Launcher Update (and Patreon Update)

Unfortunately, there was a bug in the previous launcher. A new launcher has been put up for download. You should delete the one you previously downloaded, and download the new one, instead!

It’s entirely possible that we may discover new bugs in the new launcher, and then release another new launcher. This could happen once a month, once a week, or once per day; I wouldn’t want to make a blog post about it each time, so, from now on, the launcher will inform you when it has become outdated:

Nifty, huh!

By the way…after I released the launcher, I received dozens of e-mails complaining that the launcher wasn’t working properly. I can’t help you with that; I didn’t program it! This guy did. If you encounter problems with the launcher, please e-mail him, not me!

You can contact him at

Patreon Update

At this point in time, I only have one other thing to mention:

Yandere Simulator’s development is supported by monetary donations on Patreon. I’ve always tried to do my best to make the Yandere Simulator development process as transparent as possible. However, I’ve recently heard some people claiming that I’m secretive about how the Patreon money is spent, or that I’m pocketing Patreon money that should be going to volunteers. To dispel those notions, I’ve written a lengthy post detailing what I do with the Patreon money. You can check it out here:

Thank you for following the development of Yandere Simulator!

84 thoughts on “Launcher Update (and Patreon Update)

      • Would it be possible for you to fuck off. BITCH!!! motherfucker assholic selfcest cunt fucking austistic little bitch HOW DARE YOU HAVE AN OPINION OF DEVPAI. IT IS UP TO ME TO BRAINWASH U INTO SHOWING U EVAS TRUE IDENTITY. U AND KEVAN THE MOTHERFUCKING SKELETON
        HES SATAN

        -yanderedev brainwashed obsessed fan

      • (Just between me and the sane fans of Yandere Simulator, this is pure sarcasm dedicated to Astha Thakur (IHAVENOCLUE2468 aka Chara) & Kevan the Skeleton.)

  1. hey, i was just wondering about how your volunteers are getting credited. i know you stated before that you won’t credit anyone before the final game is done, because not all features might make it into the final game (which i think is very logical and rational), but then what about the volunteers who worked hard but their work didn’t make the cut, will the not be credited? if that is the case, then i understand why some people are upset. if not, and they’re getting a sort of “special thanks” in the credits, then good on you. anyway, just wondering. if anyone has anymore info on this, feel free to respond!

    • It’s tough being a volunteer, but it’s also that: Volunteer. You are willing to put your time and effort to compete with other volunteers so that your work will be credited. The volunteers themselves should realize it’s a a tough world to live in, not just in the gaming world. If their works are not being credited that means someone did better than them, and this is true in real life. You either improve or be cast away. In the real working world, your boss won’t tell you you deserve some credit even though someone did way better than you. Volunteers need to have this mindset before having to volunteer for YanDev in the first place.
      Of course I do hope YanDev credits them at the final game, but if he doesn’t, he’s not entirely wrong because their work was replaced by better work of others.

  2. Why are people getting paranoid that Yan-Dev is using Patreon money to buy a nice boat or whatever? The man is updating regularly and volunteers don’t seem to have complaints. The game keeps getting better and more developed. Where does this idea even come from that he’s just skimming the money for himself?

  3. “Results of a 2010 survey in the United States indicate that the average salary for a game programmer is USD$95,300 annually. The least experienced programmers, with less than 3 years of experience, make an average annual salary of over $72,000.”

    Give yourself a small raise. You deserve it.

  4. After reading that whole patrons post thing, i left this comment and i hope yandere dev reads it because he is a horrible and discreamnates his workers and if i were them, i would leave and quit and curse him out.

    This is what i wrote:
    Why should they have to qualify for “Your Liking Of Them”? If they’re bloody working for you and trying to help you with the development , then they should get paid for helping. They didn’t have to volunteer at all! When you went out on your blog post and said you needed volunteers , they could have skipped over you and said nope, but they didn’t. They all stood behind you and wanted to help. So all those voice actors, animation workers, bug fixers, sketch designers and much more , should be paid because they make the game the way it is. Without them, the freaking game just wouldn’t be the way it is unless you were going to sit behind a mic and record Kakhona ‘s compensated dating phone call or burning scream. Which obviously you didn’t . Even if they don’t put in as much work as Druelzo they should be paid because of they’re hard work too. It doesn’t matter if its just 2 cents on the penny. Pay them Something and stop being a freaking idiot and telling people they’re time and work wasn’t worth shit. You wouldn’t want them saying that to you. (Now I know volunteer means you don’t get paid but if dr​uelzo was then everyone should and not the ones he liked)

    Now Everyone Please and i say this in the most kind manner, I dont give two shits if you say “Dev is only paying people who did work”, Well everyone did fucking work. So what you going to say about that

    • They volunteered. Meaning they chose to give their time for free. Volunteers do not get payed. It’s not an internship. Might won’t to look up the definition of what volunteer means before leaving an uninformed comment. It does not make you look smart at all.

