June 1st Bug-Fixing Build (and Poll!)

Hi! Before I start telling you what’s new in today’s build, I’d like to poll the fanbase about something.

Out of all of the things that I’m considering/planning to work on next, I’d like to know which ones the fanbase is most interested in, and which ones the fanbase is least interested in. Specifically, I’d like to know how you would rank them from “most interesting” to “least interesting.”

Here is a link to a survey where you will be asked to drag-and-drop a list of features in order from top to bottom:


Please drag that features you’re most interested in to the top, and drag the ones you’re least interested in to the bottom! The features that people care about the most might be prioritized and expedited, and the ones that people care least about might be saved for last (or even get ditched entirely).

(By the way, on a completely unrelated note, I’ve recently posted a preview of upcoming content on my Patreon page.)

Okay! With that out of the way, it’s time to discuss today’s build: it contains 16 additions/changes/improvements, and 75 bug fixes. Whoa!! That’s a lot!!

To read the list of everything that was changed in the latest build, scroll down past this fan art by fzlO1FriwF10451 that illustrates just how silly Ayano looks to bystandards when sabotaging Amai’s Thursday event.

Haha! It makes sense within the context of the gameplay, but it must look absolutely ridiculous to anyone standing nearby…


  • Sometimes, a bug occurs that causes the game to recall old save data on a new save file. For example, the game might recall Genocide Ending data on a new save file, leading it to believe that all students should be dead on Day 1 of Week 1. I am not sure exactly why this bug occurs; nobody has ever found a set of steps that reliably cause the bug to occur. However even though I don’t know the cause of the bug, there is a solution: it is possible to force the game to forget absolutely all save data, past and present, by going to the Content Checklist screen and pressing the “R” key, which summons a hidden debug feature: the ability to completely remove all Yandere Simulator data from your computer’s registry. Tragically, this included all of the Content Checklist progress that the player had made…until today! From now on, when using the “wipe the registry” command, the game will remember only one piece of information: your Content Checklist progress. This means that, even if you get hit by the “All students are dead on Day 1 of Week 1” bug, and you have to use the “wipe the registry” debug command, you won’t lose your precious Content Checklist progress. Hooray! (You can still wipe the content checklist using a separate debug command on the content Checklist screen, if you wish to.)
  • One method for learning a student’s likes/dislikes is to ask them to follow you, and then take them to various places around the school. For example, taking them inside of the Cooking Club would teach you their opinion about Cooking. However, if a club shut down, this method of learning a student’s interests became impossible. The code has been adjusted so that, in the event of a club shutting down passing nearby the club is enough to learn a student’s opinion on that club (but you do have to walk as close to the club as physically possible).
  • There are 25 “conversation topics” in the game, and each student has 5 likes and 5 dislikes. Due to an oversight, it was actually impossible for the player to learn how a student felt about three of those topics – Family, Nature, and Money. It is now possible to learn how a student feels about Family by taking them to the Home Ec room, Nature by taking them to the Gardening Club, and Money by taking them to the Drama club.
  • There were images of Raibaru painting and cooking in one of my YouTube videos. The likes/dislikes in her profile reflected an appreciation for cooking, but not art. Her likes/dislikes have been shifted around a little bit to make room for her to have a positive opinion of art.
  • If Gema changes his appearance in the morning, the bully girls will check him out at lunchtime. And if Gema changes his appearance at lunchtime, the bully girls will check him out after cleaning time.
  • Ryuto now has thick eyebrows, as a nod to the fact that, when he was originally added to the game, he had very large, exaggerated anime eyebrows.
  • Previously, LoveSick Mode turned characters’ hair color black. Now, it turns characters’ hair greyscale and dark.
  • Amai and Kizana now have footstep sound effects in the “Senpai meets Amai” and “Senpai meets Kizana” cutscenes.
  • In Yakuza Mode, it is now possible to use the “Pass Time” book in the school library even if Ryoba is bloody.
  • Pedestrians in town now have original face textures instead of using the same face textures as teachers.
  • The “Feed List” has been re-named to the “Catering List,” because “Feed List” sounded goofy.
  • Updated the “mysterious silhouette” portrait used by Amai before she appears at school.
  • The delinquents’ radio will now stop playing music when Ayano is in SNAP Mode.
  • Kizana now wears sunglasses in the “Senpai meets Kizana” cutscenes.
  • The color of Aija’s hair bobbles now matches her apron.
  • Adjusted some of Itachi’s likes/dislikes.


