July 2nd Bug-Fixing Build

Whoops! I try to update the game on the 1st and 15th day of every month, but I was one day late this time. Sorry about that!

Got a new build for you with 19 improvements and 31 bug fixes!

To read a list of everything that was improved or fixed in the latest build, scroll down past this absolutely amazing illustration by jp_qxv!

Visible Diaries

The “Search inside of a girl’s bookbag to find her diary and learn her secrets” feature now has actual visuals, instead of just being white text on a blue screen. Take a look:

Every girl has a unique-looking diary (most of them with doodles in the corners of the page that reflect the girl’s personality), a unique “embarrassing secret”, and unique text for the “EVIL PHOTOGRAPHER” revelation. Some of the girls’ secrets are quite dark, so I hope that people take the time to read them.


  • In extremely high-level Mission Mode missions (with very low school atmosphere) that involve poisoning a target, it was nearly impossible to poison any student at lunchtime because of the surrounding witnesses having an increased range of vision. To make these missions more feasible, there are now cardboard boxes in the hallways that provide the player with cover to hide behind while performing the poisoning animation. (I’m considering the possibility that the player should have to move these cardboard boxes into place, perhaps by carrying them and stacking them manually, but I’m not sure yet.)
  • From now on, when talking to a club leader about their club, you will hear background music play that matches the atmosphere of their club. Spooky music for the Occult Club, traditional Japanese instruments for the Martial Arts club, dark hip hop for the delinquents, etc. (The Photography Club’s music becomes darker when its members switch to the “Sleuth” Persona, and the Light Music Club’s theme is different between 202X and 1989.)
  • Delinquents who know that you’re a murderer will no longer continue to chase and attack you even after they have been defeated in a fight; they will now give up and run out of school after a single defeat. This is to prevent situations where a group of 3 delinquents is perpetually chasing you around, attacking you every 10 seconds or so.
  • The “Stab Raibaru in the back with a weapon while she is fighting with a mind-broken slave to make her lose the fight” feature will now only work if the player is holding a small stabbing weapon such as a kitchen knife (it no longer works with blunt weapons such as baseball bats).
  • Walking around with a garbage bag box is now considered suspicious outside of Cleaning Time. (This is only one way that I plan to nerf garbage bags. More nerfs are coming in the near future to balance this overpowered feature.)
  • Gave Moeko a unique “light paper on fire and drop it in barrel” animation instead of using a previously-existing animation that was a rough approximation of the action she was supposed to be performing.
  • Sped up Dracula-chan’s animations so that the Yanvania Dracula fight goes by faster, and also expanded her hitbox to her entire body since nobody seemed to realize that her weak point was her head.
  • It is now possible to scroll up/down Info-chan’s Schemes, Services, and Drops menus by holding up/down instead of tapping up/down dozens of times until you reach the selection you’re searching for.
  • Changed the 3D models that pop up when you craft a Chemistry item, since the player wouldn’t logically be receiving the crafted chemical in a plastic bottle with proper labeling on it.
  • Added a “Skip” button to the “Ryoba talks while Jokichi is tied to a chair” cutscene at the end of 1980s Mode, so that players can skip the cutscene if they wish to.
  • The crafting screen now has a little “hint” window at the bottom-right corner to help new players understand where to look for crafting materials/chemicals.
  • Ryoba’s “Cooking Club Accessory” model in 1980s Mode now confirms to the shape of her hair, instead of being shaped for Ayano’s ponytail.
  • Adjusted the size/shape of Ryoba’s smile at the end of the courtroom sequence, because it looked different than intended.
  • Students will no longer agree to go check their locker for a note if they are currently wearing a swimsuit.
  • A student will no longer agree to “Distract” or “Follow Me” or “Go Away” if they are wearing a swimsuit.
  • Suitors will no longer stalk the girl they have a crush on if their crush is currently in the bathroom.
  • It is now possible to report a corpse to teachers even if class is in session.
  • Updated the model and texture for Kyoshi (the tan blonde gym teacher of Ayano’s time period).


