August 27th Bug-Fixing Build

Whoops – I learned of a bug that was preventing one of the game’s features from working, so I’m releasing a new build a bit sooner than planned.

To read a list of everything that was added/changed/fixed/improved in the latest build, scroll down past this dark and beautiful illustration by 4yuk1mk4!

Oh my god! I love this art style so much!

A Half-Finished Addition

I wasn’t planning to reveal this until after it was 100% complete, but…while I was in the middle of working on the next big addition to the game, I discovered the existence of a critical bug, so I had to stop what I was doing and release a bug-fixing build right away. As a result, there is something in this build that is only half-implemented and half-functional.

I wasn’t 100% ready to reveal this, but…I’ve finally received the models necessary to furnish the Foreign Studies room with props!

As mentioned above, this room is definitely not finished yet; for one thing, there is nowhere near enough space to walk around in this room comfortably. A few things are definitely going to be moved or perhaps even removed, to make sure that players can move around this room without feeling claustrophobic, and to make sure that students won’t have any problems pathfinding through the room.

Also, this room is missing some of the functionality / interactivity / props that it’s meant to have. You will find a few button prompts in this room that don’t actually do anything yet…but I suppose it’s a nice little teaser for things to come!

I wish I didn’t have to reveal it in a half-finished state, but I really needed to release a new build ASAP because of that critical bug, so…here it is!


  • The protagonist will now lose sanity when dropping an air conditioner from the school rooftop to kill someone.

Bug Fixes

  • In Mission Mode, if the player started a Multi Mission, quit it, then started a traditional “targeting one specific student” mission, the students from the multi mission would remain highlighted in red. This bug has finally been fixed, because someone finally reported the steps that cause the bug to happen in a coherent way.
  • If the player saves the game while a weapon is inside of a bag and then loads that save, the game is supposed to return the weapon to that bag when reloading the save. However, certain weapons (mostly weapons from the gardening club) were not obeying this rule. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player killed a student by drowning them, disposed of the corpse, and avoided a police investigation, the Stats screen would still say “Police have discovered 1 corpse at Akademi” even though the corpse was not discovered. This bug has been fixed.
  • If a teacher spotted a weapon on the ground, the teacher would run past the weapon and then investigate it while standing on the opposite side of it, relative to where she was standing when she first noticed it. This bug is now fixed.
  • Previously, if the player distracted Raibaru away from her bento while she was eating, she would not leave her bento on her seat, like all other students do. This was not intentional; it was a bug. The bug has been fixed.
  • If a teacher noticed the player carrying a concealed corpse while that teacher was guarding a corpse, the player would not perform the correct animation when chasing or fighting with the player. This bug has been fixed.
  • Sleuths in 1980s Mode were not behaving as intended. They were all investigating the same student simultaneously, instead of each investigating different students spread throughout the school. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player carried a bottle of bleach near a bucket but then dropped the bleach without putting it into the bucket, the “Pour Bleach” button prompt would remain onscreen. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player went to class, allocated study points, saved the game, loaded the game, and then went to class again, the game would not remember the allocated study points. This bug has been fixed.
  • Previously, any character investigating the sound of a corpse falling into a dumpster would most likely get stuck while trying to pathfind to the source of the sound. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player gave a salty snack to Osana during Mission Mode, she wouldn’t actually go get a drink of water; she would, instead, go kick a vending machine. This bug has been fixed.
  • When the player was engaged in a struggle with a student or teacher, the depth-of-field effect would become too extreme, and the screen would become blurry. This bug has been fixed.
  • If a student stood in a very specific spot, it would be possible for them to see inside of the Zen garden tea house, even if the doors were closed. This bug has been fixed.
  • The Martial Arts club practice minigame marked all characters as busy and unavailable to perform the minigame. This bug has been fixed.
  • If a delinquent was distracted away from the spot where he was eating lunch, his bento would float in midair. This bug has been fixed.
  • While rotating the camera inside of the Art Room, some of the models would flicker in and out of existence. This bug has been fixed.
  • On Friday of Week 6, two students would sit on the same bench. This was unintentional. The bug has been fixed.