  • Some of the stores in town are not completely functional yet, and have “placeholder products” in their menus. Unfortunately, it was possible for the player to “purchase” these placeholder products, which would take money from the player without actually granting them any kind of benefit. From now on, non-functional products will be marked as “SOLD OUT” so that the player can’t waste money on things that are not functional yet.
  • When the player used the “Pass Time” book in the library, students are teleported to their destinations. However, if the player tranquilized/sedated a student, hid their body in a musical instrument case, and then used the “Pass Time” book, the tranquilized student would teleport out of the case, to whatever their destination was supposed to be at that time of day. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player arranged a meeting with a student, the student waited at a meeting spot where they could be pushed to their death, an event began that required that student to participate, and then the player got sent to the counselor, it would become possible to perform the “push to death” action on the student even though they were nowhere near a rooftop. This bug has been fixed.
  • If a Cooking Club member switched to their “carrying plate” animations, and then the player went to class and advanced time to lunchtime, and then the player alarmed the Cooking Club member, they would play their “carrying food tray” animation instead of their “reacting to suspicious noise” animation. This bug has been fixed.
  • When School Atmosphere is beneath 50%, the loading screen is black-and-red instead of white-and-pink. The keyboard graphic on the loading screen is also red instead of pink. However, the gamepad graphics remained pink instead of turning red. This was an oversight, and it has been corrected.
  • If the player alarms a student, the student’s outline turns yellow. After the player apologizes to the student, the student’s outline returns to normal. However, if the student had an accessory (such as an apron), the accessory’s outline would remain yellow. This bug has been fixed.
  • During stealth missions, if the player held down the “run” button while crouch-walking, the protagonist’s head would lean so far out of their collider that they wouldn’t be detectable by characters who were searching for the sight of the protagonist’s head. This bug has been fixed.
  • Previously, when the player pushed over the bookcase in the school library, students would not react to the loud sound of the bookcase slamming into the ground. This oversight has been corrected; students within a specific radius will now react to the sound and come investigate.
  • If a student was in a certain state (witnessed murder, hiding from murderer) and the player approached while using a stealth cloaking device, the student would react as if they could see the player, even though the player was meant to be invisible. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player killed a student and also reduced their reputation to below -150 on the same day, the student would be counted twice when the game counted dead students, resulting in their portrait appearing twice at the following memorial. This bug has been fixed.
  • It is now only possible to use the “Send Home” feature on a student once. After being tricked once, they’ll never fall for that trick again. (It was always intended to work this way, and I didn’t realize that the feature wasn’t already functioning that way.)
  • If the player used the “Week Select” button to advance to the Difficulty Options window, but then backed out of the window and tried to start a new save file normally, the player would still get sent to the Week Select screen anyway. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player killed a student with a heavy object dropped from above, wrapped them in a garbage bag, and then tried to lift them up, the student’s corpse would perform a walking animation instead of a “being carried” animation. This bug has been fixed.
  • If a mind-broken slave was sent to kill a student who was standing in a stairway, the slave would reach their target and then spin in circles indefinitely, causing their target to react with confusion but never actually die. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player tilted the control stick while the protagonist was sliding into place before dumping a corpse into the incinerator, the corpse would move forward in the air instead of remaining in the protagonist’s hands. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player exited their room and then entered the basement by moving the bookshelf out of the way, the protagonist’s controller would have an incorrect radius size inside of the basement, leading to clipping issues. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player had a “Duplicate Answer Sheet” in their inventory instead of an “Answer Sheet,” the “Put answer sheet inside of rival’s bookbag” option would not be available, even though it made logical sense. This oversight has been corrected.