  • Fixed bug that would prevent one of Info-chan’s Schemes from advancing. If the player fails to eavesdrop on Osana’s phone conversation or rooftop conversation, Info-chan’s “Befriend/Betray” Scheme failed to update. So, from now on, it’ll be possible to manually advance that Scheme by purchasing Osana’s “Dark Secret” from Info-chan, instead of having to restart the day to get a second chance at advancing the Scheme.
  • Fixed bug that caused the game to initiate a “Rival confesses to Senpai” game over if Friday ended with a police investigation, even if the rival was supposed to confess to another boy. The day will now end with a “Rival confesses to her suitor” scene if the player ends Friday with a police investigation. (Speedrun strategy?)
  • Fixed bug that caused students to forget the fact that they agreed to have a meeting with the player if the player saved and loaded their game after arranging the meeting (through a note in the student’s locker).
  • Fixed bug that would cause the “Cannot Attack; No Spare Clothing” warning to appear even if the player was currently wearing bloody clothing (and thus it wouldn’t matter if the clothing got any more bloody).
  • Fixed bug that would cause the game to get stuck in a permanent “The police discovered corpses at school” loop if the player incinerated a corpse, saved their game, loaded the game, and then ended the day.
  • Fixed bug that would cause Raibaru to enter her “mentoring martial arts club” animation while following Osana around school if she was told to mentor the martial arts club while Osana was in an event.
  • Fixed bug that caused the player to lose all purchased gifts in their inventory if they increased one of a suitor’s traits but did not have him participate in a matchmaking gift on the same day.
  • Fixed bug that caused the game to incorrectly believe that bloody weapons were present at school if the player splattered a weapon with blood, incinerated it, then saved and reloaded their game.
  • Fixed bug that would cause delinquents to slide across the ground while performing their idle animation if they were affected by a stink bomb after noticing weird behavior from the player.
  • Fixed bug that would prevent the player from ever being able to pick up an dropped weapon that was noticed by a teacher, specifically if it was a weapon brought to school from home.
  • Fixed bug that made Newspaper Club members gather outside of the Sociology Classroom instead of gathering outside of the Newspaper Clubroom if the club was shut down.
  • Fixed bug that would cause any corpse buried in the gardening club to spring up into a standing position after participating in the delinquent beat-em-up minigame.
  • Fixed bug in Mission Mode that would cause any Sleuthing student to not return to their seat properly if they investigated a suspicious sound while eating a meal.
  • Fixed bug that caused Raibaru to get stuck and stop pathfinding if Osana was dead at the time that her “get phonecall from stalker” event was supposed to happen.
  • Fixed bug that allowed the player to casually talk to Moeko while she was lighting a fire, even though she is supposed to try to hide her pyromaniac hobby.
  • Fixed bug that would cause a kidnapped character’s appearance in your basement to be inconsistent with their appearance at school. (Hairstyle, etc.)
  • Fixed bug that would prevent a “Screwdriver brought to home from school” from appearing in the player’s inventory upon loading a saved game.
  • Fixed bug that would cause a student’s hair to clip through the musical instrument case after they had been tranquilized and placed inside.
  • Fixed bug that was preventing the suitor’s “stretching” animation from looping properly when performing a “strength increase” activity.
  • Fixed bug in Yanvania that would cause Dracula-chan’s final line of dialogue to float in midair after the fight with her had begun.
  • Fixed bug that caused the red “tag” circle to lag behind a student’s head instead of matching a student’s head position perfectly.
  • Fixed bug that could cause an “arrested by Journalist” game over and a “heartbroken by Senpai” game over to appear simultaneously.
  • Fixed bug that caused an inactive button prompt to appear at the bottom of the screen when spying on an Osana/Senpai interaction.
  • Fixed bug that would allow the player to clip the camera into walls during Senpai and Osana’s rooftop conversation.
  • Fixed bug that caused the student council boys of 1989 to have pure white uniforms upon loading a save.
  • Fixed bug that gave Raibaru the ability to have perfect vision even when inside of a smoke cloud.
  • Fixed bug that caused the 1980s Mode map to label the “Sociology Classroom” as the “Gaming Club.”
  • Fixed bug that allowed the player to conceal a trash can inside of another trash can.
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing the “Expel” Idea from displaying the correct text.
  • Fixed bug that caused the player to always begin Lovesick Mode with $0.00.
  • Fixed a typo in the “Frame Osana for Murder” Scheme.

102 thoughts on “July 2nd Bug-Fixing Build

  1. My discord account got disabled and terminated
    User: Exotic#7570
    Well my new discord user is Acesters

    And I got through your discord by subscribing to you on twitch so can I join back your community or no

  2. Hi yandere-dev,
    Could you answer me two questions?
    1. How many features do you think it takes to get to the next phase of the game?
    2. Will every rival have a very dark death? To give you an example, Osana can die with a fan destroying her head, also it looks like Asu could die in a accident while she jumps in the swimming pool because the water is drained. Also, it will unlock a special ending if the crowfunding is a success?

