April 12th De-Janking Build

What the heck does “De-Janking” mean? To find out, scroll down past this super cool artwork by SexyUnicornKing and click “Continue Reading”!

I recently had the opportunity to watch a couple of YouTubers play Yandere Simulator for the first time. This is very rare in 2019!

This was a very enlightening experience for me, because I learned which aspects of the game might confuse newcomers:

  • One YouTuber didn’t know how to restore sanity (laughter) and assumed that the only way to do it was to use the debug turtle.
  • One YouTuber successfully completed the pick-pocket minigame, but didn’t realize that they had succeeded, because the game didn’t communicate their success.
  • One YouTuber was baffled by the scripted event where Kokona stalks Senpai, because Senpai wasn’t present for the event.

Each of these problems has a different solution:

  • The game needs a tutorial that teaches the player basic gameplay mechanics that aren’t self-explanatory.
  • There needs to be some form of on-screen visual notification to inform the player when they’ve succeeded at something that isn’t readily apparent.
  • Outdated scripted events need to be removed from the game, since they have been replaced with emergent gameplay.

Now, on another note, unrelated to the topic of first-time players…

I’ve been staring at Yandere Simulator for so long that some of its quirks have become “normal” to me. Recently, I tried to look at the game from the perspective of a new player, and instantly realized that Yandere Simulator feels “janky” in a quite a few departments. Let me give you a few examples:

  • If a student says a line of dialogue anywhere in the school, the player will hear it, no matter how far away the student is.
  • If a student is standing at the edge of the rooftop (to clean chalk dust off of erasers) the player doesn’t have the option of pushing them off the roof.
  • If a student sees a suspicious object, they will approach it, investigate it, walk away from it, turn around…and then react to it again, as if they never saw it before.

These are all things that I was willing to ignore while Yandere Simulator was still “early in development” – but now that we’re on the doorstep of the first official demo, it’s no longer acceptable to have that kind of “jank” in the game. Additionally, there are some things I’ve been planning for years that I simply never got around to doing:

  • When I first introduced the Student Council, I claimed that they would send you to the guidance counselor when they caught you doing bad things. I never implemented this.
  • I’ve always wanted Mission Mode to allow the player to design a mission with multiple targets, instead of just one target.
  • It’s weird to have characters strip completely naked in the locker room; they should be wearing towels, instead.

After watching first-time players get confused and realizing how much “jank” is in Yandere Simulator, I felt compelled to sweep through the game and smooth out the rough parts. I want Yandere Sim to be polished and presentable when Osana is implemented. That was my focus for today’s build.

When a new build is characterized by an abundance of bug-fixes, I call it a “Bug-Fixing Build”. When a new build has a bunch of minor improvements, I call it a “Minor Improvement Build”. The objective of this build was to make the game more accommodating to new players, remove jankiness, and implement features that I’ve been planning for years. That’s why I’m calling this a “De-Janking” build. Truthfully, a lot of the builds released over the last 4 months belong in that category.

From this point forward, in addition to accepting bug reports, I’d like to invite “jank reports” – you’re welcome to point out aspects of the game that feel low-quality and fall below your standards. Because Yandere Sim is an indie project, it’s definitely not going to have the same production values as a big-budget AAA title…but I still want the build that contains Osana to be as presentable and polished as possible, within reason.

My original plan for the game’s tutorial was a scripted sequence where Kokona asks the player to help her rehearse a play about a serial killer. The rehearsal would introduce all of the game’s core mechanics; stabbing, dragging corpses, cleaning blood, disposing of evidence, evil laughter, etc. However, I started considering how much time it would take to prepare this sequence, and I realized that it would require a very significant investment of time.

To avoid delaying the arrival of Osana (any further than it has already been delayed) I’ve decided that it would be a smart idea to postpone the scripted tutorial sequence until after the crowdfunding campaign. I’ve decided that, for the time being, I’ll help new players learn the game through tutorial pop-ups like this one:

When the player triggers certain criteria (such as damaging their reputation) a relevant tutorial pop-up will appear to inform them of the consequences of their actions, and the necessary steps to fix things. (As of now, there are 10 tutorial pop-ups in the game…but I think that it might be necessary to include about 5 more. I wonder how quickly you can meet the criteria for triggering all 10 tutorial pop-ups?)

