Moving Forward

I’ve been exhibiting horribly self-destructive behavior on a regular basis for a long time now.

As a result of the many conversations I’ve had over the past few days, I think I can pinpoint the cause. My downward spiral is the result of consistently making incredibly unwise lifestyle choices that have caused my mental health to deteriorate massively over time.

It didn’t hit me until recently just how bad things had gotten. Haven’t left the house since July 2019, no real-life acquaintances, 16+ hours on the computer every day, no vacations in half a decade, prioritizing work above my physical health…it shouldn’t be any surprise whatsoever that when you allow both your body and mind to completely waste away, you dissolve into a “mistake machine” – a person that is capable of nothing but bad decisions, who exists solely to cause problems for others.

Since the last blog post, a lot of people have reached out to me to share the same advice: “See a therapist.” “Get hobbies that don’t involve a computer or TV screen.” “Step away from game development for a few months.” All of it can be summarized as: “Start making healthy life choices that will turn you into more of a normal human being.” And, I honestly can’t argue with that.

This might sound like a really random time to launch into an anecdote, but…I’d like to mention something really quick.

Recently, somebody messaged me to tell me something. A few years ago, when his girlfriend was on the verge of suicide, she sent me a fan mail. I responded to her to thank her for her kind words. Apparently, this cheered her up so much that she stopped thinking about killing herself. She’s still alive today. He just wanted to tell me, “Thank you for saving my girlfriend’s life.”

I keep thinking about that story, and other stories like it. Times when someone reached out to me to let me know that I cured their depression or saved their life. Those stories make me feel like I have the potential to affect the world in a positive way. But, that’s only if I stop making such dumb decisions all the time. And I can only stop making dumb decisions if I get healthy. And the only way to get healthy is to start making healthier life choices.

If I want to do more good than harm to the world, I have to get my head straight. That might involve spending less time at the PC, less time on the Internet…and less time developing the game.

A lot of people have been asking me if the recent controversy will cause me to stop developing the game, or give the game away to another developer. I’m not ready to answer those questions. I would need to do a tremendous amount of thinking before I could make any monumental decisions like that.

I really enjoy working on Yandere Simulator. (If I didn’t, then I wouldn’t be willing to do it continuously for 9 years.) The thought of taking time away from it makes me feel incredibly sad. But, neglecting absolutely every aspect of my mental and physical health has caused me to devolve into a danger to myself and others, and that’s not something I want to be. I don’t want to step away from development…but, perhaps I should, at least long enough to decide the best way to proceed from here.

The project doesn’t need to outright die, but it definitely should be paused until I’ve made significant progress towards evolving into a much healthier person.

Over the years, Yandere Simulator and myself have been through countless controversies. I’m sorry for not properly addressing most of those controversies – and for responding to some those controversies in ways that only made things worse. There are still a lot of things I want to address in a proper manner one day, but now is not the time.

I’d like to thank the animators, artists, composers, modelers, voice actors, and YouTubers who helped to make Yandere Simulator into what it is today. Even if we won’t continue on this journey together, I’ll always remain thankful to you for the assistance that you once granted me.

I’ve received a lot of messages since the last blog post. Many of them were harsh – rightfully so – but there were also a lot of messages equivalent to, “I want to see you improve your mental health and finish your game. I’ve been following the project for 8+ years, and I don’t want to see it end like this.”

Yandere Simulator’s audience has shrunken over the years. But, despite everything, there are still a lot of people in this world who love Yandere Simulator. They love the characters, the setting, and the story. They enjoy speculating about what will happen towards the end of the game, what occurred in the unrevealed parts of the backstory, and what plot twists might be waiting in the lore. They want to learn how the Aishi Condition began, what secrets the Saikou family is hiding, and what is underneath the cherry tree.

I don’t want to let them down. I owe it to them. For giving me 9 years of their attention, I owe them answers, I owe them satisfaction, and I owe them closure.

I don’t want to cancel the game. I want to keep developing it. But, I don’t think I can do that if I keep being a “mistake machine.” I need to find a much better work/life balance, because the current balance of “100:0” has led me to nothing but a severely damaged psyche and behavior that is as destructive to others as it is to myself.