  • Attempting to pour liquid on the ground at the confession tree could result in all kinds of weird glitches, so it is no longer allowed. (Logically, the liquid would just roll down the hill, so I feel that this is a fair game design decision.)
  • Mai Waifu’s hair no longer clips through the wall behind her when she is sitting down or eating. (It will still clip through chairs and whatnot, but that’s just an unavoidable aspect of video games with characters who have extreme designs.)
  • If the player was covered in blood and standing next to a corpse while using a workbench, it was possible for a student to become alarmed and try to apprehend the player while the player was in the workbench menu. This bug has been fixed.
  • Geiju’s unique character trait is that he only speaks in one-or-two-word sentences. However, when using the new Socialization System to talk to him, he would sometimes talk in normal sentences. This oversight has been corrected.
  • If a student vomited in the final phase of their day (usually after 4:00 PM) they would become unable to return to their routine, and would attempt to perform their routine in front of a bathroom sink. This bug has been fixed.
  • It was possible for a swimming student to decide to visit Amai’s bake sale, which would result in a soaking-wet student walking through the school halls with water splashing effects surrounding them. This bug has been fixed.
  • When the player changed the school’s default uniform, Megami (visible on the laptop in the student council room) would wear the correct uniform, but would not change her textures accordingly. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the police were called to school after a rival had confessed to her suitor at the confession tree, the confession music would continue to play during the police investigation sequence. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player used an Amnesia Bomb on a student who just discovered a corpse, there was a chance that they would return to the “reacting to corpse” state after the Amnesia Bomb wore off. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player used the “Reset All Progress” feature in Custom Mode, their Custom Mode save would transform into a normal 1980s Mode save, and no longer contain any Custom Mode content. This bug has been fixed.
  • In Custom Mode, if the player set their protagonist’s name to be extremely long, any line of text containing that name might overlap with other lines of text on the Stats screen. This bug has been fixed.
  • Previously, the female Sports Club members of 1980s Mode were using male animations for diving into the pool, swimming in the pool, and climbing out of the pool. They are now using female animations.
  • If the player got a student’s fingerprints on a murder weapon and then killed that student with fire, the text that displayed at the end-of-day sequence would be incorrect. This bug has been fixed.
  • In 1980s Mode, after Week 1, members of the Light Music Club did not appear in the clubroom and play their instruments after the player initiated the daily club activity. This bug has been fixed.
  • When a character entered the “walk backward in fear” animation at the top of a staircase, they would walk backwards and float in the air above the staircase beneath them. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player used some of Info-chan’s Services and then used the Reset Week feature, the game would continue remembering which Services the player had already purchased. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player befriended a student and then killed that student, the dead student would still contribute to the number of friends the player had made on the Stats screen. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player eliminated their rival using the Befriend method and then tried to matchmake the rival, Ayano’s dialogue while speaking to the rival would not be correct. This bug has been fixed.
  • If Raibaru stopped sunbathing with Osana to report a dropped weapon and the player killed Osana while Raibaru was away, Raibaru would not begin sunbathing in midair. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player sabotaged one aspect of a stove, saved the game, and then loaded that save, the game would not remember that an aspect of the stove had been sabotaged. This bug has been fixed.
  • During Week 1 of 1980s Mode, the student in charge of cleaning the toilets in the girls’ bathroom would get stuck and become unable to reach one of her destinations. This bug has been fixed.
  • If a rival was splashed with water immediately before 5:00 PM on Friday, she would not be able to enter the “leave a note in a boy’s locker” phase of her schedule. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player approached a gas leak with a portable bunsen burner, the gas would ignite and cause an explosion even if the bunsen burner was not emitting a flame. This bug has been fixed.
  • If a cooking club member was handing food to Raibaru at the exact moment that one of Osana’s events began, Raibaru would not be able to enter that event properly. This bug has been fixed.