I worry that these tutorial pop-ups might be a bit too large and wordy, but if they feel intrusive, you’re welcome to disable them with a single button press. You might consider this to be the “first draft” of what the tutorial system will be like. If you hate it, don’t worry, since the “serial killer rehearsal” scripted sequence will be a much more effective tutorial.

It’s worth mentioning that this means one more item – a tutorial – has been taken off of the pre-Osana checklist. Only a small handful of tasks remain until it’s Osana Time!

So, does this build quality as a “major” update? I’m not sure…I guess it kinda depends on what you personally feel is “major”. There’s a new mode in Mission Mode, so if you’re a fan of Mission Mode, that’s major. The Student Council can send you to the counselor now; you might consider that to be pretty major. There is also a new easter egg…maybe that’s your idea of “major!”

Here’s a list of all the “quality of life” improvements and bug fixes in the latest build:

Changes / Additions

  • Added a new type of mission to Mission Mode – “Multi Mission”. This allows the player to play a mission with up to 10 different targets. You can also select the exact method for killing them (weapon, fire, electrocution, etc). I might expand on this mode in the future, depending on whether or not anyone is interested in it. (It’s entirely likely that the player can design missions which are impossible to complete, so you’re welcome to bug-test it and tell me what kind of eliminations are impossible for which students.) (It might be a good idea to test eliminations one-at-a-time, to confirm that there are no bugs, before attempting to tackle long and complex missions with many targets.)
  • Added a debug command to the debug menu that will obscure the screen whenever an attack animation is playing. (This might come in handy for YouTubers who prefer to hide violent animations when making videos about Yandere Sim.)
  • The Student Council will now send you to the guidance counselor when they catch you doing something that a teacher would yell at you for. (They will still pepper spray you if they think that their life is in danger, though.)
  • Removed Kokona’s lunchtime event, since that event only existed so that the player could test the bento-poisoning mechanic, and the bento-poisoning feature is now available for all students.
  • From now on, when a student sees a suspicious object, they will only react to it once, instead of continuously reacting to it until it leaves their field of vision.
  • From now on, after successfully pick-pocketing a character, a little notification will appear at the top of the screen to inform the player that they have succeeded.
  • Added voice lines for the new dialogue that was given to teachers in recent updates (reacting to blood pools, bloody weapons, dismembered limbs, etc).
  • It is now possible to push a student off the rooftop while they are dusting off erasers near the rooftop railing.
  • Adjusted “Kill All” debug command so that it can kill student council members in addition to normal students.
  • Added tutorial pop-ups. The pop-ups can be disabled with a single button push, if they’re annoying.
  • Female students now wear towels in the locker room instead of stripping completely naked.
  • Added a new easter egg to the Easter Egg Menu. You know how the Internet always tries to turn everything into a cute anime girl, no matter how far away from “cute girl” it might be? Well, I saw a photograph recently, and I interpreted it as…a challenge.


  • Finally fixed bug that would cause the player to hear a “curtain opening” sound effect during certain times of day, no matter where they were on the map. (It was the Photography Club passing through the curtains inside of their club.)
  • Fixed bug that caused Otohiko to be decapitated by the school gate even if he was walking through the secondary gate and the school gate was already closed.
  • Fixed bug that caused a memorial service to occur for a dead student even if it was impossible for anyone at school to be aware that the student was dead.
  • Fixed bug that prevented Mission Mode from displaying the correct reason for a failed mission if the player failed a mission while fighting a delinquent.
  • Fixed bug that caused a soft-lock if the player arrived at school late (due to reading manga at night) on a day when a memorial service was held at school.
  • Fixed bug that allowed the player to prevent a student from returning a misplaced item by speaking to them while they were returning the item.
  • Fixed bug that allowed the player to break a student’s behavior by talking to them while they were investigating a suspicious object.
  • Fixed bug that prevented students from reaching their destinations if splashed with liquid and sent to the locker room.
  • Fixed bug that made panties display weirdly on Yandere-chan’s body when the Miyuki easter egg was available.
  • Fixed bug that caused the player to hear a student’s spoken lines no matter how far away they were.
  • Fixed bug that prevented Kokona from reaching her destination during her Thursday shower event.

