August 3rd Bug-Fixing Build

Note: By making this blog post, I am pushing the previous one downwards and out of sight. That’s kind of sad, since the previous blog post was important, and I was hoping that a lot of people would get to see it. Please give it a look!

There was a bug in the previous build that had a pretty significant impact on the game’s framerate. I felt really bad about this, so I’ve decided to upload a new build where the bug is fixed.

(In addition to that, I also made a ton of script optimizations that might result in this build giving you a higher FPS than any previous build of the game! I’d be interested in learning if you notice vastly improved performance in this build!)

To read a list of everything that was changed or fixed in the latest build, please scroll down past this chilling artwork of Ayano by Denzel Adobas!


  • During the “choose your response to the guidance counselor” sequence, it is now possible for the player to use the arrow keys to control the target icon instead of being limited to the WASD keys.
  • Replaced the protagonist’s laughing animations with new ones, since the old ones (originally created in 2014!) were extremely low-effort and low-quality.


  • If the player used a manhole cover tool or a crowbar to open a manhole cover, and the weapon had been used for murder earlier in the day, the weapon would immediately be disposed of the moment that it was used to open the manhole cover. This was unintentional. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player got an Achievement while in the street scene (such as the “collected all panties” achievement) the “Achievement Unlocked” camera would conflict with the other cameras, leading to bizarre visual effects. This bug has been fixed.
  • Fixed bug that was causing the game to perform a gamepad check on every frame (except only the frame where the player plugged in a gamepad) which was drastically harming the FPS.
  • If the player used the manhole cover to dispose of a weapon, the player would become unable to conceal any weapon for the rest of the day. Oops! This bug has been fixed.
  • Because the gardening club’s props were re-arranged, the Gardening Club members’ animations stopped being properly aligned with the environment. This has been corrected.
  • Due to a bug, the “Evil Photographer” in the insane asylum stealth mission was not moving or saying his voice lines. This bug has been fixed.
  • Made numerous of improvements and optimizations to a variety of different scripts that should help to improve game performance.
  • The Light Music Club girls were wearing the wrong hair accessories. Whoops! This has been corrected.

50 thoughts on “August 3rd Bug-Fixing Build

  1. Don’t you think the students’ old hairstyles should be redirected to pose mode? And add more clothes to it please.

    • How can he add more clothes to Pose Mode? The only ones we should be limited to are the School Uniform, Swimsuit and the Gym Uniform.

      • Why can’t club clothes, other types of school uniforms, rags, etc. be added there? It doesn’t sound like something very complicated. What is the problem? In general, I wanted to pay all attention to hairstyles, like a volunteer tried, modeled it, and then it was replaced with another hairstyle. And you do not say who moderates these hairstyles, I really feel sorry for these people.

  2. Hello YandereDev! May I know if there will be more brutal weapons in the near future? I would love to see more better improved weapons!

  3. Is there a way to keep this big flower that was in the garden that honored the memory of a fan of the game? Maybe in a pot like in a memorial pot or something, like maybe in the greenhouse?

  4. Hey yandere dev, Ritsusko’s method of elimination is … strange… and very far fetched.
    You should take advantage of the new weapons and e.g. Tie Ritsuko to the chair while she sleeps. And that at the moment of throwing her, give a scream or something, because it’s strange that she falls asleep like that. Knowing that she can wake up with the radio.
    (Sorry, I had already posted it in another publication, but it is no longer the most recent on)

  5. Hi, I would like to know if anyone else has the same problem as me, in 1980 mode, I can not do tasks, I do not see the option and where it is supposed to appear that option appears a heart instead of the task option. Please help me

  6. hi yandere dev, i just wanted to tell you that thank you very much for bringing back the lovesick mode in the last update, here is the video i just recorded for you to see it, i hope you like it :3

  7. Fps have gotten worse for me weirdly, I’ve never had an issue with them before , hopefully just a short time thing on my end . Cheers for the big august update!

  8. Hi! I’m not sure if it’s a bug or not, but I seem to be having trouble putting anything in Raibaru’s bento. I make sure there’s no witnesses, and yet it warns me that someone will see anyways.

