August 23rd Bug-Fixing Build


There were some bugs in the previous build that weren’t absolutely crippling, but would definitely inconvenience any players trying to play some of the game’s side-modes, so I’m releasing a new build with those bugs fixed. It’s kind of a large build – around 14 improvements and 30 bug fixes!

To see a list of everything that was added/changed/fixed/improved in the latest build, scroll down past these absolutely adorable little dolls that were 3D printed and decorated by a Chinese fan of the game named HuamoKimu!

Aren’t those dolls just precious?! Here, I’d like to share more pictures of them!

Absolutely adorable, right?! I wonder if there is any fan interest in purchasing these little dolls as merchandise. If there’s a massive degree of interest, I’ll consider speaking to a few companies to learn what it would take to start manufacturing and selling them…

Okay! With that out of the way, let’s move on to the changelog for this build.

Art Room Update

The Art Room has been updated with new models!

In my opinion, it’s a huge upgrade! You’ll notice a large metal device in the room – that’s a “kiln,” an oven-like chamber that is used for turning clay into pottery, etc. They’re capable of producing temperatures that can completely incinerating human bodies. In the future, the kiln might become a new way to dispose of corpses – but only one at a time, since it’s a lot smaller than the school incinerator.

Genocide Run Failure Help

Sometimes, people contact me and tell me that they performed a genocide run, but the game didn’t acknowledge it, and didn’t advance to the genocide ending. I’ve put something into the game that will print out a line of text that will tell you why your genocide run was invalid.

To see this line of text, you will have to open a window that exists to display debug information. To activate the window, you need to press a specific key a certain number of times. It’s the “Enter” key, but not the one in the center of the keyboard; it’s the one at the bottom-right corner of the keyboard:

If you press that key 10 times, a debug log will appears. (If you press the key 1 more time, the debug log will become larger.)

If you perform a genocide run and the game doesn’t seem to acknowledge it or give you the ending you expected, press that key 10 times and you’ll get to see some text that explains what the problem is.


  • If you meet the criteria for being able to ask for a Favor from a student (befriended the student, raised seduction enough, or the student is a delinquent and you’ve joined the delinquent gang) but the student hasn’t even walked through the front door of the school yet, they will refuse to do any Favors for you. This is intentional. You have to at least let them change their shoes before you can start pestering them for favors. From now on, if the player meets the criteria for being able to ask for a Favor from a student, but the student hasn’t even walked through the front door yet, a notification will appear onscreen to explain to the player that they can’t ask the student for Favors yet.
  • After you befriend a student, they will wave at you. From now on, certain characters – characters who are meant to have calm / casual / chill / cool personalities – will now perform a “casual wave” instead the happy, excited wave that other characters perform. The current “casual wave” animation is a temporary placeholder, and is intended to be replaced in the future.
  • The little target icon in the “choose what to say to the guidance counselor” minigame now moves 1.5x faster, so that the player can pick their preferred menu option more quickly.
  • From now on, if the player is spotted by Senpai while killing a rival, the “slow motion rival death” effect will immediately end, since a game over is already guaranteed.
  • From now on, the player will be invincible for 1 second after being struck by a projectile when playing the Miyuki minigame. (5 seconds when playing on “Magical Mode.”)
  • The “Score” label in the Miyuki minigame didn’t use the same font as the rest of the Miyuki minigame. The label has been updated with the correct font.
  • A new trait was granted to the Physical Education stat, but the text on the Stats screen wasn’t updated to reflect it. That screen has been updated.
  • Osana’s hair was really clipping into her body a lot during her animations! From this build onward, her hair shouldn’t clip as much anymore.
  • It is now possible to access the Amai challenge by pressing the “A” key 10 times at the Calendar screen. (Only in 202X, of course.)
  • The copying machine in the computer lab now has an original model, instead of being a giant printer sitting on top of a table.
  • When wrapping a corpse in a bodybag, the “wrapping corpse” sound effect will now play at the same speed as the animation.
  • Increased the resolution and quality of the floor textures of the school pool area.
  • Increased the resolution and quality of the floor textures in the storage rooms.
  • Osana is now willing to accept snacks from the player in Mission Mode.