I can’t guarantee when will be the next time that I’ll write a blog post. I’m not even sure what the next blog post will be about – a big announcement, a bug-fixing build, or something completely different. It’s hard to tell what the future is going to hold. But, I just wanted to let you know that I probably won’t be posting as frequently as I previously was, or updating the game as frequently as I previously was, either. All of the steps that I need to take to become a better person involve spending less time in this chair, and more time outdoors.

During my time away, I’ll be spending a lot of time thinking about exactly how I should proceed from this point forward. I’ll be considering all possible options – even the uncomfortable ones, such as reducing the scope of the game to make it into a project that would be much easier to finish with limited resources, and the absolute last resort of handing off development to someone else.

For what it’s worth, I apologize for everything. And, I thank you for following the development of Yandere Simulator.

169 thoughts on “Moving Forward

  1. So I’ve been thinking about this and I have to say, this is nowehre near as bad as people claim it is. People are making this out like the end of the world, like a lot of what you are claimed to have done is what happened. But its juts not. People over-reacted right at the start, and now they don’t know how to dial their reaction back. They don’t know how to admit they went overboard, and they are scared of being hassled by a bunch of people who will make horrible claims about them if they do. Yanderedev, you have to choose who you are going to be. Are you going to be a person who made a few mistakes which are beign blown out of proportion by people who hate you and have been trying to destroy you and your game for years, someone who defends themselves aggressively but forgives just as readily, and gets the people who have been tricked back on your side… Or are you the monster hiding under beds that they claim you are? And to those who would hassle me for defending yanderedev..don’t bother. I have a migraine. By tomorrow I won’t remember doing any of this.

    • I definitely agree with what you said about the scope of this being overblown. I guess part of what got it to be overblown is that the general internet public might be jaded by other events in the past, and only learned how to deal with the worst offenders. Yet I think another factor is that the toxic hatebase against Dev used this controversy as an opportunity to amass hate with their old tactics and new material.

      Still, I have plenty of faith in Dev and the community to reclaim the public image. Many of the people who’ve renounced their support will have plenty of time and opportunities to reconsider, and the members of the harassment campaign do NOT have as much power as they think.

      And I really like how you phrase the ideal path for Dev as “someone who defends themselves aggressively but forgives just as readily, and gets the people who have been tricked back on your side”. It shows that this fight won’t be decisively won or lost by any party (for better or for worse), but can still play out in his favor.

  2. Stay strong Mr. Yandere Dev. Your dedication to your craft over the past 8+ years has been nothing short of remarkable. The game you’ve been developing has undoubtedly been a labor of love, a testament to your passion and creativity. However sir, I also understand that this journey has taken a toll on your mental well-being, and it’s essential to honor and respect that. Do not let small setbacks dictate your worth as a person when your work serves as a poignant example.

    Kali Yuga is a time of darkness and challenges sir. It’s a period marked by chaos, confusion, and a profound disconnect from our inner selves. Mistakes are inevitable when the world itself is in a state of destruction. You’ve demonstrated a deep awareness of the challenges we all face in this era. Sometimes, the most profound acts of courage involve stepping away from something we’ve invested so much in, to find our own inner light and peace. The Bhagavad Gita is Krishna, avatar of Vishnu visvam visnuh vasatkarah, guiding Arjuna. You lack such fortune. I see serpents and vultures in your tale. Be careful sir. I want to reassure you that your decision to prioritize your mental health is a powerful and admirable one. It’s a decision that requires strength and self-compassion.