What’s Next?

Probably more de-janking, then attempting to improve the game’s framerate, then further work on the game’s save/load feature, then the Mysterious Obstacle!

172 thoughts on “April 12th De-Janking Build

  1. I want to see Jay, Razz, Veggie, and Biju play the new mission mode. On the highest level if possible 🤗😈

  2. Hey YandereDev! I have an idea, it’s for the gate elimination. Well, I think you can make players have nightmares, and thanks of that, arrive late at school, just like Otohiko. The nightmares could be ocasionated by the player by killing someone in front of other student with a certain personality (You could also send frightening notes, or things like that)
    Hope it helps!

    • Nightmares tend to wake me up early. Maybe have the students stay up late at night because, like you said, they saw you murder someone or leave them scary notes, so they can’t fall asleep quickly. But they do unconsciously fall asleep but they wake up late so they’re late in school. Anyways, I like your idea!

  3. I always forget how strange yandere sim is for someone whose never played it before. I have to bite my tongue from getting frustrated at people who don’t know how to play. Of course they don’t know how to play, it’s their first time. Like in the video you linked, she started looking for the disk, not realising she had it.

  4. I knew calling “BUGs” to my videos wasn’t the right way of explaining most of these updates lol… 😉

    Thx YanDev for taking time to polish the game aspect before launching a demo.

  5. I think you added book bags to the game because I saw the gym teacher wearing one. I think you need to make the student council a pop-up tutorial. Anyway, there are some minor touches in past YouTube videos you forgot to implement. Such as :achievements, students hearing screams and improved models etc. Just wanted to remind you of some objectives. One last thing, could you implement (after the kick-starter) driven to murder and mortification eliminations.

  6. Great job yandere dev keep it up!
    I am looking for the next update (framerate improval) since my computer can run yandere sim but too slowly.
    I think you should add a new animation for when yandere-chan is going to grab the body because for now it automaticly grabs a limb. I had the idea that maybe yandere chan could grab the body by putting her arms around the corpse shoulders.
    I hope you the best in Yandere sim development!

  7. I am happy. I’m sooo happy that we found, or more like YOU found new things to improve on. I want everyone to be just as familiar with the same mecaniques as I am, so these “De-Jankings” are a really good step forward to the development of the game and the over-all enjoyment. 🙂

  8. Hi yanderedev!! I just want to tell you that the work you did this month is amazing! Thank you so much! I just wanted to ask a question; how’s the intro cutscene going? Weren’t you just recently working on that?

  9. i did notice that it was weird that the delinquents picked up items to put back when they dont do other helpful stuff

  10. Wonderful! The new Updates sound super interesting, especially the thing with the tutorial boxes and that you now can push students from the rooftop! I also look forward to testing the new easter egg once I updated the game!

  11. Yandere Dev you can read this comment is important, you can create a portable mirror on Yandere Chan’s desk inside Yandere Chan’s room in this way the player can change his hair before going to school. Yandere Dev also read this comment is important you could read my idea that it would be to create the multiplayer mode within Mission mode, you can only play 2 players. Players can choose Yandere Chan or Nemesis Chan, player 1 who chose Yandere Chan can customize his mission and must complete his mission, player 2 who chose Nemesis Chan will only have one mission to complete, finding Yandere Chan is killing her with any weapon inside the school, when the mission begins Nemesis Chan will be spawned behind the school and Yandere Chan in front of the school this way yandere Chan will have time to finish the mission without being seen by Nemesis Chan, it will be poss You can delete Nemesis Chan in multiplayer mode. You can improve my idea if you want Yandere Dev. Can Yandere Dev get these features for the next update of yandere simulator please?

