March 30th Big Build

Hello! I’ve got a really big build for you today. How big? 20 gameplay changes, 39 bug fixes, 4 new tasks for students, and a pretty significant update to one of the game’s previously-existing features!

Want to read a full list of everything that changed in this massive new build? Then scroll down past this beautiful illustration by Denzel Adobas!

Magazine Update

In order to perform the “Matchmaking” elimination method, the player must learn what physical traits and personality traits a rival is attracted to. This information is obtained by searching through the rival’s bookbag for a magazine full of hot guys, and learning which guys the rival is interested in.

Previously, this was achieved by simply reading some text:

However, that was boring, lacked creativity, and had very low production value. From now on, instead of simply reading some text that describes what is inside of the magazine, the player will actually get to see the inside of the magazine:

Instead of reading about hearts that the rival has drawn in the magazine, the player player now has to actually look for the hearts, and take note of what traits those boys have. Additionally, the player will be able to turn the page and see two hairstyles that the rival might be attracted to:

This kind of change – upgrading a feature from plain text to actual detailed images – represents the level of improvement and quality I want to bring to many of the game’s other features. I know that you’re probably eager to see me move to the next phase of the game’s development – crowdfunding, other rivals, etc – but, to me, the most important thing to do is to make these kinds of improvements all over the game first, before moving on to the crowdfunding stage.

There is also another “big” addition to the latest build that you might be interested in: 4 new “Tasks”, one for each member of the Martial Arts Club (except Budo, who already had a Task). I’ll let you know right away that these Tasks currently lack voiced lines. Several voice actors auditioned for each character, but in the end, I wasn’t completely satisfied with any of the auditions, so for now, the characters lack voices. It’s not a high priority to give them voices right now, so the characters may be unvoiced for a long time.

Of course, this new build contains a lot of other changes, as well as a huge number of bug fixes. Here’s a list:


  • If a student witnesses a character being electrocuted in a puddle of water, and the player was witnessed throwing a car battery immediately before the electrocution, the student will be aware that the player just deliberately killed someone, and will react according to their Persona (apprehend the player, take a photo of the player, etc).
  • Originally, debug commands and easter eggs were unlocked by typing the word “debug” in the Extras menu. This functionality was changed a while ago. Debug commands and easter eggs are nwo unlocked by typing the word “debug” while at school. The “Congratulations, you completed the demo!” text has been updated to reflect this.
  • From now on, any rival who is not present at school will have a silhouette portrait instead of a fully colored and detailed portrait. This is to reflect the fact that the protagonist isn’t meant to know who her next rivals are until they actually appear at school.
  • A lot of players didn’t understand that Ayano’s mode ends after Week 1 and that completing the “Amai Challenge” does not advance the game, so I have added a screen that explains this which will appear anytime the player ends a day on Week 2 of Ayano’s mode.
  • It is no longer possible to gossip about faculty members. As a mechanic, it wouldn’t make sense. There is no reason to gossip about them, and they wouldn’t be as emotionally/psychologically susceptible to gossip as a student would be.
  • Senpai will now speak a different line of dialogue when witnessing bizarre behavior from Yandere-chan (like creating a trap with a water cooler) because his previous line of dialogue didn’t suit most situations.
  • Student Council members and teachers now dismantle the water cooler tripwire trap if they encounter one, since part of their their job is to keep an eye out for misbehavior and pranks.
  • The protagonist now automatically changes her shoes when entering/exiting the school building. This feature was inspired by a mechanic in Pokemon Legends Arceus.
  • The “chibi Yandere-chan running” animation at the bottom-right corner of the loading screen now depicts Ryoba instead of Ayano if the player is in 1980s Mode.
  • The “Create Tripwire Trap” prompt will now appear red, to communicate to the player that it is a suspicious action that will alarm anyone who witnesses it.
  • The color of every female character’s panties is now randomly chosen at the start of the school day.
  • It is no longer possible to conceal a mop, a bucket, or a water cooler inside of a bookbag.
  • The photographs in the Photography Club are now different in 1989 than in 202X.
  • The pipe wrench has been moved from the storage room to the pool’s pump room.
  • Updated Info-chan’s hair model and the outfit she wears in the Amai cutscene.
  • The headmaster’s lips move when he talks now, in both 202X and 1989.
  • It is now suspicious to walk around school carrying a car battery.
  • Loading into the school scene is now 10 seconds faster!
  • Added stockings to Sakyu and Inkyu.
  • Updated Sakura’s hair model.