    Love from Indian fan community 🇮🇳❤️
    Jai Hind

  3. I know this is not the time to ask for further work on the game, but it would be great to see after SNAP mode would show the end credits and then the main screen would show pictures of Ayano with Taro with a black ribbon. Although here it is not very correct, because s**cide not buried, but Ayano’s dead body with a photo of senpai with a black ribbon would be interesting to implement.
    It’s still an 18+ game

  4. I Hope you’re doing alright YandereDev don’t give up on the game I’ve been playing since 2020 and I love killing all the rivals and I’ve done the S+ Ending more than once lol it’s so much fun I’m never going to stop playing😊…but I seriously hope your mental health is okay..take some time off developing the game and work on yourself 

  5. Ahoi Yandere-Dev. According to this new User Name, it TRULY has been long since i last contacted you. I don’t even know anylonger what my Nickname back here was, then.

    [-] I wish to tell You, that i once wrote to You that no matter what for bad things People and Trolls say about You -> Just remember that YOU are a Developer. A Producer. Please don’t be to frustrated in Life. Not feeling great everyday is part of Life as well – and that is okay. [-] This Mindset and Stance of me towards You … … … … … … has not changed at all. [-] I too made a few, horribly long Years of bad Decisions in my Life. Mainly – an Alcohol Problem that i survived – but one of my Friends didn’t. Sometimes it just happens. We Humans also make bad Decisions in our Lifes. It’s unavoidable. [-] Please know – no matter how lonely You might feel – no Person who is just a “Stranger on the Internet” – no Person like that could EVER – be worthy of your private Life and intimate Information. There is just no Reason why they should EVER – be worthy of that. [-] The only People You should “EEEVER” trust with such Information and a Connection with You – are real Friends in Life you know from Face to Face. In my nearly Fourty Years of my Life – this one Conviction has never changed. [-] Maybe it is indeed for the best that You make like half a Year Pause and do only – and ONLY – healthy things for your Mind and Body. Like only enjoying Nature and build up your physical Stamina and Health alone. It’s not egoistic if you do that. It’s wise. [-] You came so far despite having such a HORRIBLY negative and hence – difficult Time in your Life. But even if you can finish your Game – it is most likely not worth ruining your Life over. Your own Health, both mentally and physically, should always come first. No matter what People say and tell about You -> You ARE allowed to prioritise yourself first.

  6. I’m a little busy, so I can’t really take the time to make this comment super well thought out and structured well. But imma just start out by saying that I appreciate you, Yandere Dev, and you should definitely take the whatever time that you need to get your mental health and life arrangements back in order. I’ve been inactively following Yandere Simulator for a pretty long time now. Not from the very beginning. But relatively early on toward the beginning of when it started trending on Youtube(If I had to take a rough guess, I’d say maybe 7-8 years ago? Not exactly sure). Way back when, I used to read every blog post and watched a lot of videos of people playing the game since they were relatively common at the time. As time passed I became an adult, got busy, found interest in some other things. And for the past several years I basically just watch the update videos when they come. Check in on a blog post every now and then without downloading the build. And I’ve just waiting patiently for whenever the game finishes so I can buy it. Whenever that is, I’ll wait as long as it takes. Because I know the final product is going to be AMAZING because of all the love and work that you put into this game. And it’s sad to see that the amount of followers has decreased over the years, but I think that whenever the final game comes out, a lot of people will come back to it. But the main point is. All of the people that are still here after all this time are going to keep on supporting you and keep patiently waiting to give you all of the time that you need to finish the game to your own satisfaction levels. And at this point, we’re just as invested in you personally as we are with the actual game. Everybody that just was here for the game left years ago. Hopefully they’ll come back eventually. But I guarantee that almost all of the supporters that you still have care more about you and your well being than the game being finished faster. So please. Please take as much time as you need and do whatever you gotta do for yourself. And we’ll all still be here waiting for you. Please be safe and healthy. Thank you for all of your hard work!

  7. You do what you think is best YanDev. A lot of YouTubers have quit the game, which made me hesitant to still play, but as long as you work on being a better person and everything I’ll continue playing any builds you put out

  8. Yandere Simulator has helped me through my dark days, and basically made a huge chunk of my years. I’m saying this out of the pure selfishness that I don’t want something as meaningful as this to end, but I will continue to support the game. Thank you Yandev for admitting what you did wrong, even tho this was blown up on a way bigger scale than it should have been, considering how the girl was not harmed in any way from what I’ve heard. You made a mistake, admitting it is the right thing to do. Take some time to rest, reevaluate, and move forward. You’ll get through this! You deserve a life that’s not in front of the screen, for your own happiness and others’.