  • Recently, I decided to test a new feature: giving some characters different waving animations than other characters. The feature works, but I wasn’t satisfied with the animation, so I disabled the feature. Or so I thought! I inadvertantly left the feature in the game, with the placeholder animation. The feature and animation have now been disabled; students will now return to waving normally. I’ll try to implement this feature correctly in the future once I have a better animation for it.
  • If the player was noticed by the Journalist or a group of 4 students while simultaneously being noticed by Senpai, the player would enter the “reacting to Journalist” or “reacting to being chased by 4 students” state while in the middle of the “reacting to Senpai” state. This bug has been fixed.
  • In Mission Mode, aiming your camera at a student’s face would lower your “Awareness” number. This was the opposite of the way it was supposed to work; walking around and aiming your camera at peoples’ faces should make them MORE aware of you, not less aware. This bug has been fixed.
  • If a rival witnessed the player commit murder and ran to inform Senpai, and the player was in the middle of an animation when the rival reported the player, the player would be able to move around at the Game Over screen – a “dead alive glitch.” This bug has been fixed.
  • If a student entered their running animation while facing a wall, it was possible for their eyes to clip through the wall’s collider, causing their raycasting check to ignore the wall, effectively allowing them to “see through walls.” This bug has been fixed.
  • If a student took a photograph of Ryoba committing murder and then ran away, a game over would happen 10 seconds later, as if the student had posted the photo to social media – even though social media didn’t exist in 1989. This bug has been fixed.
  • When doing Teiko’s task and obtaining books from the school library, the player would perform an “interacting with copying machine” animation instead of a “rummaging around for books” animation. This bug has been fixed.
  • If Osana’s Monday morning “put bento on desk” event began while Raibaru was holding a smartphone in her hand, Raibaru would permanently walk around with that smartphone floating above her palm. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player asked to practice martial arts with a student who was being handed food or was about to be handed food, the student would not be in the correct state during the practice minigame. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player framed Raibaru for murder while Osana’s “give lunch to Senpai” event was occuring, Raibaru would be in the “spying on Osana and Senpai talking” pose in the End-of-Day Sequence. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player bumped into a student council member, that student council member would permanently have the ability to instantly notice the player’s misbehavior for the rest of the day. This bug has been fixed.
  • If a character stood in an extremely specific spot, it would be possible for them to see into the incinerator area, despite the area being surrounded on all sides by walls. This bug has been fixed.
  • Under some circumstances, attempting to report a murder to a teacher who was already aware of murder would result in a “She’s too scared to talk” error message appearing. This bug has been fixed.
  • If a police investigation occured while Senpai was in the middle of a scripted event, he could “fall through the ground” during police investigations. This weird bug should never happen again.
  • It was possible for students to get stuck pathfinding in the West Zen Garden, and some of the models in the West Zen Garden didn’t have any collision boxes. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player saved and loaded their game while at school, some of the strangulation weapons would not return to the correct locations upon loading. This bug has been fixed.
  • The Student Info Menu identified a student as “dead” if their reputation was below 100, even though the threshold for suicide is -150 reputation. This bug has been fixed.
  • The Occult Club’s “ritual knife” was not marked as a metal object, so it was possible to walk through a metal detector while holding it. Oops! This bug has been fixed.
  • It was impossible to complete the “struggle with hero/teacher” minigame or the “delinquent combat” minigame with a PlayStation controller. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player was playing the game using a PlayStation controller, the pickpocket minigame would not respond to the player’s button input. This bug has been fixed.
  • The End-of-Day Sequence had some weird unintentional visual effects, especially when school atmosphere was lowered. These unintentional effects have been removed.
  • If the player stood inside of either of the gym storage rooms and looked up, they would be able to see the sun through the ceiling. This bug has been fixed.
  • Using the 1980s Mode Newspaper Club benefit, it was possible for the player to raise their reputation above the limit of 100. This bug has been fixed.
  • The alpaca in the Light Music Club is a debug tool, but was visible and interactable even when debug commands were disabled. This bug has been fixed.
  • If a rival was standing under the confession tree, she would completely ignore murder happening in front of her face. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player dropped a heavy weight and it landed upside-down, the player would not be able to pick it up again. this bug has been fixed.
  • The game wasn’t detecting certain PlayStation controller input, such as “holding down on the D-Pad” to drop weapons. This has been fixed.
  • If the player strangled Ritsuko Chikanari while she was sunbathing, she would clip into the sunbathing chair. This bug has been fixed.
  • Previously, the Biology Lab and Foreign Studies Room did not appear on the map screen. They are now appearing there.
  • Footsteps were making the wrong sound effect in the Biology Lab. This bug has been fixed.

62 thoughts on “August 23rd Bug-Fixing Build

  1. YandereDev, please optimise your game.I have a gaming PC and Games like Resident Evil 8 are going pretty smoothly,unlike Yandere Simulator.I can’t play a single game without my pc crushing every single time.It’s very sad because I always loved YanSim and used to watch other people play it for hours years ago,I hope you will notice this and do something,wish you all the best Dev:(

    • i play Yandere Simulator on an old (i had this laptop for 3 years) intel Laptop and the game doesn’t crash for me and runs smoothly. Maybe try playing with 1/8 low resolution and go to your settings <gaming<game mode<turn it on and also go to graphics< and select apps< and select YanderSimulator.exe to run always with high performance. Also when you open yandere simulator go to settings and click F on the Detail settings and 1980s VHS effects settings.
      Also, when you want to play Yandere Simulator, don't run other programs in the background like web browsers.

