She’s Done

Phew! It took a lot more time than I expected, but I’ve finished testing every one of Osana’s features and confirming that everything works the way it’s supposed to. I fixed every bug I was able to find, fixed every exploit I noticed, and fixed anything I saw that looked janky. It’s such a relief to finally get past this stage of development!!

Of course, I’m pretty sure that there are still bugs in there somewhere. When I release the first build that contains Osana, it’s certain that people will discover bugs that slipped past me. However, I’ve confirmed that it’s possible to complete every one of Info-chan’s Schemes and complete every one of Osana’s elimination methods, so even if there are still bugs buried somewhere in there, there should no longer be any bugs that prevent progression or completion of objectives. (I hope!)

I have removed all “Anti-Osana Countermeasures” that prevent Osana from spawning in public builds. This means that I am now physically incapable of releasing a build that lacks Osana, since all the “Don’t let Osana spawn” code is removed. The next build I release is guaranteed to contain Osana in it, because no other option exists.

As I’ve stated before, I want the demo to feel like it’s completely different from the debug sandbox. I don’t want you to play the demo and think, “Oh, it’s the same thing as before, but Osana’s here now.” I want you to think, “WOW!! It looks and feels completely different!! So THIS is what the final game is going to look like?? Cool!!”

To achieve this goal, there are various aesthetic changes I want to make. Over the next few days, I am going to completely re-make the game’s title screen, touch up the game’s UI, and implement some graphical improvements to make the game look a lot more pretty. I already have all the assets I need to accomplish this, so there won’t be a waiting period before we enter this stage; I can jump right into it immediately.

I usually release an update on the 1st and 15th days of every month. The pre-demo graphical update will probably take a few days to complete, so I won’t be releasing a build on the 15th of this month. It’s a little difficult to predict how long this final pre-demo task will take, but I don’t think it’ll take anywhere near as long as it took to test Osana’s features.

As usual, I’ll continue to update the Trello page with my progress: The “Graphical Update To-Do List” will probably become more detailed in the future.

It means a whole lot to me if you’re still continuing to check in on my progress after all this time! As always, thank you very, very much for following the development of Yandere Simulator!

633 thoughts on “She’s Done

  1. Hi Yanderedev, I noticed on your “Demo Checklist”, you’re making a video announcing a release date video for Osana. Are you planning to release the demo later on? Sorry if there is any confusion, I just found it odd to make a video announcing a release date unless you were going to postpone the release, so I am just wondering. Either way, good job finishing Osana! Can’t wait to see her and what graphic updates you’ve made 🙂

      • Now you’re just teasing us @_@! Seriously though, Take all the time you need! Rushed things never come out as good as they could be.

      • Omg, I have been following the development since the game has even been made, and I am super excited to see what you do and how the game will look, and feel when I play, and I’m excited to crush Osana-chan’s skull in the fan on the roof if possible. lol, sorry, grapgic words here tehee, love ya yan dev!

      • Hey Yandere dev I found a bug in the game:
        the bug involves Himari from the gardening club. when the school was at very low sanity after I shut down the gardening club, I tried to cheer up Himari with a salty snack she accepted and then she was moon walking and told me that she said it was impolite to eavesdrop on conversations when i was not even doing anything.

  2. I have a question. When will the “one other thing” video be finished? I’d like your best estimate. I won’t be disappointed or upset if it’s not done by then, I promise. 🙂

  3. There are some very MINOR things that i’ve noticed when playing the game in the last couple of days that i’m worried about being in a real demo build. They aren’t super harmful to the game, and can probably be overlooked, but they do give off more if a ‘sandbox’ vibe rather than a ‘demo’ vibe:

    When talking to students sitting down on a bench or a chair, they stand up and sometimes clip through what they were sitting on. I think they should maybe be nudged to the side or front of whatever that may be, that way there isn’t a whole new animation required for such a small detail.

    When killing students with low sanity, the animation of yandere chan falling to the ground with them to stab them, once again, they clip right through any wall or bench, or chair nearby. This can cause bodies to get stuck inside walls and spaz out.

    This one might be harder to fix, but when students follow you, they tend to get stuck on other students and do the little spin thing where they run in a circle 100 times.

    I don’t know why this happened, but I think it was after I kidnapped someone, everyone the next day was going through the side entrance gate rather than the big one, and got stuck together and just clogged up right there for about 5-10 minutes until slowly they all broke free.