56 thoughts on “August 27th Bug-Fixing Build

  1. I think it would be better if the look of this room would fit the style of the school like the Art Club or a Library for example. By the way, this room has potential and I hope it will be implemented correctly. Thank you for your work YanDev!

  2. Hi good job yan dev but I have something in mind can you do another game in ayano’s home but it can give ayano help like raise one of her stats or or make her get more money and I love your work I appreciate ❤💗💖💕

  3. Hi yandere dev, I know this might sound kinda silly,but I think it should be great to add a country flag of a spanish speaking country, like Mexico or Spain. Since there isn’t any yet. Since you have 2 english speaking countries and 2 portuguese, i guess you can change one. 😀

  4. hi yandere dev, I have an idea for a new elimination method using sedatives. After the poisoned student goes to sleep in the infirmary. There should be an option to smother student with a pillow. I think it would be cool.

  5. Love the new room! Also since you’ve been adding sounds, I think it would be cool if there was a thud sound if Ayano doesn’t have a high enough physical stat to break the glass. Maybe how many strikes it take to break the glass could also depend on your level. Maybe Ayano could be considered suspicious quicker than usual when having blunt objects in that room, since items in there would be very valuable. Anyway, I’m excited to see how and what this room will be used for in the future. Good work on the update YandereDev!

  6. I love that the improvement to have sanity decrease when the player drops the air conditioner on a character was added literally minutes after I just did so with Ritsuko. Perhaps I’m the one being stalked! lol

    Anyway, I’m glad to see this game getting along. It’s been well over three years since I last played the game, until about a couple weeks ago when I finally picked it back up again. I’m glad to see that it has made miles of progress, and I’m excited to see where it goes from here. Good job and keep it up, YandereDev!

  7. If you break the glass, you should be able to shove someone’s neck into the broken glass, right in the jugular, it would spray blood like with murder suicide. Police will think accident.

    • After some thinking, a better way to put that would be: If you break the glass, you should be able the grab someone by the head, and slice their jugular across the glass. Lots of blood.

  8. The room looks amazing, personally I like that it’s tight, it gives it something distinctive, like a bonus. And it’s not totally bad not being able to run freely, it can be used to hide or hide corpses.

  9. hey yandere dev! do you think it is possible to return the matchbox? it is now considered suspicious to throw things (like the car engine).
    So …. what do you think? it’s very cool, at least as a debug 🥺

  10. Yandere Dev. If the crowdfunding campaign turns out to be a success, and you can hire 3D Modelers, will you consider adding realistic gore? I think that it would be a nice clash with the anime style.

    • I’m sorry, I dislike the idea of adding too much gore to the game. I think it would change the “type” of game that this is.

      Focusing on showing the player blood and gore changes the “purpose” of the game from “provide cool gameplay experience” to “provide the player with gory visuals”, and that’s not what I want to do.

  11. Hi yandere dev I thought about it Recently, and wouldn’t it be better if the Library was outside the main school building? Since the akademi high is a prestigious school, it seems like it should have a large collection of books.

    • That’s not really a bad suggestion, but…

      However, at this point in time, it is extremely rare for me to consider making that type of change to the game.

      I really want to finish the game and move on to other projects, so I do not want to plan anything that would significantly extend the length of time that the game must be in development for.

  12. I had some ideas for the Biology Room & a bit concerning the Gardening & Science Club:

    1.) Wouldn’t it be cool if you had to join the Gardening Club in order to be able to take care of the poisonous plants you hinted at?

    It would make sense if Ayano didn’t have the ability to care for a special plant like this. And would give more functionality to a club that I feel gets outshined by others.

    If we wanted it to be harder to access, since I find it odd they leave dangerous things in the open for anyone to grab, maybe it would require doing a task for each member?