  • If a rival was killed with electricity while in the middle of a scripted event, the rival would enter a “recognized as corpse, but walking around freely” state. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player alarmed Senpai while he was talking to a radio to turn it off, he would fail to return to his walking animation after he was done being alarmed. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the protagonist broke a glass case while holding a corpse, the corpse would float in midair while the protagonist performed the glass-breaking animation. This bug has been fixed.
  • It was possible to perform the “break glass” action with an obstacle between the protagonist and the glass, preventing the animation from playing properly. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player used the Week Select screen to give themselves friends, those students would become friends, but their Tasks would still be available. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player told Gema to change his appearance during classtime, he would change his appearance and then go to his club instead of his classroom. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player used Yandere Vision while a mind-broken slave was killing a victim, the sound effects and the animation would become de-synchronized. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player carried Ritsuko’s corpse near the “POOL’S CLOSED” sign, Ritsuko’s “I don’t care” subtitle would appear, even though she was dead. This bug has been fixed.
  • Sometimes, the player would have the option to “Load Most Recent Save” at the game over screen, even if the player had not created any saves. This bug has been fixed.
  • In Custom Mode, the player’s custom-designed protagonist would not use the player’s chosen eye type when the protagonist was wearing pajamas. This bug has been fixed.
  • If a student sat down to read a book with a smartphone in their hand, they would hold a smartphone and a book in their hand simultaneously. This bug has been fixed.
  • When the player used the Week Select feature to skip to Week 2, the game would not realize that Osana’s profile should have been unlocked. This bug has been fixed.
  • Info-chan’s “Send Student Home” Service is supposed to be available once per day. However, due to a bug, it was only available once EVER. This bug has been fixed.
  • It was possible for Ayano to leave gifts/notes on Taro desk in Mission Mode, even though he is canonically dead in that mode. This oversight has been corrected.
  • If the player was killed by an explosion while in the middle of a struggle or an attack animation, bugs would occur. This should no longer be possible.
  • When Ayano/Ryoba joined the Light Music Club, their club accessory would float in midair instead of attach to their head. This bug has been fixed.
  • If Nemesis disguised herself as Pippi, she would use one of Pippi’s old hair models instead of her current hair model. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player chose to censor panties and then changed their Rim Light settings, the panty censor would disappear. This bug has been fixed.
  • The club leaders of 1980s Mode failed to perform the correct animation when attending the club meeting on Friday. This bug has been fixed.
  • The difficulty options that the player selected while creating a save file were not being reflected in gameplay. This bug has been fixed.
  • In 1980s Mode, if the player put a circular saw into the cello case, it would clip through the lid of the case. This bug has been fixed.
  • When Ayano and Ryoba wore a Cooking Club kerchief, their heads would show a strange outline in Yandere Vision. This bug has been fixed.
  • Amai and her clubmates will no longer agree to do Favors (Follow Me, Go Away, Distract) while they are participating in the bake sale.
  • If the player wore a weapon bag and carried a bloody school uniform, the weapon bag would turn bloody. This bug has been fixed.
  • The Occult Club candle was lighting people on fire from 5 meters away instead of from direct contact. This bug has been fixed.
  • One of the sinks in the Home Ec room was backwards; the back of the model was facing the front! Oops! This has been fixed.
  • It was possible for the camera to clip through the ceiling of the gardening club’s shed. This bug has been fixed.
  • When talking to Amai about attending a club activity, there was a typo in her subtitles. This has been fixed.
  • The sewing machine that Ryoba uses to sew a scarf was not positioned properly. This has been corrected.
  • It was possible to walk on top of the fountains near the headmaster’s statue. This bug has been fixed.
  • When Amai died from poison, she would clip into the bake sale table. This will no longer occur.
  • The likes/dislikes written in Ai’s diary were incorrect. This oversight has been corrected.
  • In the “Origin Dream,” the background music wasn’t looping. Oops! This bug has been fixed.
  • Fixed a typo in the subtitles for Headmaster Tape #7.


