I would volunteer to work with you.

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