    These are just minor suggestions that you should maybe take into consideration later on in development possibly after the demo, but I do think a lot of people trying to bring you down will target them once the demo is finally released.

  4. Hi yanderedev!
    One question if you can:
    In a short manga, you show us that nemesis is Sempai’s sister and this happens in an alternative universe. This person is an adult Hanako? And Nemesis or someone with her roll will be in the principal game?

  5. Hello Yandere-Dev 🙂
    I have a question/thought.
    So if you kill a student council member, clearly the game gets harder when Megami adds security cameras and metal detectors.
    (*if you ever add this feature, maybe a tutorial for this part?*)
    Say you killed someone in front of a camera. Will you have time to delete any evidence in a room where they keep the recordings? If so, i feel like this is where the game can get a bit harder.
    Here are some of my ideas;
    1. The door can be locked, but you can steal the key from a teacher that has a certain routine of checking on the students.
    2. Once you steal the key, you will enter the room, but there will be a whole bunch of computers with footage. But only a certain computer will hold the footage of you killing a student.
    3. The computer that you find, will have a password on it. But, you can ask info chan to hack into one of the teachers laptops to achive the password.
    4. Once you get the password and get into the computer, there should be a little puzzle piece minigame or something like that.

    These are just some ideas i thought of. I know that developing is hard, but i can’t wait for future updates 🙂

  6. So glad you’re not letting the hate get to you. I know how discouraging it is to have a bunch of sheep angry at you because of misinformation. Be strong. You got this.

  7. YandereDev, I have a question. When the character model is 100% finished. Are you going to show it through the website so that we can give our opinion or are you going to add it to the game as a surprise?

  8. I finished my school exam today. I want to play the demo version! It is not a burden. But I’m so excited. Now I can focus more on the rival elimination play!

  9. Finally! Osana is made! Actually, my pc is not working and I haven’t downloaded Yandere Simulator yet so when I will get a new pc, I will download the game! ♥♥😄

  10. Hey Yandere-Dev. I came to wish you well on these last final steps before the demo and was wondering if we could at least get a sample of the Student Council voicelines? Maybe just one line from each of them in a video with a shot of their in-game models or portraits?

    Whatever the case, I’m very excited to see how it all turns out. I know I’ll be blown away

  11. Hey yandere dev. A while ago I saw a comment from you saying that all the rivals wont have bodyguards. If so, which rivals wont have bodyguards?

  12. Have you given more thought about the ability to join the Student Council? You haven’t mentioned it since their introduction

  13. Questions Yandev!
    1. What will be the goal after Osana, straight to Amai, character models, or something different
    2. Since your creating a v-slice will you redo Osana later with more programmers and funding
    3. If you eliminate Osana peacefully(matchmaking or other) will she still stay in the school in following weeks
    One last thing if the ‘other thing’ is that mega response video with all the reciepts, i don’t think you should do it, it will just give hater channels more things to talk about and “disprove” whereas if you lay low people wont have anything new to say about you

  14. Hi YanDev again, I have a question about Megami.
    In her “lore” on official page it says:
    Once she will be back at school, she will hire security guards, implement security cameras, metal detectors etc to protect school’s population: I have 2 questions:
    Does it will affect the school’s atmosphere?
    Every student at school will be protected by Megami’s guards?
    Is Megami capable of stopping Ayano by herself like Raibaru?
    Hope you’re gonna answer, love you 😘😘😘

  15. Dude this idea is kinda cool what if the horror prototype was a minigame where you had to return to school at midnight and retrieve you kidnapped student and nemesis would become the headmaster and if he spotted you he’d run up to you and tazer you. Well I thought it was cool

  16. We are SO close I can TASTE it! The tension is killing me. This will probably be the biggest moment of the Yandere Simulator Development history. I fully believe that the demo will be great! Only a few days away that’s CRAZY

  17. 17 MINUTES OF NARRATION? YandereDev, just what hasve you been up to? The last time you did a video of that length was I believe the Hate and Shame video…

  18. Is the codding going to be polished in the demo or later (or at all)? Also great job, keep up the good work! ^^

  19. I have a question. Before it was possible to kill one boy crushing his head with the doors of the entrance of the school. It was a bug or a official elimination method ? I think it was really cool and it would be a shame if it wasn’t in the final game.