  • Fixed bug that would cause the gym uniform / school swimsuit clothing options to disappear from the protagonist’s locker if those items were bloodied, cleaned, and then worn while inside of the locker room.
  • Fixed bug that prevented the game from properly updating the color of the liquid inside of a water cooler if the player was using a jerry can or a paint bucket to add liquid, instead of using a bucket.
  • Fixed bug that would prevent Osana from realizing that her phone was ever stolen if the player stole it from the locker room and then put it on her desk before Osana had finished taking her shower.
  • Fixed bug that would cause a stream of notifications to cascade down from the top of the screen if the player tried to pick up a bottle of poison while already holding that type of poison.
  • Fixed bug that prevented the game from acknowledging that the player had selected an item to bring from home to school, if a memorial service was held for a dead student that morning.
  • Fixed bug that would cause a Cooking Club member to perform their “carrying plate” animation instead of their “running” animation if they were meant to be running away from a corpse.
  • Fixed bug that would prevent a character from entering their “electrocuted” animation if they were electrocuted while returning a dropped object to the place where they found it.
  • Fixed bug that prevented the Psychology stat from strengthening the effect of the player’s torture if the player selected the 4th menu option when torturing a kidnapped victim.
  • Fixed bug that allowed the player to request a martial arts club practice match with a martial arts club member who was not present in the club or ready for a practice match.
  • Fixed bug that would cause characters in 1980s Mode to change their routines as if they were on Week 1 of 202X Mode if the player saved their game and then loaded their game.
  • Fixed bug that would cause Raibaru to leave the area if the player took a panty shot in front of her while she was watching Osana talk to Senpai at the beginning of the day.
  • Fixed bug that caused a rival’s bookbag to permanently disappear if the player loaded a save file that was made after a rival had set their bookbag down at their desk.
  • Fixed bug that would cause Osana to walk around while deceased if she was killed by a car battery electrocution during her morning “put bentos on desk” event.
  • Fixed bug that prevented electricity from being able to jump between puddles if the starting puddle was created by causing a leak under a drinking fountain.
  • Fixed bug that caused a mind-broken slave to freeze in place permanently if the player was sent to the counselor after telling the slave to go kill someone.
  • Fixed bug that caused club leaders and student council members to levitate through the school in a sitting pose after their club meeting on Friday ended.
  • Fixed bug that caused a character kneeling in front of Osana’s corpse to mourn her death to stop mourning her death if they were splashed with water.
  • Fixed bug that would cause the protagonist’s face to disappear if the player saved and loaded the game while the protagonist was wearing a raincoat.
  • Fixed bug that would cause a bucket to permanently believe that it had brown paint inside of it if the player added brown paint and then removed it.
  • Fixed bug that prevented the day from moving forward from Sunday to Monday if the player ended Sunday by torturing a prisoner in their basement.
  • Fixed bug that causes tarp bags to go flying off in different directions at high speeds after a corpse had been dismembered above a tarp sheet.
  • Fixed bug that would cause the player to get stuck in a “dragging” animation if they sacrificed a corpse to a demon while dragging the corpse.
  • Fixed bug that prevented the game from acknowledging whether or not the player was using a keyboard at the “Rival Sabotage Progress” screen.
  • Fixed bug that prevented a character’s outline in Yandere Vision from changing after that character became a witness of suspicious behavior.
  • Fixed bug that prevented the water cooler from being identified as a “suspicious object to be carrying around”, as it was supposed to be.
  • Fixed bug that caused the “Physical Stat Too Low!” text to float over a bucket even if there were no heavy weights inside of the bucket.
  • Fixed bug that would cause Senpai to freeze in place if the player was holding a bucket while Senpai noticed the player misbehaving.
  • Fixed bug that would cause Horuda to perpetually perform her “shy hand-wringing” animation even after being electrocuted to death.
  • Fixed bug that prevented the “Spill” button prompt from being removed from a bucket after the player had dropped the bucket.
  • Fixed bug that caused Ayano’s “tying Osana’s hair around a heavy weight” animation to not align properly with Osana’s hair.
  • Fixed bug that would cause the protagonist to throw a mop if they pressed the “E” key or “A” button while holding the mop.
  • Fixed bug that would cause rivals in 1980s Mode to freeze in place permanently if a save was loaded in 1980s Mode.
  • Fixed bug that allowed the player to send a mind-broken slave to kill a target who was not present at school.
  • Fixed bug that allowed the “Send to locker” and “Ask task-related question” prompts to overlap one another.
  • Fixed bug that prevented Nemesis from being able to play a “killed from behind by blunt weapon” animation.
  • Attempted to fix a bug that would cause Ayano to become frozen after exiting the Matchmaking minigame.
  • Fixed bug that would let a Cooking Club member continue walking around after being electrocuted.
  • Fixed bug that allowed the player to electrocute Ui Tunesu during the tutorial.
  • Fixed bug that caused a stack of papers to clip into the headmaster’s laptop.