    • How would Asu die if the water was drained??? If there were no water, she wouldn’t jump, and it is a pool, there is no way to empty it fast enough for her to jump when there is water and land when there is not.

      • You dive into a pool without looking and it’s too shallow you can hit your head pretty bad. However, most people would probably look first.

        Personally I don’t think that’ll be an elimination method, but people have died doing it in real life.

  3. You should make the beat’em up minigame harder. I barely have any experience in stuff like that and i still just ez the fucknuggets on very hard.

    Idk, have them attack even more often or smth. Love the music tho. Where can i find the track?

    Love YanSim, thanks for making it Dev.

  4. Amazing work as always yandev. No need to apologize for uploading the new build a day late. We all understand. Thank you for fixing bugs in the game and making improvements.

  5. Also another thing I noticed is that if the player stabbed raibaru from behind when the mindslave is trying to kill her, the witnesses don’t react to her helping the mindslave.

    • I hate myself for doing this but Takako Ueda gets stucks in her spot where she plays the drums when she hears a radio or giggle. Ok ok no more bugs to reports unless you want me to say. Thanks alot yandev.

  6. Thank you for a new build, Yandev! Also, question, if or when would you change the 1980s girls diary secret? Will it always be a secret photographer ?

    • Wow! the amount of effort he put in his game in a span of 12 days is unbelievable! Very proud of you dev!😁

    • Ik I am not Yan Dev, but I’m sure I can try to answer!
      If the crowdfunding campaign is a bigger succes than anticipated, then surely the 1980s rivals will have different stealth missions and even different sabotage sequences! However, as of now the main rivals are more important than the 80s ones!
      Now I feel like Yan Dev makes these improvements for the 1980s so that the game has the best experience possible before the game will cost money!

      I might be wrong with what I said so yeah oops=)

  7. You are capable of doing Yandere Simulator! The amount of content was just.. woah! Can’t believe. Thanks for putting love and effort to this game. Never gets old 🙂

  8. Hello yandere dev would it be possible to wear at school the haircut that Ayano has at home at night?? And I would like to know if the change of yandere simulator character bodies was still planned for the future of the game. And if so, when would that be?

    • That kind of thing takes a LOT of time because imagine this:

      • Make new Ayano model.

      • Remake Ayano outfits to fit with new model.

      • Make models for all 202X students.

      • Remake the uniforms/accessories to fit the diverse 202X student models.

      • Make models for 202X rivals.

      • Improve any special outfits/accessories for 202X rival models.

      • Make models for all 202X teachers.

      • Remake outfits for the new 202X teachers.

      • Make models for Counselor, Headmaster, and Nurse in 202X.

      • Make new Ryoba Aishi model.

      • Remake clothes/accessories to fit new Ryoba Aishi model.

      Etc etc etc. But oh wait! Oh no! We have to replace every character animation in the game because it only worked with a certain character model. So that takes even more time.

      But then you will also get bugs and have to play test everything to see what these new character models broke.

      Also sorry this is really long or if it seems like I am angry/coming at you. Really I am not. So, sorry if I come off as rude or anything. Hope you’re having a wonderful day/night wherever you are!

      • Don’t worry I understand that it takes a lot of time I just wanted to know if he is working on it or not yet my question was poorly formulated

      • Yeah, I get that. I just know it’s going to be awesome when they arrive. I mean imagine how diverse cutscenes will be when they aren’t limited to the current model assets? I can’t wait to see the range of emotion and facial features! Wbu?

      • Me too! Especially the disturbing expressions I know they would give Ayano or Ryoba. Can you imagine how horrifying they would be when you see their cute anime eyes suddenly go lifeless as they smiled when doing something messed up?? That’s why I love this game.

        Have a good day/night! 😊👍🏻✨

      • You know he’s… editing the current Aoi model, right? He’s not making an entirely new model. All of the animations can stay.