    They would then reward you with access to more items and maybe offer information on things like the rat poison. The last club member finally allowing you to access the wood chipper & after that it will get to the point you can just ask the Club Leader for access to the plant. Seeing as you are now a trusted member of the club with a wide variety of knowledge under your belt.

    2.) I would suggest a similar route with the Science Club. Seeing as they have valuable machinery and experiments just lying around it never makes sense they wouldn’t try to protect them. Maybe gathering materials to help them in experiments or with equipment as tasks to prove how smart you are? That would give slower access to the materials in their labs as you prove you aren’t going to mess their stuff up. Then you can finally have full access after gaining the trust of all members. You unlocking the acid and freezing chamber as a final level of trust.

    3.) Another benefit I would imagine is KNOWING where these items are. Because we never see the Club Members using these items despite them being important to their clubs. It would be fun to figure out who has it and where they are. If you joined the club it would be easier to track down the student or you can memorize their schedule in order to get to the item BEFORE them. If you are part of the club you can just select the item you want and ask the Club Leader where it is. They will then point you towards the correct member and where they are at this time. Aka, this student shows up in your yandere vision now as a marked student.

    (I know this is a LOOOOOT to read and you wouldn’t wanna do this so late in the game. Its just something that has been on my mind for a while considering some of the clubs need a rebalance as some just don’t seem beneficial to join when we can get around it by simply stealing everything we need so easily.)

  13. Hi Yandere Dev! Before this comment, I just wanted to say thank you for all your hard work, and that you’re doing great! (And thank you to everyone who has helped with the game)

    So, there’s just a couple of ideas I have, and some things that I could have bug reported but they were almost too small to be considered a bug, so I thought I’d just mention it here.

    Small Bugs:
    – Whenever Ryoba uses the copier, her hair clips through her chest.
    – Fujie Haijima’s hair clips through the plastic chair she sits in in the halls. (Though her hair is so long idk where it would go)
    – Ryoba can walk through a majority of those plastic foldable chairs in the halls. Idk if this is a bug, or if you were going to implement collision boxes later.
    – Often, when you try to get a task from one of the rainbow boys in 1980’s mode when they stand and talk in a circle, another person next to them will be saying “Knock it off” and those lines, cutting off a lot of the task’s text early

    – When you kidnap a member of a club, the club disbands immediately that same day? That doesn’t make much sense. What if the student just went home early, or was sick? How would the club know? I think they should at least wait until the next evening to disband.
    – I find it very strange that a lot of students just eat in single plastic chairs placed throughout the halls of the school, while a select few eat on the roof. I’m sure they have some friends, at least! Maybe they should sit in groups, or some of them could sit on the floor in a group somewhere? It just feels very awkward to see all these students eating alone in plastic chairs.
    – So… why do we give the kidnapped students tattered clothes? Why would we go through that effort? They couldn’t just keep their school uniform on?
    – So I noticed the Psychology skill has a lot more of it’s benefits listed in the Class menu, so I know what I’m getting if I choose to work on that skill. But, for example, the biology skill doesn’t list how it’s needed to kidnap people. Shouldn’t that be listed, for new players to know?

    I’ll probably come up with more in the future, but for now, thank you!

    • Oh, one more thing. Idk if it’s my resolution settings, but a lot of the town is blurry, and whenever I talk to students, the background is blurry too

      • If you go into the settings during gameplay, there should be a “Depth of field” Option you can turn on/off. Is that what you’re talking about?

  14. Hi Yan Dev! very good job, the game is wonderful! stupid to ask, but could the Polish flag also hang in this new room?, many Poles play it and we like it very much, it would be an honor. It’s just a suggestion, I don’t want to impose. I love this game. Cordial greetings!💖😍🌹

  15. Wow, I really like this update! The room looks lovely and I really enjoy the rustic, yet fancy style to it. I love how almost every club room in the school is one-of-a-kind!