    • I get your point of view… But disagree. Also, was that much swearing necessary? If so, do you really need to use the 6 you did (including ‘bloody’ and the two ‘freaking’s.) to make a point? Really? You couldn’t be a little less furious? YandereDev’s volunteers don’t walk up and say “I’ll do this if you pay me this” (From what I’ve heard). They list their skill set and if they are useful to the game’s development and final outcome and are friendly, and work well with others, YandereDev (or as Astha Thakur (IHAVENOCLUE2468 aka Chara) said) if volunteers want a salary, they have to ask YandereDev. Also, if your complaining, I fee it’s important you can actually spell your example’s name. ‘Kakhona’? No… Kokona. You managed to spell Kokona wrong; she’s the test dummy for elimination methods; she dies a new way in almost every major build.

    • Stop fucking hating on Dev. So what, the game is his project so of course he has an image of the game so he can be picking, don’t volunteer if u don’t got what it takes. He’s sacrificed 2 years to follow his dream, lay off him. I’d like to see y’all try to make a game by yourselves. He’s stressed. Leave the guy alone.

    • Wow, I never realized Dev was holding a gun to people’s heads and forcing them to donate their time and talent to his game.

      You know, if volunteers really feel they are being treated unfairly, they are free to walk away whenever they want, as many have.

      If I felt I could contribute my time to this game, I would try. I wouldn’t care about compensation because I would understand I was volunteering. Instead, I contribute in the only other way Dev asks: I give a little money on Patreon and leave him alone to work.

  5. yanderedev have you think to change the student voice with the real japanese student voice ? it will make the game more realistic …also you should make the student have lovey dovey couple

  6. Wait, I thought the purpose of the launcher was so that People dont have to always download the latest build manually from the website, so if you now have to always download the latest launcher manually from the Website, how did that improve anything?

  7. (This post is to represent the ignorant scam conspirators and all misspelled words are intentional)
    “YanDev is a phony a he done stole my money on patron! I’s thinking he is a scamming me! He works for a tiny salary and he works all day for da fans. That’s must mean he is scamming my money and probably using da loot to buy a pwetty boat or some cambucha!”

    This is my way of telling the ignorant YanDev haters here to shut up and why are you even here if your going to hate on the game and its developer. Also I did some digging to see if this whole “Yandere Dev is living mansion” thing had any truth to it and you know what a found: ZILCH! So people leave poor Yandere Dev alone, also for people who support YanDev Kudos to you guys.

  8. This post is to represent the ignorant scam conspirators and all misspelled words are intentional)
    “YanDev is a phony a he done stole my money on patron! I’s thinking he is a scamming me! He works for a tiny salary and he works all day for da fans. That’s must mean he is scamming my money and probably using da loot to buy a pwetty boat or some cambucha!”

    This is my way of telling the ignorant YanDev haters here to shut up and why are you even here if your going to hate on the game and its developer. Also I did some digging to see if this whole “Yandere Dev is living mansion” thing had any truth to it and you know what a found: ZILCH! So people leave poor Yandere Dev alone, also for people who support YanDev Kudos to you guys.

  9. Not to be that guy … But….. I wish yandere dev would update once a month i think he would be able to a avoid the what were you doing conversations . 2 weeks is a tough deadline. Not to metion sometime he over has a hard time delivering what he says in the time frame he gives. That has to be frustrating on both parties . I just want to put my 2 cents in but i will keep supporting yandere dev and im a 100% sure he is doing the best he can. Keep up the good work

  10. Well, I’m glad the launcher issue has been resolved for the moment, and that YandereDev pointed us in the direction of the guy we should be e-mailing for any problems associated with it.

  11. Pingback: Launcher update (and patreon update) _ game development blog computer programmer salary 2015