      • Um I understand but just to clear something up here, the new models will just be a edit of the existing models, so I don’t think they will need to replace animations

      • I’ve been stalking this WordPress for years and
        You are so fantastic, all the time
        Everything you wrote there is exactly what I wrote when people moan about model changes
        I just wanna like applaud you for being an amazing and dedicated supporter of yandere dev and for understanding what it takes to create a polished game
        Even if they only modified the models slightly, there could still be bugs created with proportions or animations so you are totally correct! Many animations will likely have to be adjusted at least slightly for them to connect

        I mean… look at sims 4 first kisses…. Their lips don’t even touch most of the time lmao… I’d rather yandere dev took the time to flesh these out smoothly than have a super janky game

        I rambled there and went on a tangent but
        Keep being cool and supportive, your good deeds don’t go unnoticed I’m certain 🙂

  9. Ok, so I know that this is nothing, but I think it’d make more sense if Moeko’s best friend was a “he” since she mostly spends her time with boys – don’t get me wrong, just bc she is a tomboy it doesn’t mean that she doesn’t have any girl friends at all, but I assume her best friends would be a boy
    Again, this comment is obviously stupid and useless lmaoo

  10. Will you consider adding Yandere-Chan animations (like climbing into Osana’s house) into the pose mode menu?

  11. Hey Yanderedev I just want to give suggestion And I hope you accept it will The mangas that ayano can read can you change their cover because they feel inappropriate. I hope you change them ❤️

    • Sorry but this is a mature rated game with torture, murder, kidnapping, stalking, framing, manipulation, and a whole slew of other topics. And well…

      Even if you go “Pacifist” you still break into someone’s house, you still get innocent people expelled, you still ruin someone’s reputation so severely they get bullied/move out of the school, you still ruin someone’s relationship/friendship, you still stalk an innocent guy, and proceed to ruin his love life so you can keep him for yourself.

      You see the effects you have on Taro, even if you are going pacifist. So if you think of it this way some manga covers aren’t that big.

      I myself am Asexual, meaning I have no sexual feelings or urges, and my umbrella term is Apothisexual. I am utterly sex repulsed. But I don’t find any problems with this game or the manga covers.

      I have played several anime games like this. My favorite is Akiba’s Trip, where you rip the clothes off zombies, in order for them to burst on fire in the sunlight. My Mother bought the game for me and we both laughed so hard we couldn’t breath.

      Sorry if I came off rude anywhere, your feelings of discomfort are valid, but this is an adult game with very adult themes. Sorry again if it seems rude.

    • This is an M rated game. If you don’t like the manga covers, play the game without the use of Manga. It’s not hard.

  12. Hey Yanderedev I just want to give suggestion And I hope you accept it will The mangas that ayano can read can you change their cover because they feel inappropriate. I hope you change them ❤️

  13. Is it possible for all dialogues the player is in to play the same way as the Courtroom Section? Like, instead of them playing automatically, you can pass them with a button. Or even skip them completely.

  14. Hey yandev, kidnapped girls are a little broken if you try to kidnap Osana. You need to take her as your first victim for the game to fully register that she’s there. For example, in my last run, I kidnapped Osana second. She was there but had a cardboard box over her so only her knees and head were visible, no hair model at all, and I couldn’t interact with her. I tried to kidnap someone else to see if that would fix her, but the game won’t let you kidnap anyone after her (If she isn’t first). You can tranq them and it will give you the sneaking in at midnight text, but they will never show up
    – ML

  15. Day 1 of asking Yan dev to add the ability to remove an item from the protagonist’s bookbag (in a similar way that we remove a weapon from the weapon bag by pressing “R” in Yandere Vision)?

  16. i understand that the garbage bags are going to get more nerfs in the future but i just wanted to as if there was a possibility of one of the nerfs being so that the student council have a chance to check the lockers during class or lunch to see if anything suspicious is inside and then maybe have them ask a teacher to cut the garbage bag open and if a corpse is inside maybe call the cops as well as make it so that certain students base on their persona if they see a humanoid shaped bag ask a teacher to cut it open? I understand if you cant give a clear answer I just wanted a basic idea

    • The garbage bags will be nerfed, but nothing will ever be nerfed in a way that involves random chance, such as “There is a 10% chance that a student council member will look inside a bag.”

      I dislike the idea of adding random events/routines to the game. If the player prepares an elaborate plan and it is ruined by a random occurrence, the player would be very frustrated. The addition of randomness would completely ruin the player’s ability to create plans. Whether or not the player fails should be determined by their skill, not by randomly getting unlucky.

      Yandere Simulator is also meant to be “speedrun-friendly,” meaning that it is supposed to be possible to completely plan out an entire playthrough. The addition of randomly-determined factors would interfere with the ability to speedrun the game.

      I may consider the addition of a separate “Random Mode” that tests the player’s improvisational skills. However, the main story mode(s) will not involve any randomness.