      • That’s the problem, if a game that’s being ran on a gaming Pc is struggling, and it runs other big games as well smoothly, then it’s an error on the game dev. And even as one I’d take that statement into consideration and question what the potential error could be. Once the error is found it’s the job of the lead scripter to optimize all focus onto that as other content would be deemed irrelevant unless that games optimization is improved upon. Yeah it’s time consuming and one may worry on losing their fame, yet that’s called paranoia, and sometimes you have to take that leap of faith and hope you land.

        Also is this game close to done before the other rivals are added? I’ve been giving money for a year and a half as hope it’ll go better, yet at this rate I will have to pull back funding to support faster/more or same size projects from indie devs.

      • I also play with low settings, but the game icons disappear (sanity, reputation, day, time, money), can you help me? how do i recover them? when I enter Ayano’s cell phone, they appear.

    • I have a pretty new Intel laptop I play the game on and without all of the post-processing effects the game runs at about 25 fps while a lot of other games that are more graphically intensive run at 60 fps minimum. For me Yandere simulator never runs at over a consistent 25 fps and you can’t really do anything about it tbf… my recommendations are to turn off all post-processing effects, turn off shadows, turn the render distance down, and if that’s not smooth enough turn the game down to 720p which all sucks especially if you paid a lot of money for a gaming pc but that’s the only thing you can do tbh

    • Yansim runs smooth for me, and I can play it fine. however I do have a problem, my computer starts heating up and it get’s really hot when I play Yansim for more than 20 min. it lags a bit as well. This never happens with other games so I do think the game needs more optimization.

    • I have a gaming pc and YanSim runs smoothly on it. I always play for 2 hours or more depending on what I want to do in the game, but usually it runs perfectly fine. The only times the game’s fps drops is when I leave some other app running in the background, like a browser or Word when I’m working on something. But still, it might be because it’s relatively new (I got it last year, but my brother had it for like two or three years before buying a new one and giving me this). Maybe it could also be that I don’t save much stuff on my pc since I use my phone for most things, and this might help the game to run smoother on my pc. Anyway, maybe playing the game with less graphics could help, like someone else said

    • I have a 3 year old crusty laptop with 4gb of ram and 7 large steam games on it, and for me, Yandere Simulator runs at about 20-30 fps every run, it may buffer from time to time but after like 3 minutes it’s a steady 20-30 fps, maybe you need to try defragmenting or the disk cleanup

    • I recommend messing with the visual settings in game and seeing how far you can push performance that way. If I turn draw distance down a bit, (I like 70) and turn on fog, I get 70FPS on my pretty mediocre PC from 2017.

    • you can’t compare games like resident evil 8 to yandere simulator.

      AAA Games have drivers specifically made for them so the game can be played more optimally. Why do you think that geforce experience drivers conviniently launch around every major game release and have pictures of them plastered around? Nvidia DLSS literally relies on developers training AI models with their game so people can have better frames. Yandere Simulator is made in Unity, where none of this can be implemented. If you want to play the game without it crashing and your pc isn’t good enough, you can just put it in compatibility mode and run it at a 720p resolution.

      This game will never be able to compare to resident evil 8 because even if it ran better nobody would ever specifically write drivers for it, and I don’t think that’s a ;problem. The game is too far in development to change old scripts since they all rely on each other (and even if he wanted to change them people would get mad about content not being released), and if you’re having performance issues they can simply be fixed by owning a 6 year old desktop computer 😔🤡

      I’ve played YandereSim on a 1080, 1650 super and a 3060 (the 12gb vram model) and never had any problems

      • I play Yandere on 2 PCs:

        Ryzen 9 3900x
        16 GB of ram


        i7 7300HQ
        8gb of ram
        GTX 1050.

        On the least powerful configuration, Yandere Sim runs at a minimum of 30 FPS in 1080p.

      • My computer is on the lower end of the spectrum (an HP laptop, not at all optimized for gaming). The only frame rate issues I have are when there’s nearly every student onscreen at once.