  9. The better you are, the better what you make will be.

    In one way or another, this project will end one day, make it the best it can be by being at your best my dude.

    Stay strong, many people waited a lot longer and made way worse decisions and still got back.

  10. Brother, it is alright. your going through a tough time for awhile now. your making bad decisions, we all do to some degree. take your time and just finish the game you’ve been working on for years. retire and be happy.

  11. That’s good to hear, I hope you genuinely do get therapy, and that you stick with it long enough for it to help. good luck out there; and remember that changes to things like mental health take time, and lots of it.

  12. Remember when I said you were clearly overworked and I was talking from experience? This is one of the best courses of action you could have taken. I congratulate you, and wish you a swift recovery. Take as much time as you need! Hello from a country of being overworked and having an enormous amount of psychologists per capita.

  13. Im just here to say that i’ve played yandere simulator for a long time. AndI believe that you deserve all the time you need to focus on yourself. All those trolls and people just using what happened for their own person attention don’t matter. The society we live in is something ngl. Even if someone did 100 good things, and then somehow makes 1 mistake people don’t care about what good you have done, they only care about that one little mistake and try to bring you down for it. What’s worst of all is when some people only just blindly listen to any person that they think is right instead of TRYING to look into things themselves instead of looking at tiktok post by someone who thinks they know something but doesn’t. Also its funny how the game got more popular, i’ve been seeing people livestream it more and playing it. Anyways don’t let them get to you and I wish you the best. Im hoping you do end up getting back to finishing yandere simulator because I believe you should be the only who finishes it, since you brought it up where it is today. Its a wonderful game and if you do choose to stop working on it or give it away, then its whatever, as long its the choice you want to do, which ill respect your decision. If continuing the game does indeed make you happy please keep working on it. 

  14. That’s a very good decision to make! I used to be in the same place, and I heavily suggest you consider working out. It makes tremendous positive impact on the way you feel, both mentally and physically. Helped me a lot, personally.

  15. Homie I’m about to keep it really real with you right now, like super really real. You need to stop sulking and take a little responsibilty for what this actually is. You fucked up and you need to make a video apoligizing for fucking up and absolutely clear these alligations that you are a pedophile. You are not, but that accusation is spreading like wildfire now and if you go hermit your reputation will never recover, at which you might as well hand over yandere sim to another developer because no one is ever going to give you the time of day again. There isn’t a universe in existance where talking to a kid like that is ok, but I get it. You thought they could handle that conversation and when you realized you fucked up it was too late. MAKE THAT CLEAR. Make it clear that you are sorry for talking to the kid that way, make it clear you are sorry for manipulating her, but also make it clear YOU ARE NOT A PEDO. You know what you did was wrong and you are sorry, but you didn’t talk about wanting to fuck her. You didn’t say you wanted to meet, you didn’t objectify her you just had a very inappropriate conversation and you manipulated her into trying to disproove everything because you thought you were going to get fucked. That is something you SHOULD be sorry for and you owe your victim not us a public apology.

    Being upfront about what this actually is and taking accountability for your actions is going to help you. People respect someone that acts like a man and owns up for what they did, maybe a few years down the line when people cool off they’ll find it in themselves to forgive you. But that’s not gonna happen if you sulk and feel like a victim. Time to nut up and fight for your reputation like you feel it’s worth protecting, and do it the RIGHT way.

  16. Hihi yan-dev, I have been following the development for so many years now, ever since I was little, please take as much time as you need. This is nothing new and everything will eventually calm down! 🖤 I would hate to see another developer get their hands onto the game, I would be scared if they change anything lore wise or function wise or totally ruin the game. You’re an amazing developer and you should never ever think about giving your hard work to someone else, this isn’t what we want, we want you, the healthy you to continue to work as hard as you have been on this game for the last years. We adore your work and praise you for it, you code everything yourself and it’s amazing how well it is. Please take the well earned break and come back even better, with an ever better game. Im very bad with words but I feel like I’ve said all I wanted to, I hope you understand how much I appreciate your work.