  17. I don’t know if you know about a bug I ran into, but i’ll tell you about it incase you don’t. Basically it was Tuesday of the first week in the 1980s (I had eliminated the rival by killing her the day before) and was getting in trouble by the counselor, at one random point it tells me that a corpse was somehow discovered on school ground and the corpse that was found was Ryoba’s senpai (Jokichi Yudasei). I have absolutely no clue how that even happened, but I thought it was weird so I said something about it.

  18. I’m not saying I don’t like the frequent builds, but I am hoping that we can get some kind of update on the next phase of the game.

  19. Hey YandereDev, this is just a suggestion but when Osana confesses to Senpai could you maybe add a skip button? I know lots of people (including me) don’t want to sit through the whole cutscene just to get a short game over (or if Senpai rejects Osana and you don’t get a game over).

  20. I really like the new diary entries since it gives more character to the rivals in 1980s mode. The background music for all the clubs is also an interesting feature. Makes the player feel welcomed/comfortable when joining or learning about the clubs. Keep up the good work!

    Also, Happy Belated Birthday! Hope you had an awesome birthday!

    Finally, I have two questions:

    1. Do you think it’s possible to have the 1980s female delinquents arrive late to class as well? (Since they probably wouldn’t respect authority figures as much as the boy delinquents).

    2. I noticed that if you decide to keep Komako alive/still attending Akademi for the remaining weeks. She is shown to stand in the courtyard and does the talking animation. But she isn’t talking to anyone since the rainbow students are doing other things. (During Week 9, the rainbow girls talk with Kaguya and the rainbow boys follow Chigusa. And during Week 10, all the rainbow hair students help investigate the school with Sonoko).

    I kind of find it weird since she is talking to no one, and I was wondering if it was possible to have her look around her surroundings. (Similar to how Kaguya looks around the courtyard while staying in place if she was kept alive for the following weeks).

    If not, that’s okay.

  21. Bruh I’m already 18 years old which means adult enough to play yan sim but I dislike their current look

  22. I am glad that the long-standing problems of the game are being fixed. Especially those that were previously not considered problems. I’m also glad that you finally decided to nerf garbage bags. But I strongly disagree with the fact that the box with bags was suspicious. It doesn’t make sense. I think bags should protect against failure by sacrificing reputation. That is, you just need to increase the suspicion of corpses wrapped in bags, then the player will not be able to walk with the corpse in plain sight, because this will cause a game over from a low reputation.

  23. hello yandere dev sorry if i disturb you but i wanted to ask you if you could do this thing since moeko in the same wiki it says that he is a tomboy maybe to make her character more credible you could do that instead of the classic underpants she could indissolve those long underpants and maybe when she wears the tracksuit instead of the classic thing that girls wear she could wear the male pants sorry if I was not clear
    however I love your game too much

  24. I love the idea of having diary visuals! One thing I thought would come w/ this is the rival’s handwriting, but they all look the same. Either way, it’s a great update!

  25. Hey yandev i have a suggestion. If the player joins the cooking club and hold the knife, why should anyone be suspicious of it? You should make it so that it wouldn’t be suspicious. They would assume that the player will use the knife to cook or make octodogs. Obviously if they hold the knife far away from the cooking club it should be considered suspicious. Please think about it. Have a great day.

    • Yes, it would be useful not to wait until the members of the cooking club leave to take the knife without suspicion. And why does the cooking club have 6 knives? Why are there 0 of them in the household cabinet?

  26. Just wanted to drop by and say:
    Happy 4th of July Yandere Dev! Hope you can enjoy the festivities and get a good grill on before lighting up some fireworks!

    Take care and keep it up

    • I wasn’t planning on doing it this month, but if it ever becomes possible to join the bullies, part of the process will be befriending them all, so Tasks will definitely need to be created for each of the bullies in that case.

  27. A build. When a week goes by, the club You had joined rejects You for no reason. Even if You showed up to activities all week

  28. there is a glitch in yan sim
    whenever I try to poison osanas bento (with rat poison/emetic), no button to poison shows up! even when the bullies aren’t in the room.

  29. hey yandev! thanks again for another build of yansim! i have a question about one of the features you’ve mentioned a few times, but has yet to be added to the game, protagonist customization. i think this feature would be a lot of fun, and i know many other people would enjoy it as well. i was wondering if you’re still planning on adding this to the game, and if so, when will work on it begin?

  30. Hey Yandev! Was just looking around and noticed something. If all the characters are 18 and over, then why are they in high school and not in a university somewhere?? Love Yan Sim btw!

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