  2. Wonderful art room yandere dev but I have an idea can you change the science club routine and make half their routine go to the biology lab so first because their are scientists and second we will not hide corpse in biology lab because the science club will go in and I love your work I appreciate your work 💙❤

  3. You definitely should have figurines and dolls like that for merchandising. they look beautiful and adorable. I suggest that you have those for merchandising because I will be very cool to have dolls and figurines of the Yansim Cass. Plenty of animals have like figurines and dolls and toys like that. I think Yandere simulator need to have some of those as well.

  4. This update is huge and I am Absolutley loving it! The new Art room is drop dead gorgeous, but the pink tiles around the pool just don’t really sit well with me… probably because there is so many blue things in the area that it just looks weird and off, but I would thank you for such improvements on the game!

  5. Yan Dev, since we’ve been getting so many new animations lately, will you add one for Ryoba pushing Ritsuko in the pool and another one for the Genocide Ending?

  6. The art room looks great, happy to see you’re still making good progress on this game- even though I don’t play it as often anymore. This is a piece of my childhood, happy to see it still being handled with care 🙂

  7. Hi Yandere Dev I have a suggestion that the syringe can’t be used to kill someone because it’s just too thin and flimsy but it can still be used for tranquilizing. What do you think?

  8. Just a suggestion but I feel like knives are kind of a overpowered weapon so I think this would be a solution (sorry if there’s grammatical errors, English is not my native language.)

    Maybe if you join the cooking club and complete the club activities consistently for the school week, a minigame that requires you to prepare food for the following school day happens. I envision it as Cooking Mama but more “intense,” and after that you’d gain “knife skills” that would make you adept at using the knife so that it wouldn’t break as easily. That would sort of be a workaround for a potential biology stat perk, in which if you raised your biology stat enough, the knife wouldn’t break as quickly, giving the biology stat greater significance and perhaps also giving the homemade knife a greater significance. I’m thinking maybe other club activities should have that as well; a mini game that’d be beneficial to the player. The first four I can think of off the top of my head are: the light music club could have a club activity minigame where it could be writing songs, for instance, it would say “which one rhymes with which: This, that, or those?” And the window of opportunity to make a guess shrinks. And depending on how many you get right or wrong , it would increase or decrease your “chances” of getting a student to overlook the fact that you had already spoken to them about a certain topic. However, it should probably only happen twice per activity the player participates in. The second one is: Ayano could earn money by selling her paintings if the art club had a mini-game where players had to trace an object. Kizana might be more inclined to trust Ayano if she created posters for her to use for advertising the drama club. However, Ayano would need to have at least level 3 art skills for Kizana to take her seriously. The third one is: a minigame involving tending to the garden and planting or harvesting crops could be offered by the gardening club. A set period of time would be given to the player to take care of the plants, water them, and pull any weeds. The player’s gardening abilities will improve the better the plants are taken care of. After the player finishes the week without missing a day of participation in the club activities, the player will be able to access other crops, combine them, and make poisons. The fourth one could be: the janitor doesn’t want the science club to make a mess for him to clean up, so he’ll check on Ayano while she’s making the potion, so she has to hide the potion whenever he comes around, and she has a time limit. This is the kind of club activity minigame the player could have for the science club. I know this would probably take a lot so I hope you can add it to the post-crowdfunding list.

    Would you consider adding this idea to the game?

    • 1. Could you explain how knives are overpowered? Are you talking about all small sharp weapons or just the knives themselves?
      2. The “knife skills” mechanic seems kinda goofy even for an anime game.
      3. As for the club minigames, they seem promising. Just need to wait for what YanDev thinks of it
      4. Your English was fine. You don’t need to worry about it. Maybe chunking your writing into paragraphs could make your ideas easier to understand

      • 1. I feel like short weapons like the screwdriver, box cutter, etc. are overpowered because you can kill an unlimited amount of people with them, realistically, it would break from all the layers of skin and bone after a few people or maybe just one person, especially with the low sanity killing animations.

        2. Yeah, maybe I overdid it with that idea..

        3. Yep,

        4. Thanks, I just realized how unorganized my ideas were though..

  9. You’re always doing such an amazing job when it comes to Yandere Simulator! Keep up the good work ❤

    Personally I think those dolls will be amazing merchandise, but maybe you should wait a little after the crowd funding campaign? That way more people will perhaps be interested.