  20. OMG OSANA IS SO CLOSE! Though I am gonna miss the days where Yandere Dev made updates monthly,but I so proud of him. Osana here she comes….

  21. so how exactly long is the video going to take? most of us are pretty much impatient tbh. the last thing i want is to rush anyone but you know, i think we deserve to know how much it’s going to take…

    • 1 hour of work per 1 minute of video. Video is 17 minutes long. Thus, 17 hours of work to make the video. Can’t work 17 hours in one day. That has to be spread over multiple days.

      At least 2 days.

      • 0. Will you launch the 2 vids as soon as you finish? or will you rest? Or have a specific time in mind?
        1. Are Megami’s bodyguards men in sunglasses and earpieces? Or the student council?
        2. Will the postprocessing effects look like the Amai+Senpai cutscene?
        3. I think InfoChan shouldn’t be wearing her uniform outside of school.
        4. Will you launch both videos virtually at the same time?

      • Not Dev, but I may know the answer for some of those questions.
        1) Most likely the student council, since during Magami’s week, her dad wants her to suvive on her own as a test.
        3) I doubt we would even see Info-chan outside of her room let alone out of school.
        4) Most likely at the same time.

  22. Yandere Dev you can read this comment it is important, today I found these bugs on the Yandere Simulator game, I did: I joined the drama club I put my drama club gloves on I used the elimination method to blame one innocent student for murder and then I asked Info-Chan to send a student home and I chose to send home the student who took the cutter out of the box and checked this student if he is coming home then I killed the students using gloves and cutter, then I burned my uniform and bloodstained gloves, left my bloody cutter on the floor, put on my clean uniform, while waiting for the police all the students told me that I am covered in blood with the gym uniform also the swimsuit which are clean and the teacher gave me the game over with the clean uniform. Can you fix these Yandere Dev bugs please?

  23. 0. Will you launch the 2 vids as soon as you finish? or will you rest? Or have a specific time in mind?
    1. Are Megami’s bodyguards men in sunglasses and earpieces? Or the student council?
    2. Will the postprocessing effects look like the Amai+Senpai cutscene?
    3. I think InfoChan shouldn’t be wearing her uniform outside of school.
    4. Will you launch both videos virtually at the same time?

  24. Yandere Dev you can read this comment it is important, I found a bug on the Yandere Simulator game which would be the sequence of the end of the day and success: the police arrive at the school, some students died, they found the bloody cutter, they examined the fingerprints digits on the bloody knife and it belonged to an innocent student, but the innocent student sent him home and then the game crashes. If you did not understand this comment read the previous comment I wrote to you this day a few minutes ago you have to replicate the bug I wrote you before but don’t get caught by the teacher, wait for the police, and you get the sequence at the end of the day. Can you fix this Yandere Dev bug please?

  25. Yandere Dev sorry for the comments in English I got a verb wrong on the 1st comment of today that I wrote “he checked” instead it is “I checked” the 2nd comment of today I wrote “knife” actually and “cutter”. Because I’m Italian I’m not good in English.

  26. YandereDev, at what stage of development are you planning to implement the new character models? That will certainly improve the appearance of the game by tenfold, so I’m really looking forward to it.

  27. How long does it take to edit a 17-minute video? It’s been nearly 5 days since the latest trello list has three out of four completed things, man. Why is this taking so long?

    • I summarized the situation as “Editing” But there is a whole lot more to it than just “Editing”.

      * Rough Draft
      * First Revision
      * Second Revision
      * Third Revision
      * Recording voiceover
      * Editing voiceover
      * Setting up gameplay situations to record footage for video
      * Recording gameplay footage for video
      * Setting up 3D scenes to create 3D animations for video
      * Recording 3D animations for video
      * Creating 2D motion graphics for video
      * Recording 2D motion graphics for video
      * Editing together everything that was created for the video and synchronizing it to the voiceover

    • I know it’s frustrating to wait so long when your hyped for something, but you gotta have some more patience. Worst case scenario, the game’s demo build doesn’t come out until like October or something. Best case, it comes out in a few days. You can wait another few days or a couple weeks without dying

  28. I’ll continue supporting this game. No matter what happens. Drama won’t change that fact. I also hope the best for Najimi’s development

  29. If they’re anxious for osana it’s fine but if they are impatient they very well might be gremlins. I hope most people are just anxious.

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