Model Changes

Recently, a lot of new 3D modellers and 2D artists have volunteered to assist me with Yandere Simulator! Thanks to their assistance, I’ve been able to update various models and textures. Dozens, in fact! If I listed every model/texture that was updated in this build, it would nearly double the length of the blog post!

Some of the changes are huge – like Ayano, Taro, and Ryoba’s hair models being replaced – but a lot of them are actually very minor, like the Kaobook and Nozama logos in Yandere-chan’s web browser being changed. Actually, one of the most significant changes in this update is the headmaster getting a new character model, which I’m very, very happy with!

Over the next few builds, a few dozen other models and textures are going to be completely replaced, as well, mostly hair models in 1980s Mode. Just wanted to give you a heads-up about it so that it’s not a surprise when it happens! And if you think, “Hey, wait, I don’t like these new hair models as much as the old ones!” then don’t worry. Hair models will continue to be tweaked, updated, and improved over the next few weeks until they all rise to the standard of quality that you’ve come to expect of the game.


Hey, tomorrow is Yandere Simulator’s 8th anniversary! Whoa, that’s a big deal! I’ll be writing a blog post about it. Hope you’ll find it insightful!

65 thoughts on “March 30th Big Build

  1. Thanks YandereDev! I love the game since I played this on 2016. I am glad you made some useful balance to the tripwire elimination. And of course,adding more voicelines and improve models and textures.

    I cannot wait for the game’s final release. In fact,The game we had now is the one I envision since I first play the game. You made a great game,Alex! Don’t worry about the drama tho.

    Can you add a routine to the headmaster where we can actually see him walking around?

  2. Honestly, am I the only who feels like Yan Dev should add these features only after making the vid with “How your feedback has improved 80’s”??
    Don’t get me wrong, I am totslly fine with waiting, but I feel like the crowdfunding will no lomger be succesfull, especially since the game was at its peak when 1980’s was released.
    Just my opinion though, I don’t mind if Yan Dev doesn’t rush. I prefer an unflawed delayed game over a very buggy one!šŸ–¤

  3. :OOO this was unexpected! I also used to think that the “magazine” was pretty boring and too easy to learn about but i really like it! Now the player can put some effort and thinking when matchmaking

  4. I’ve always wondered if we will be able to increase our skills higher that what is possible in school, like if you max out your physical education, you unlock a gym where you can increase it further, and unlock mew options of eliminating your rivals.

  5. Wow! This is amazing! I love the magazines. It feels like I am actually snooping on people and rifling through their stuff. Great job!

  6. O my fricking lord so many things to check out. thank you Yandere Dev for being such an amazing and hardworking developer. šŸ™‚

    • Yes! I love Amai and her official release would be very memorial since she is the first club leader rival in game. Also with every new rival coming we learn about new things in gameplay like secrets, plot twists and suitors! But it currently depends when Dev gets her assets finished

  7. Great work Yandere Dev.
    I was beginning to think that why is Ayano not going to be punished after not wearing appropriate shoes inside the school but then you added it to be automatically changing her shoes once she enters the school.