Hey, anyone here interested in vinyl records? One of Yandere Simulator’s old composers has put 15 of his tracks onto a vinyl record and is accepting pre-orders for it now. I had no role in its creation and I don’t profit from it in any way, but if you’re interested in vinyls, check it out!

443 thoughts on “June 1st Bug-Fixing Build (and Poll!)

  1. Hey YandereDev,
    I was wanting to know if you would ever consider adding the ability to have more than 10 rivals to custom mode? This is something that I and likely many others wold enjoy playing around with!

  2. Long text warning about Kizana Sunobu’s possible sabotage:
    Well, since Amai’s route and its sabotages are almost 100% implemented, I want to propose an idea of ​​5 sabotages that occurred to me for the 3rd rival (Kizana Sunobu), leader of the theater club: 🎭

    I’ve been thinking of a good way to make Sempai reject Kizana is by making him think that she is moody and very troublesome.⭐

    How do we do this by sabotaging her all week?

    See how Kizana has this feature where she changes her hairstyle every day? Well, it would make sense for me to always bring a hair kit to school (hairbrush, hair creams, etc.) in a bag that I would leave at the drama club.

    MONDAY: We could spill water on her and have her take a shower, which means her hair will be washed and her hair will no longer be combed.

    While this is happening, we could go to drama club while no one is looking, steal her bag, and then put it back on her class desk.

    She goes to the drama club to look for her hair things to comb her hair again, but when she doesn’t find it she gets angry and starts an argument where she blames her club mates for stealing her kit, and once she finishes yelling, she looks at them and Realizing that her things were on her desk, this bad behavior would diminish her reputation when Senpai saw her in that way.⭐

    TUESDAY: This day Kizana and her classmates would be rehearsing for their new play. This would happen at the end of class, but then we have to have Info-chan send one of Kizana’s clubmates home, and Kizana would get angry because with one member missing the rehearsal couldn’t be completed, so she would start another argument and Sempai would see how problematic she is again, lowering her reputation even more.👍

    WEDNESDAY: We have to sabotage Kizana’s clothes for the play (for this I should have asked Hazu Kashibuchi to make her clothes in advance) we would go to the sewing room and make Hazu leave, once he is gone we can sabotage the Kizana’s clothes by stealing them.

    At lunch Kizana would go to the sewing room to ask Hazu for her clothes and when she saw that he wasn’t there she would get angry with him and start blaming him and yelling at him, all this with the doors open. Students and Sempai passing by in the hallways would see Kizana apparently yelling at a noble boy and this would cause his reputation to drop a third time.🔥

    THURSDAY: Day of the play, Kizana will invite Sempai to see her on stage, she would ask him to arrive early to cheer her up. Unfortunately, with the 4th sabotage we would change Kizana’s makeup, ruining her moment and causing her to argue with the rest without realizing that Sempai was observing her, diminishing her reputation for the 4th time.

    FRIDAY of final sabotage and confession: Finally, on Friday comes the last sabotage where Kizana would invite Sempai to the drama club after finishing classes before lunch to rehearse her favorite play and the role she wants to get with all her heart. Being Juliet in the play “Romeo and Juliet” for which she uses Sempai as Romeo, this to prepare through a “false confession” for her afternoon confession under the cherry tree, unfortunately with our final sabotage just above Kizana would have a hanging bag full of paint which would stain her clothes when it fell, causing Kizana to explode because of everything that had happened earlier during the week and thus without realizing it she lashed out at Sempai himself shouting “Don’t touch me, go away, leave me alone.” In the afternoon, despite everything, being trusted, Kizana would confess and Sempai, seeing her low reputation and that people gossip about her + what he himself heard and saw, would reject her love and say that he does not want someone as problematic and arrogant as her. at his side.💗 And finally, happy ending to the 3rd week for Ayano.❤

    Extra information Kizana and Kokona (less likely but I would like it): As everyone knows Kokona deeply admires Kizana, we don’t know why but she wants to be like her. Everyone knows of a theory that Kizana and Kokona are sisters, which has not been 100% confirmed or denied. Well, in Kizana week we would ask Info-Chan to reveal Kizana’s dark secret and this would turn out to be harming her younger sister to separate her and stop following her everywhere. Well, it turns out that this younger sister would be Kokona. This would unlock the task for us to be friends with Kizana, harming Kokona by lowering her reputation or even getting her expelled or bullied, Kizana simply does not care about her sister, she just wants to be the center of attention and Kokona for her bad family relationship would only want to do everything possible to impress Kizana by acting and dressing like her, which Kizana does not take well at all and only sees as “impersonation or theft of camera and attention.”

    What do you think Yandere dev, do you like this sabotage route?😁 For Kizana and Kokona to be sisters, they would have to be daughters of the same woman but with a different father. This would make the hatred that Kizana feels for Kokona stronger when she tries to imitate her because she would feel that she wants to supplant her both in her club and in her family.