  17. Hi Yan-Dev, I’m happy that you start taking more care of yourself. I enjoy playing yandere simulator and I can’t wait to see the final game but not to the price of someone mental and physical health and happiness. Don’t hate yourself for not finishing this game or be able to work more on it, what you did I don’t think any of us can do it especially the haters. So please take time for yourself, to get better, to be happy, your are a here but even hero needs to take care of themselves. I hope that you find the help you need and feel better. I really admire your work and your dedication.

  18. Ánimo solo descansa por un tiempo esas personas solo son parásitos que no tienen la capacidad de hacer ni la mitad de las cosas que as logrado no te des animes que aún estamos aquí para ti ✨

  19. I dont get why so many people want you to give the game to somone else entirely if you were to do that the game wouldn’t be the same the game wouldn’t have the same feeling as it has now the game would be potently be a completely different game your amazing ideas is what created this game your ideas is what made the game fun i mean obviously after reading that yes it would make sense to do so due your health but i feel like instead of selling it to somone you could potently have a work day like one day in each week or so but thats just my dumb opinion

  20. This is my first ever post on a blog ever since I started keeping up with you on high school in 2015. In this Critical time for you, I’d like to offer my heartfelt support. I’ve seen your ups and downs and I’ve been…albeit quietly, on your side the whole way.
    You’ve taken a big hit Yandere Dev, bigger than ever. I’m not gonna go too deep into that. Just know that your game has a deep place in me. Anytime you made an announcement I was locked back in and hooked for a week. Kinda help me discover what kinda fem Fatale stories I enjoy the most LOL.

    Just know that I and am sure many people understand if you need a break. Ever since you moved so much of your activity into the development blog only, your fatigue has been to me pretty obvious. Take a break, take a moment, think.

    However, don’t let this be your downfall. You have devoted so much time of your life to this. There is nothing wrong with downscaling the game as you have already made it rather grand compared to when it started,almost single handly. You can always make a sequel when you have more resources. For now, this game may take ideas from others but there is a reason it got so much hype to begin. Your idea is unique, even if it’s made of recycled assets the style unique, the gameplay its own, you have created a pioneer game.

    Take a break, it’s deserved. However, do not give up. This game WILL be your magnum opus(however you say it.) When this game reaches 1.0 people WILL enjoy it and WILL craze about it and most of all WILL be respected. Becuase no one can deny its creativity, it’s uniqueness, it’s success, and your devotion and skill. Don’t fade away. Leave your footprint for other game devs to walk in, cause they will.

    Better post on your YouTube when you get back. I am hopeful and excited to follow the development of Yandere Simulator.

  21. yandere dev, your game git me throught 2020-2021. and i just want to thank you for making this game possible. i hope you dont give this game off to a new developer it would be extremely sad. it wouldn’t make yandere simulator -well, yandere simulator. i wish you well on your break.

  22. It’s very heartbreaking that most youtubers quitted the game and the three voice actors has quitted the project as well. I hope you take a good rest Dev even though what you did is shocking, I will still support the game forever. But would you like hire new voice actors for the actors that quitted? (Just asking)

  23. I still love ya dude please get better I’ll wait for your return and a better mental place for your mindset, AND NO MORE TALKING TO UNDERAGE FEMALES, I’ll put you on if anything to make ya feel better. Until then love ya take care!

  24. Don’t worry Yandere Dev!
    Yeah, it’s been a hard time for the community rn, but once you’ve managed to pulled yourself back together, things will be a lot easier from that point on.
    And don’t worry about the people who stopped supporting you! While you’re away, they’ll have more time to think about stuff, and maybe they’ll come to understand your current situation.
    Remember to take care, and love yourself!