  8. Thanks for the update) I would really like to have the opportunity to join the student council in the game as soon as possible, but if the time for this has not yet come, then it’s okay. Anyway, I really enjoy watching the game evolve over the years. Thank you for your hard work =)

  9. i think there will make more sence that you can go into the boy’s locker room and get out naked but will cause a huge reputation demage.
    also, if senpai is a girl, that means osana could be a lessbian. so why cant we matchmake osana with raibaru?

    • i mean, no, youdont need to add this in the offical version, i want to bulid it on my end.
      so, which file and where’s the code i need to change?

    • Um Osana doesn’t like Raibaru the way you think it. She’s not lesbian and she even said she liked senpai and the type of guys she likes. Raibaru could maybe have feelings for budo or another boy. Also no ayano shouldn’t be able to go inside the boys bathroom. Wtf that’s weird and suspicious.

  10. Great update, but I’m not really a big fan of Sakyu’s and Inkyu’s stockings. Sakyu’s doesn’t match her hair and Inkyu’s is weirdly shaped. They’re too much. Also I think Osana and Amai need a hair remodel asap.

  11. hello! found a few bugs with the martial artist’s tasks, and I have a few recommendations.
    1 – you can complete Sho Kunin’s task even if the player didn’t actually win in the fight against him, you just have to fight him to complete it.
    2 – in the tasks list “app”, all the martial arts students still have the default task summary.
    3 – so, this one was really weird. basically, I got the dumbbell for Juku Ren’s task, placed it next to him, and completed it. after that, though, Mina Rai picked up the dumbbell and started taking it to the auditorium, but I started a sparring match to complete Sho’s task, and Mina just started…walking around with the dumbbell, still following her normal routine without trying to bring it back to the auditorium. I couldn’t talk to her to complete her task and ended up having to wait ’til lunch.
    4 – another thing with Mina Rai carrying the dumbbell. I started a sparring match with her (while she was in the MA Clubroom, still holding the dumbbell), and it just broke. I was still able to fight her and all, and it wasn’t gamebreaking, but she was just walking in place with the dumbbell while we fought.

    1 – make Sho Kunin’s fight a bit easier. I have a slightly lower fps rate (around 20-40 fps) than average, and it makes Sho’s fight almost impossible. maybe I’m just bad at the delinquent minigame, but I found myself not having any fun with it after the third attempt, and isn’t the point of games to have fun?
    2 – darken the muddy footprints in the Zen garden. I could barely see them at all, and it made completing Mina Rai’s task a tad annoying because I kept going back and forth between the gardens, unable to find the footprints.
    3 – make it so you can give Juku Ren the dumbbell from inside the weapon bag, or something like that. because it didn’t work like that, I ended up getting a heavy reputation penalty from the Martial Arts club while trying to give it to him.

    that’s all I found! thanks for the hard work, Yan Dev! love the new models btw!

  12. Hello yandere i got i cool new Easter egg idea for the game it would be cool if you only have to click one button and yandere Chans hair chance into usagis hair form the 90s anime sailor moon

    I love your game and I’m a big fan

  13. Dev I have a suggestion about the martial arts tasks! Like that the
    martial arts members tasks you need to use the wrech or get the dumbell react neutral (maybe the rest of all members too because they may heard the conversation) infront of you when witnessing the player carrying around those things while their task is activated. Also when you got caught and be send to the councelor, the following member whose tool you needed for completing their task runs up to the councelor and apologys / excuses you in the following situation. This makes it looking more lively! I got this idea because the player gets a heavy reputation penalty when trying to give Juku Ren the dumbell.

  14. Love the magazine update!! I also really like the new 4 tasks keep up the nice work, YandereDev. šŸ™‚ Curious what you’re gonna do for the 8th anniversary of yan sim.