  16. Hi yan dev I have a cool idea what if you can let the evil girl in the rainbow 6 group to kill someone for you because she is evil and you should do something for her as a reward I know its somehow silly but it just got into my mind and if you saw this comment please answer

  17. (I hope this message will not be send multiple times, I have trouble with the FB login)
    Hey Hello !! I’m starting re-playing after maybe 7-8 years since the last time and I absolutely love what the game have become 😀
    It feels really organic, lively and open to so much stuff ! Every characters has there own stories and I would love to have some dialogues with random npc. You grow kind of attached to some of them and I feel like a very simple addition could be nice in therm of role-playing and pure gameplay : the option to “tchit-tchat” with anyone, putting you in the standard talking animation, with free camera, no text appearing (as when npcs are talking to each other) and talking would restore your sanity over time (I believe there is only one way to restore it for the moment : laughing)

    What do you think ? 😀
    Still, love where this is going !
    (PS: My favorite eliminations are Match-making and suicide haha, these where pretty bold in their own ways)
    (PPS: Do you know the game “Spy Party” ? Wouldn’t it be cool to have this in YandereSim ? 1 player as the detective, the other as a random student trying to eliminate the rival while trying to blend in the npc ! If some modders sees this, let’s gooooo)

    • I’m really glad that you enjoy what the game has become!

      That’s a cute suggestion, but, I’m sorry, I don’t really plan to add many “role-playing” features to the game…

      I don’t know anything about Spy Party, but I have considered similar ideas in the past. I mentioned my idea in one of these two videos:

  18. I have a idea. What if there is a new elimination method, melting, which can soak someone with acid, they melt, they scream, they die, and turn into skeleton? That would be cool not gonna lie!

  19. Dear YandereDev,
    I have a (I think) good idea for a Gardening Club benefit.
    After joining the club, the player could use the wheelbarrow. The wheelbarrow could transform 2/3 large objects at once (including corpses). It could be a nice addition for the genocide players. Moreover, the wheelbarrow could not enter the school (obviously), which would both be logical and make the wheelbarrow not an overpower feature. I do not think using it should take away any reputation points from the player, but if you decided to make it so it would then it would not be a weird decision.

    It would certainly be interesting.

    • That concept sounds cool, and I have considered something similar to it in the past.

      However, at this point in time, it is extremely rare for me to consider adding any more new features to the game.

      I really want to finish the game and move on to other projects, so I do not want to plan any new additions that would significantly extend the length of time that the game must be in development for.

      • That is understandable! The game is developed enough as it is, and I am aware that adding such a features is very time-consuming.

  20. YandereDev, could you please make Snap mode accessible when you fail a challenge? It’s functionally identical to the Senpai spots you Game Over, and it occurs way too often when you’re playing with no alerts on

  21. Uhhm, so I encountered a issue in the “Befriend or Betray” scheme of the game: It said the deadline was “Monday 7:15 am” but most of that time is spent with Rival Event’s to the point where you only have 2 minutes to do the entire thing, AND the first 2 steps require you to wait until then deadline is passed! AND on the note thing, Idk if this is a part of the issue but the “Stalkers and Blackmail” option didn’t appear unless it’s the “Suspicious Activity” option?

    • Deadline is 7:15 AM to obtain the directional microphone.

      “Deadline” basically denotes the first point in the sequence where you can fail by being too slow.

      “Stalkers and Blackmail” option appears after you learn about Osana’s stalker. There are multiple ways to do that.

      • Oh, thank you for clarifying this for me, I usually don’t figure these things out easily so it actually helps alot when the developer himself tells me what to do.

  22. Hey, YandereDev. I have a suggestion to make the characters of Yandere Sim more lively. Maybe you can add the animation that the MC uses when opening doors and use it when other characters open doors? I think that it would be a nice feature to add.

  23. Ohhhhh please please please PLEASE try asking about those dolls from the last update!!! I love them so much, and would be so happy to get one for my selfish self!!

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