  25. i think the comments out there are extremely harsh and life ruining stuff. i think everyone is jumping on the cancel dev bandwagon to get more likes and attention for themselves. I made a comment on ALLYMCCs youtube about the fact that she ignored ‘janes’ or whatever posts about not releasing the information, which i think at that point just shows she didn’t care and only wanted to make a name for herself by destroying a persons life.

    to be fair it sounds like dev hasn’t been taking care of himself for many years, which happens life gets busy. depression and loneliness set it. i hope that he gets help and that he releases his game so that his dream is realized. he can draw a line in the sand and he’s admitted to a fuck up.

    i’m not 100% up with all the things that have been said and done. i’ve seen some things he has said and yeah its a bit off, but i dont think he is the demon they are making him out to be. i think we are all human and all those people out there attacking him probably have demons in their closet too!

    i think now is a great point in his life for him to get his shit together, take some time off, get some counselling and get a new direction and like i said have your dream realized.

    what i want to stress is, finish your game, reclaim your life, get some better PR, this isn’t the end.

  26. I’ve been following the game almost since it came out and I’ve never stopped loving it. I was extremely saddened to hear all this news about you. But despite that, I don’t care. I will continue to support you until I die, and I only want the best from you. I hope you make a good recovery, and may you finally learn from your mistakes. Get your life back on track, and please, don’t abandon the game, because this is not the end, but a new beginning

  27. I think part of the reason that Yan-dev was online so much (in my opinion) was because people were like “ some rooms still aren’t finished in the game” witch caused more screen time “Yan-dev, the new room has a bunch of glitches” witch caused more screen time depending on how big the glitch is and how difficult it is to fix it, then people complain that he isn’t working on the rivals saying shit like “he isn’t working on the rivals, he’s just working on the school, and unnecessarily stuff like students waving at you if you are friends with them” he added the feature so you can easily determine who is your friend, and he adds those “unnecessary” things because people request they get put into the game, I love that Yan-dev is taking time to become mentally and physically healthy again. In my opinion I hope he takes around 3-4 months, maybe more depending on how he’s doing. Get better Yan-dev!!

  28. è giusto così, devi staccare la spina e dare più tempo alla tua salute mentale… Io ti sosterrò sempre perchè mi ricordo la me bambina di 7 anni che guardava i video di Yandere Simulator e voleva installarlo a tutti i costi, non posso dire nulla a Yandere Dev perchè ha creato il videogioco che mi ha fatto sorridere veramente, a vedere i tiktok video di youtuber che prendono una pausa da Yandere Simulator oppure addirittura non ci giocheranno più mi si riempiono gli occhi di lacrime spero che in questo lungo percorso che farai per migliorarti a te e alla tua salute mentale andrà tutto per il verso giusto e che riprenderai a fare nuovi aggiornamenti del gioco al più presto

  29. I mean that’s a pretty hard toll to take when you have been in video game development for 9 years now, and the fact that Yanderedev hasn’t been out of the house in 4 years wow! I can’t believe it’s been that long. I mean I’ve kept up with this project since (2016,) and have seen several YouTubers such as Kubz Scouts, LaurenZside, Yammy, Ldshadowlady, Jacksepticeye, Markiplier, Pewdiepie, etc, play this game. It’s got a lot of potential despite all the enmity towards the developer, I would just ignore them. Being aboveboard here, I like the Hitman simulator approach and the different game-over scenes and different methods of killing. I hope to see Yanderedev improve his overall health, and that some of us withdraw ourselves from reality!

  30. YandereDev, I like your game, and even if I want the game to be released as soon as possible, I am ready to wait for its release as long as it takes.

    this game gave me a lot of positive emotions, I wanted to play it from the age of 9, when I watched the passage of this game from EeOneGuy, at the moment I am 19, and I have been in the fandom for 4 years, I did not think that after so much time I would remember this game and then installing it,
    it will become such a native place for me.

    I really like all the characters in this game, and I’m really interested in how the plot will develop in the future, I’ve read a lot about what you’re going to add to the game, and it’s just amazing.

    I want and believe that everything will get better for you, even if you leave the game development, no one has the right to judge you, mental health is much more important, and thank you for creating such an amazing game.