  15. Hello yandere dev I have suggestions I think you should check out.
    1. Shiromi should also patrol INSIDE the Gym and pool. She is a part of the student council. It doesn’t make sense for her to not check if any student is in need of help. Plus it will become a challenge for players making it fun. Same thing with Joze Shiuba(1980s mode). He should also do the same.
    2. Can you change Uekiyas routine or add a few students around the gardening area? People always get away with murder when they kill her. Also Uekiya doesn’t really do much except stare at the hedge art.
    3. Also I noticed that in 202x mode ABC killer challenge. The 5 people that need to die first are all female. They have to die before Borupen the first male guy to die in the challenge. Im not sure if it’s a problem and you dont have to change names or anything but i just wanted ro give you a heads up.
    4. Also I have a new weapon you should add to the game. A frying pan. You can use the frying pan to kill students. It should be in the cooking club and will act as a prop and weapon. You should also add food posters in the cooking club.
    5. You should also add basketball courts in the gym because in real life there are basketball courts in gyms.
    Currently that is all I have to say. I hope you see this yandere dev.

  16. yan dev yan dev
    so I have a few suggestions:
    1. I kinda want ryoba to fight off the drug addicts on the stealth mission
    2. love the hair styles
    3. as you can see from mulberry’s 1980s mode artwork, along with 1980’s mode concept videos i really want you to make the skirts to the point where it covers the thighs
    4. add the 1980’s mode male uniforms to the uniform options in ayano’s timeline
    5. give osana a new hair style
    and that is basically it for my suggestions if you are reading this sorry if its to much

  17. Good work, now I hope to one day see Amai and such added to the game WHEN they have all their needed items added. From animations to events because as you said that you donā€™t want the others to feel like a reskinned version of Osana as thatā€™ll make the game less fun.

  18. I also think sonoko sakanoue should hear ryobas footsteps because in real life a junior detective is skilled and has good hearing

  19. You know what’s crazy? I didn’t know that Yandere Simulator was made on March 31, ALSO KNOWN AS MY BIRTHDAY! It’s a crazy fact that I never knew until this very day!

    • oh, it just heppen in debug mode. sorry to bother you.

      but the timer in game is not precise, would you mind to fix? it follow the time in game not in real.

  20. I’m really happy with the new hair models and I’m so glad you have 3d volunteers. This’ll make the game improve a lot.
    P.S how do I send fanart?

  21. Enjoyed this update. Also I like Sakyus and Inkyus stockings they look nice for them. Are u gonna give any other female students new stockings. Since Iā€™ve seen u started doing that with Dafuni and now the Basu twins

  22. Enjoyed this update. Also I like Sakyus and Inkyus stockings they look nice for them. Are u gonna give any other female students new stockings. Since Iā€™ve seen u started doing that with Dafuni and now the Basu twins

  23. I think I found a bug in 1980s mode, I got into a fight with a delinquent then a student council member broke it up I froze in place and had to reopen my game. I kept it going for a while before I closed it, instead of the day automatically ending the clock kept going as I was still standing in place (I made it to 9pm). I didn’t activate debug commands in this playthrough.

  24. YandereDev!! I found two bugs.
    For some reason Joze Shiuba’s uniform is colorless, both on her model and on her portrait.
    I wanted to try the matchmaking method and see the new magazine, I did what I always do: Strengthen the suitor’s skills, telling her how she should dress and giving her advice. Everything was going well until I told Kaguya to go to the fountain, she agreed to go but she never went and she only stayed talking with her friends (It should be clarified that everything happened on Monday of the first week). This matchmaking impossible.

  25. YandereDev in the future do you thank it is possible for you to add the feature where we can explore yanchan’s house. and make days where it is cold and the students where warm will make the game more interesting and can we go in some of the shops like the maid cafe pleas take this in to consideration and i love your work.

  26. the feature for changing your shoes was such a nice little feature though, I think a lot of people would actually like it if you did the animation everyone else does when changing shoes

  27. I did the task to Save her cat and for some reason I cant give her Tea; Was the tea ending removed? Do I have to get Her Cat charm from the maze; Or do I need to Do both Save her cat and get her Cat Charm?

  28. i can’t have any fun now because my b button doesn’t work. i have a PC i tried to type debug but it didn’t work. I’m using an touch keyboard if anyone wants to know how I’m using an b if it doesn’t work

    I can use old builds though šŸ˜€

    just telling idk

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