    And I hope you enjoyed the break you took to play Genshin Impact. It was very well-deserved and very understandable, haha😆

  10. Hi, Yandere dev. Keep up the good work!
    Although, I have a question.
    Whenever you directly attack a student council member, and you get a game over screen… Why does it say “expelled” and not “arrested” after basically attempting assault? I always found it a little weird how the protagonist tied down and on the ground after being pepper sprayed, but only expelled lol. Thanks for reading

    • definitely not soon because those are aesthetical changes.He needs to implement a lot more mechanics and gameplay features before finding people to voice the rivals.Btw their daily routines will be changed

  11. in terms of school atmosphere i feel instead of having the favor completely locked off in should be behind a barrier – reputation. depending on ayanos reputation students will or will not trust her at a lower school atmosphere. for example: if ayano has a reputation of a certain amount she will be trusted at a certain school atmosphere level (obviously there would be a higher rep needed to be trusted at a lower atmosphere system) however reputation goes down more if she’s caught doing something suspicious, it goes down more depending on how low the atmosphere is.

  12. The Art Room looks great!! I have some insightful feedback about it, as I grew up around pottery in my early years, because my dad has worked as an art teacher in the past.

    Usually Art classes that have kilns also have pottery wheels. I think putting a Pottery Wheel next to the kiln would help the kiln feel a bit more appropriate in the Art room.

    If you’d be willing to go a step further, I think there could be more potential with pottery related yandere actions: All pottery wheels have wire clay cutters and sponges, after all… Plus, there’s usually a sink around the same area as a pottery wheel. (Walking all the way to the bathroom with dripping muddy wet clay hands is just asking for a mess!) The wire clay cutter could definitely be used for suffocation, and pottery wheels have electrical wires that could be hazardous. How far you’re willing to take this gameplay-wise is completely up to you, of course.

    Lastly, a small note about a minor issue in this build:

    -If you are hiding in a hiding spot, and a student you’ve befriended walks by, they turn and wave at Ayano.

    • Replying to my own reply to formally apologize that I didn’t even notice the decorative sinks already present in the art room (-.-;)

  13. Omg, the art room looks amazing. It’s also an amazing idea to have those dolls as your merchandise.Thank you for everything, Yandere Dev.

  14. Hello, YanDev I have a suggestion…Maybe you could change the placement of the art supplies or the drawings on the board inside the art room in 1980s mode to show that 33 years have passed.

  15. Hey, yanderedev! I think I may have found a bug: it’s not important, but it’s a little weird, if you can’t recreate it lemme know and ill try and make a video of me recreating it for you

    i managed to kill moeko right after i did her task (by her canon elimination method,) and so i waited for cleaning time to come around so my reputation wouldn’t be damaged
    but then when i came back around to moeko’s corpse, it was standing up!
    i had bagged the corpse, so if that has something to do with it then there you go

    • Also, in 1980’s mode, the sound effects in the Light Music club when you walk don’t match up w/ the wooden floor.

  16. 2 small bugs:

    – when i got a midori mindslave and brought her to school, i teleported to the roof to get the knife. when i did, she was there, typing on her phone like she would as a normal student. i gave her the knife, and she performed the “standing up from the ground” animation while sliding across the floor.
    – i shamed raibaru, and the next day, i asked osana to follow me. when she did, she was blushing and her head was following me everywhere i moved.

  17. Maybe if a student can be doing trash duties. Put in it this way, ( i saw a concept on YouTube once) I had an idea of a new elimination method, you can kick the student into the Incinerator and the delinquents might cause suspension on you, but wouldn’t know what just happened. And you can turn the Incinerator on and she would burn. I know I know it would be considered stealing someone else concept, but it got me thinking… (anyway thanks for bug-fixes

  18. when someone plays with a ps4 controller, does the camera act all weird cus for me it always shows under the shirt i cant fix it

    • The game is supposed to automatically detect when the player has plugged in a PS4 controller. However, for some reason, the game is not doing this on some computers. I really don’t understand why. I will try to fix it in a future build.

  19. hi yandere dev, I have 2 suggestions for you. how do you like the idea of adding the function of turning on the wood grinder without using bucket, blood can pour out on the ground and the player will wipe it with a mop like blood that remains on the grass after killing. I also want to ask why osana has a slow kill animation in mission mode if she is not a rival in mission mode. I suggest adding slow motion killing animation for all targets. (sorry for the mistakes I use a translator)

  20. Hello! I don’t know if you looked at my previous question or not, but here my question: If crowdfunding campaign succes then will be Rivals have own generic voicelines and screams? For example they witness player commiting murder or walking around with weapon and etc.

  21. If I’m using a computer without a second enter button is there an alternative to pull up the debug text?
    (as someone who keeps somehow getting invalid genocide runs and would REALLY like to know why)

    • Hmm. There currently isn’t any way to open that debug window without the 2nd enter key.

      If someone recommends an alternate key that I could use, I’d probably consider adding it as an alternate way to open the debug window.

      • What about using two keys simultaneously? like for example backspace and enter while also keeping the need to click both of them 10 times
        some computers also have an “fn” key that could also be used

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