  12. I didnt try the build yet but i dont think it’s possible to push the leader of the music clun when she s in the roof depressed

  13. I can’t put a note on Kokona’s locke. Even if I increase Language’s level. I increase Language’s level, but I can’t put a note on Kokona’s locker

  14. hey Yandere dev remember when you said that in the future the player will be able to join the student council or preform tasks for the student council members? maybe you can work on that next ?if you want

  15. Wow im so hyped for the final game!!!! Can’t wait for the first rival (Osana). I watch every day if there is a new update cause every time there is a new update I get more HYYPPPEEEEDDD!!! Your doing a great job Yandere Dev

  16. The quickest model Yandere Dev can use for the mysterious obstacle is the Invincible Rival which everyone forgot about. He’s gonna use it, BET

  17. *sees update on launcher* I’ve followed this game’s development for years on Youtube, but I only started playing it recently after learning it reached the 5-year mark. I really appreciate you adding attempts at a tutorial and fixing some of these bugs (that curtain sound effect has been confusing me for days). Having the girls wear towels in the locker room sounds like an interesting touch. As for frame rate, my fps counter has been showing high numbers but I’ve lowered the resolution after experiencing certain issues . Well, I’m off to finish trying out the Matchmaking method (I’m a pacifist player). As I become more familiar with the game, maybe I’ll understand it enough to fill out a bug report.

    • same i have seen people play but I’ve only gotten it recently, and i can’t wait to see the new Easter egg!

  18. Awesome job! I’m glad Osana is almost done!! One thing i would wish to see return is the rainbow 6 girls. I feel like they played a big role in the game. But its your game, not mine. So you can do whatever you want with it! Thanks Yanderedev!

  19. Add furries.

    Jk. I love how the game is coming along! Can’t wait to see how it progresses even further! X3 Also can’t wait to see Jay play this… and some other YouTubers. owo

  20. Hello!I wanna propose you 3 things for improving this aspects of the game.
    First: when a new player plays yandere sim, the empty rooms of the school result strange for them.I propose you that every 15 days in each update you decorate one room.There are 9 empty rooms on the school right now,so it is easy.
    Second: giving hazu kashibuchi sewing accesories,like scizors and threads,for letting new players know that this boy is related to the sewing and maybe can give them any advantage.
    The 3 is more an aspect: change the student concuil pop up photo,and by other side,that yandere chan can become one member of them.Thanks!

  21. This is a great step forward, thanks for keeping this up! Definitely looking forward to later in development, I haven’t looked at much other than these updates because I want to go in entirely blind but I’m super excited for this. Good luck on the project!

  22. Hey Yan Dev, I found a little error in one of the voice lines of the teachers. When they discover a dangerous object, a knife for example, they say: “I’ll take this to the facility room” instead of “I’ll take this to the faculty room”. Btw, you should add voice lines to the student council members too.

  23. I guess my first question is about the Announcement Room. I know it will be used for security in the future but what about when normal, who will it be used by? The Staff? Or students? Will there be announcements at different times of the day or just mornings and afternoons? Is this everyday or a weekly thing? If you were to implement weather would they talk about it? Upcoming exams? School field trips? Holidays? Special events like an upcoming play or special guest? A recycled introduction of motivation for students, and possibly an anthem (I’m from Canada and we always stood and sang O Canada). Would they talk about mysteries activities or events, caution and warn others? Remind students of the rules and so forth? Saying they found unsuspicious missing items? Talk about missing students and ask for prayers for their safe return or students to report any information? Talk about news of the city or town they live in? Sport Events? I can see numerous opportunities that could be used. I remember in Persona 4 Golden how at the beginning on the intercom a staff member told the students to stay in their classes until they had further information from the police and giving the students orders to return home immediately. And that just created a new question, if a teacher has a teacher’s pet report a body and it’s still there and they call the police why don’t they call or inform the rest of the staff that there is a murderer on the loose? We’re one of them could warn the students in the Announcement Room to go to their home room or hide, or have some type of cautionary action like in school shootings. I know it would be time consuming and more harder but I think it would make it more challenging and difficult and make more consequences for the player for murder. And maybe to prevent this the player would have to tamper or break or mess things up in the Announcement Room to buy more time before the school is in panic. Or till the Staff member goes to the Head Master who may or may not have access to his own system to access the intercoms.