  31. Hi this is my first time typing here, how do I download the newest updated version of yandere simulator? I tried so many ways the game for me still isn’t updated.

  32. Hey dev, I want you to know I still support you and the game.
    I feel really bad for not responding to the emails anymore to volunteer.
    I genuinely wanted to, unfortunately my anxiety just made me very overwhelmed. Even with the encouragement of others, I just believe the game deserves a lot better than my voice haha.
    I still feel so honored that you were willing to have me help, and I’m sorry again for suddenly disappearing.

  33. my advise: don’t do decisions that you will eventually regret
    there is always hope in the darkness and I hope someday you will find your light
    side note: eng not my first language sorry

  34. I really appreciate how you’ve worded your past two updates. You took blame, you’re taking a much needed mental break, you’ve apologized. Cancel culture is so harsh, and while i understand people have already disliked your previous actions, this situation never should’ve been blown so out of proportion. I’m very happy you realize that what you did was fucked, and much more that you are trying to improve yourself. Public figures who did worse, like James Charles as an example, can get away with a lot due to cancel culture, whilst others are left in the dust.

    I’ve always wanted to play yansim since it was first released, having watched kubzscouts and other older youtubers play some of the very first updates. I remember calculating how old i would be when it would be fully released, which is quite funny seeing as it keeps changing (this is not a snide comment!) Watching other people play as a kid was very entertaining, even if I wasn’t necessarily supposed to, haha. Thank you for not completely giving up on it, because it’s a childhood dream of mine at this point!

  35. YandereDev Don’t Give Up In 2017 or I don’t know what year I played Yandere Simulator but I have always liked that it has changed but I will always support you because you worked hard to make updates and Development Thank you for Creating an Incredible Game

    Greetings from Argentina 🇦🇷

  36. I’ve been accused of some fake BS in the past. It makes you really angry and frustrated at the people who have the “believe all victims” mentality who never care at all about the other side of the situation. Especially cause at that time, it was just my local friend group who heard the rumors, where you have a much larger audience, it must be horrible. It makes sense to me that you wouldn’t be in the mood to continue working. I’ve always found that the most difficult thing to do when you’re upset, is creative work. Take a break if you want. Hit the gym and go on more walks, quit social media and excessive video gaming, it’ll do wonders for you mentally. And make a good habit of forgiving people, even though some are incredibly frustrating and unkind, and aren’t sorry for their actions, do it anyway. The best way to let go of anger is to forgive.

  37. I think you are right, I know every human being has a difficult life, even a person like me tried to commit suicide over and over because of her mistakes. Usually we need help from someone and to find some relief from our worries, but usually like me, you will not find anyone to help. Well, well, I just want you.To relax and think a lot about how you will take your next step. I really love your work. To me, you are a person who should learn from his experience in programming. I am learning programming because of you. Your game has truly made my days much better. Thank you. You should not give your game to a To another developer: Well, you are the one who knows your game better than others, so do not give it to anyone 👍

  38. I think everyone can be redeemed.

    I hope that your words are true of wanting to grow as a person. Personally, the best people I know are ones who really, truly fucked up in the past, but put in the tireless effort of becoming better, truly good people.

    You may never be forgiven for what has happened in the past. And that’s fair. Some things shouldnt be forgiven by the ones who went through it. What matters now is continuing to grow into a better person for the present and future. The people you meet will get to experience the new You, and you can bring joy and happiness to them.
    You can’t erase the past, but you can definitely protect the future.

    I don’t want to excuse any of the countless things that have happened. I simply want to encourage you to grow.

    I love yan sim. I love the thing you’ve spent so much time creating. You clearly have so much passion within you. It may not manifest in a way that’s satisfying to myself or many other audience members, given the limited progress that seems to have happened with the game these past few years, but it’s there. I truly hope you use that passion to create more good for this world.

    I wish you luck and root for your growth

  39. i comepletly agree with you. idk why but as a child myself i believe that you shouldnt focus on the past, but everyone is. i dont like that, and i think thats immature of people. but thank you for confessing your feelings and aplogizing.

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