30 days of sharing never-before-seen concept art on Patreon


I’ve said this many times, but I feel really bad that I rarely post anything on my Patreon page. Whenever I think about it, I arrive at the conclusion that my patrons would probably want me to work on the game rather than spending a bunch of time preparing supporter-exclusive rewards, so I usually put the Patreon out of my mind. However, I feel way too guilty about it to just ignore it for any longer.

I’ve decided to challenge myself to post on my Patreon 30 days in a row, starting today. For the next 30 days, I will be sharing never-before-seen concept art there. There will be a very wide variety of images shared; everything from cutscene storyboards to concept art for easter eggs. A lot of it could be considered “development trivia” – information that gives you a look into the behind-the-scenes work that gets done in order for new content to be added to the game.

(For example, did you know that we actually designed a Shinigami for Yamiko, the protagonist of the Life Note manga? She’s featured on the back cover of each book, but I’ll be sharing front/back views of her on Patreon so that you can see what the entire design is meant to look like. This is just one example of what I’ll be posting on Patreon over the next 30 days.)

Today’s concept art is a series of logo designs that were created for Yandere Simulator several years ago. In the end, none of these logos were actually used, but I still think that they’re all really cool and fun to look at. As a bonus, there are also some logos for “Yanderu Software,” which was the name I was contemplating using for the team developing Yandere Simulator, and some drawings depicting possible designs for a “LoveSick” logo that might have been used if I had decided to go ahead with my plan to rename the game to LoveSick.

(I won’t be posting a blurry screenshot on my blog once per day; this is – probably – going to be the only one.)

“YandereDev, YandereDev! There’s a bug in the latest build!”

I know; I’ve received some bug reports, and I’m currently in the process of reading through them all. If any critical game-breaking bugs are reported, then there will probably be a new build coming soon, within the next 24 hours or so.

20 thoughts on “30 days of sharing never-before-seen concept art on Patreon

    • Yes, but only if all the other club members are still alive. The substitute leader Shoku Tsuburaya would take over.

  1. Dev, I have a suggestion or maybe request. I heard you said something like Taro Yamada will be more interesting character in future weeks but could you do him more interesting already in first week? Like I think he should be handsome, ambitious (I think you said something that Senpai wants to write a book or something but is too shy to reveal it), clever and he would has better reputation (he has friendly and respectful personality on yandere simulator characters page). I think he should be more attractive because many girls like him or they are interested in him. He would be kinda “big-brother type”. Maybe he would have different routine like looking at things he can write a book about and can you do him a facial expression or maybe some decorations on him? I also think he should be capable of self-defense(but not in snap mode and he would be more strong in Asu Rito week) and less dramatic. Some people don’t like Senpai but you really could do him more interesting. I like Taro and I would be happy if he would “evolve”.
    Also I really like your work! Please tell me if you’re going to do something about Senpai in the future.
    (sorry if my english is bad)

  2. Hi dev! Would it be possible for you to add an option to go back when changing hairs in debug? There’s so many hair options and sometimes I find myself accidentally skipping over one and it can be frustrating having go flick through all the hairs again to get back to it

  3. If you ever officialy release the game, it’s probably an good idea to change its name. Afterall Yandere Simulator sounds very ”debuggy”, and story-wise it sounds like a bad name right

  4. Hey Yandev! it may be useless saying this but could you add a “Graphics Quality setting” in the settings menu, I’ve always found it weird that the graphics setting only appeared in the resolution start up screen the game, never to be seen again anywhere and that the player couldn’t change the graphics quality mid-game.

    • Honestly, the “Graphics Quality” setting doesn’t have any meaningful or significant impact on how much RAM the game uses, so really, it is pointless to offer that option to the player. I should honestly just remove that option and limit the player to the Settings options that are currently available.

  5. Hello, I don’t know if this is just me but, I was trying to go to the demon realm and also get the flaming ritual knife, but no matter what I do it won’t let me put the knife back into the skull. (Even after it has blood on it or it has been heat up with the blowtorches)

  6. I have suggestion that makes npcs more alive: When friends waves theirs hands at player, they should also say something like “Hello Ayano!”, “Good day!” and etc. When player has low reputation, some students will little bit stare at player with frown face and then stops staring player. Also if player stares at student or standing next him/her for too long, he/she says like “Hey stop staring at me!” and will damage player’s reputation but if they are friends then they will say like “You want talk to me, my friend?” and wont damage player’s reputation. I wish that crowdfunding campaign becomes a success and good luck!

  7. Cool!but,hey dev,When will the new character model debut? I’m really looking forward to it! Can we see it in July?omg i really want to see it!!Can you reveal a little bit about what the new model looks like now? I would love to see it again!its wonderful!!!!!!!!!

  8. Pingback: June 28th Update | Yandere Simulator Development Blog

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