  9. hello yanderedev! I would like to write about a small issue that I don’t like and that catches my eye. When Ryoba walks with any pose other than the classic pose, the red lines on her sleeves become crooked, especially seen in the “Elegant” and “Naughty” poses. Thanks in advance, and good luck with the game, I really like it! (P.S. I apologize if there are errors in my text, I write it with the help of a translator)

  10. I think this game is one of my favourites, but one thing is bothering me, will it be possible to enter the boys’ locker room someday?

  11. I feel like the pen knife will be the next new weapon seems small and simple and a good disguise because it’s a pen but under the bottom of a pen open it and a knife is there and you can clean it in the fountain easily I probably see one of the teachers use it and then yandere chan stealing it when no one is looking

  12. Inserts Midori Voice

    Yandere dev Yandere dev!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Will 1980s mode have bullies? Ik that probably Isn’t on your list and I know the list Is long so It’s obviously not a big deal but just Incase you get bored or Idk If you ever feel like It would be a good Idea maybe you could add the bullies??? They could have some unique things about them that no other student has to make them stand out. they could be rich or Idk have some sort of privilege that allows them to have unique hair and maybe even accessories! They could even have a new unique persona that makes them dangerous like REALLY dangerous. Unlike the future bullies these ones could be very smart and cunning with the perfect reputation. I haven’t thought too far ahead cause I’m lazy but yk It Is an Idea :’)

    • that’s a cool idea!! i think the female delinquents replaced the bullies, the ones with the long skirts and masks. they pretty much fit all of the criteria you describe. it would be cool to have bullies that reflect the current-day bullies, but isn’t there only about 100 students in Akademi at once? plus it would take a ton of time to develop all of the characters, give them animations and voices, etc.

      • I’m sorry, but 1980s Mode won’t have traditional bullies. The bullying in 1980s Mode is subtle.

        Ignoring someone’s existence, excluding them from group activities, passive-aggressive backhanded compliments, anonymous nasty notes, etc.

        It’s not “clap erasers on someone’s head” bullying, it’s “slowly whittle down someone’s will to live” bullying.

  13. Oh btw I just thought of something that could be Interesting!!
    Can midori have her own little task?? It would be great If she had one and then when you do her task In some way she “breaks the fourth wall by speaking directly to the player! I think that would be such a cute little detail and It really would be a shame If we didn’t get to see her say or do some crazy stuff yk?

  14. When i take a picture of Pippi Osu during cleaning time she appears to be holding an invisable phone any chance you could fix that

  15. Hi! (sorry for my poor explanation and English) I was trying to get the Selene 2005 achievement so talked to her for 4 days then I messed up so I restarted the week. I tried to do all the stuff again but I realized the game was acting as if I already talked to her for 4 days and went straight to the last conversation you have with her before you get the achievement.

  16. YandereDev. I have an idea that I got from watching a Kubz Scouts video. So, Kubz Scouts said, “You know what would be crazy if Raibaru was programmed by YandereDev to notice the sabotaged fountain?” His idea is phenomenal and would make a lot of sense because it’s known that Raibaru has godlike reflexes and is a person who examines things more carefully than other students, so for that reason, I think it would be logical if she noticed that a drinking fountain was tampered with.

  17. Hi yandev! I play your game a lot, and I’ve come up with a few suggestions. I only really have the time to suggest these now as I’ve been busy lately, but here you go anyway:

    In Mission mode, it wouldn’t make sense for Nemesis to just stop entirely when you hide (like in between the tables). Instead, I’m suggesting maybe if she sees you, she’ll move towards you and move the tables!
    And if she doesn’t see you, maybe she’ll perform her “looking around for Ayano” animation? And then walk away? Just a suggestion !! 🙂 Love your game, keep working hard!

  18. Thank you so much for optimalization (doubled fps for my notebook and unlocked me bigger quality, from 20fps to 40-50fps, render distance from 20m to 30m and texture resolution from 1/8 to 1/2) you thought that it will be small fps boost and it triples performance 😀 Good job.

  19. and do you plan to add 4K / 3840:2160 ?…. that ton of optimalization could make it playable on mid to high range phones?

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