    Also, for burning any student, I think there should be consequences for burning a student inside the school. I am wondering if the school will have fire alarms/smoke detectors and a fire sprinkler system. It would be more realistic to a school and make players cautious and mindful of were they should set someone on fire. Also, if the player uses a fire alarm and press the button or pull down depending there should also be consequences if the player tries to use it as a prank or to mess with the school. Like with the school roof and the punishment of a fence the fire alarm would be more secure, the second time would be glass and the third time could be with a key that only staff, possibly the Student Council and maybe Club Leaders would have access with keys. Also, with adding a fire distinguisher to the game as a weapon it should also be used as its purpose. If the player or other characters see something or someone on fire, they should try putting it out, I can see Staff, Student Council, Heroics and those who see their love ones on fire run and get the fire distinguisher and put them out. Also, I think dropping a fire distinguisher/ fire extinguisher in the incinerator would be naturally dangerous (and anything that is pressurized and could explode) and should be cleaned of blood, but if blood is found on it then I think as a punishment it should also be more secure similar to the alarm.

    Also, I was thinking there should be consequences of stealing items particularly keys. If a student has lost something, they should report it and ask friends to help find it or themselves looking for it like Osana. If you frame someone for stealing a student’s property, they should hold a grudge or show resentment to the one they think stole from them, spreading rumors and lowering reputation or even ruining friendships. Also, for students who lost their things or have it stolen they should be more cautious for their belongings making it harder in the future. Also, if key’s go missing there should be concern and consequences for the players actions, locks being changed, and those who keys were stolen being more cautious and aware of their surroundings. And if caught with stolen items and key’s the punishment should be harsh. Also, if items go missing in certain parts of the school, mostly club room items that club members would notice they should also be awry and cautious that someone is stealing from them. And if the player is spotted red-handed by the one they stole from or their friends the player should be reported and that they should be punished by having a grudge on them by the one they stole from and their friends.

    Also, a side note I would love if you added the flower option to the desk of a deceased student or a bullied student. Also, once you fully have the school completed and mapped out you should have a ‘Fire Escape Plan’/’Fire Emergency Evacuation Plan’ it would make the school more real and help players locate their position, Fire Exit, Assembly Point, fire distinguisher/ fire extinguisher and fire alarms are. Also, ceiling lights and other signs would help not make the ceiling bland. Also I would hope you will be fallowing a school system similar to persona of exams, holidays and special events and so worth of the year, and the possibilities to do during holidays and such. Also, I think a School Store would be beneficial to the player, it could be used to buy gifts for rivals for the suitors to give, gifts for Senpai, as well as other possibilities. And I have a solution to the person behind the counter and it’s thanks to the drawing in the ‘Let’s Examine Persona – Part 2’ video. The illustration looks bored and tired, so what if they suffer from boredom and fall asleep? I had the idea from the video game ‘Disney’s Aladdin in Nasira’s Revenge’, in the game Aladdin has two types of weapons, his sword and a throwing weapon, in the level of Agrabah there is a man selling apple’s and is looking around cautiously until he falls asleep for a few seconds until he wakes up and repeats or unless Aladdin makes noise, so Aladdin has to do a certain walk to steal the apples. So, what if you wait for the store keeper to fall asleep them making a noise to signal the player that they are asleep or having Zzz’s popping out of their head so you can do what you need to do before they wake up. This is my suggestion of how you can have this kinda character and option in the game. Also, I have another question regarding of friendships, mostly with the rivals. What if with the suitor or helping your rival and befriending them gives you bonus options, like rewards for sparing and keeping your rivals alive. Like that the friendship continues forth throughout the game, like if you were to let Osana live and when Amai appears what if there are options of seeking help from Osana and advice and so on and so worth till Megami appears, that you the player have all these friends you somehow bonded with and befriended and due to what you did they got your back and are supporting you, that since they found happiness in a suitor or whatever you helped them with they’d want the same for you. I think it would be interesting and unique and would give the surviving rivals a bigger role and purpose throughout the game. Also it be great if they could teach and help the player with preparing to be with Senpai, like for example Amai teaching to make meals to prepare for marriage or something.

    I apologize if this is allot

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