    • Coming up with Amai’s sabotage events was actually pretty tricky for me; I had a difficult time coming up with ideas that all felt different, and weren’t duplicates of Osana’s events. I’d be willing to accept suggestions for Kizana’s events, but I’m not ready to declare with 100% certainty “Yes, I’ll use all of those ideas!” or “No! I won’t use any of these!”

      However, I will state that I really don’t like the idea of Kizana/Kokona being sisters.

      • Is there another unique way to kill Amai just like Osana has the drowning in the pool thing and the one about pulling her hair in the fan blades because I have an idea. Just like Osana’s unique killing method that can happen at any day, Amai can have the same. That pot in the Home Ec room with water, Ayona must boil the water after that befriend or have enough seduction. Ask her to follow you to the room and ask witnesses to leave and close doors. Then pour her with the boiling hot water onto her face. She will be vulnerable the pull and then push her face onto the hot stove which is still on,until she is dead. There you go another way to kill Amai in a unique way I also have another one for Kizana and a Thursday elimination for Oka.

    • I don’t think the kokona thing would work because kizana is very wealthy (I think) and kokona is poor. Yandere dev has said that thing where her dad is in debt is still happening but ayano doesnt know about it

    • YandereDev! YandereDev!

      If Ayano is part of the cooking club, will this bring any benefit in relation to Amai?

      • yandev when I think about it…eighties rivals has that thing where you need to do something to be able to get thier

        task…like join music club if you want to do ai’s task?

        amai’s task only will be available to do if your gonna be in cooking club because why would she trust somebody who could not like cooking

      • I disagree with forcing the player into a club just to be able to befriend a rival. I don’t even like that being an aspect of Ai Doruyashi.

  3. Since you get an apron after joining the cooking club like the rest of the members, it’d be cute if you also got a watering can like the other members after joining the gardening club!

  4. what happen if she get killed kizana, or a sutior well, they replace Romeo and Juliet lead actor if the suitor Will it be Romeo replacing taro. Or if she got killed, who will be Juliet

      • Even if the entire Cooking Club is killed, Amai just does the bake sale herself.


        Even if the entire Drama Club is killed, Kizana puts on the play herself (with Senpai’s help).

  5. Hello yandere dev, I noticed that amai doesn’t have any event where the player can learn her likes and dislikes or what she likes in a boy, the idea of the bookbag seems a bit off since it only works for her and osana is a lot different, i think that maybe amai and the gardening club leader might be friends and maybe there could be an event where they talk about all the clubs at school and also about what they like in boys

  6. Hey! I’ve never wrote a comment in your blogs before. and woww it’s been sooo long last time I tried to speak English like this again. (I’m from Turkey/Türkiye! lots of love from Turkey!) I’ve been following Yandere Simulator since I was a kid and I think it wouldn’t be wrong to say I’ve grow up with your game! It’s been like 8 years. I always followed the new features/ideas/youtube videos. I was sooooo excited for this game to finish and to play the full game. But sadly a lot of thing changed in this time period, I remember the times you talked about the game being paid and it’s totally understandable because of the time you’re spending on the game and your efforts. But I don’t know if you have any ideas about what is happening in Turkey and its economy. I’m really disappointed that I will never be able to buy your game even if it’s released. Despite all of that I’m getting older day by day and I still remember the times you talked about a TOWN. And I was so sad that idea never became real and a little street have been added to the game.. :'(( I don’t know if the people here are following you from the past but nobody talks about our little town… 😦 It’s the only thing I think about. Idk…

    Still I wish you best of luck with your game development! And I hope I will be able to see the final product. Love you a lot Yandere Dev! ❤

  7. Are there any plans of recasting the voice actors/actresses for everyone? And if so would that include rerecording lines currently in the game? I know that there is no easy answer (at least not unless everyone decides to come back to record new lines) but I feel as though it would be better to decide at some point between have no voice over for now and recasting the characters later, or just no voice over. Having characters only speak in the first week will be really awkward and cause people to ask why?

    I’m also concerned about those voice actors causing more problems once you start selling the game. The painful but possibly necessary move may be to remove all voice acting from the game (at least from actors/actresses who may interfere if the game is being sold for money) and look to get voiceovers after several more or even all the rivals have been implemented. I’m assuming a lot about the potentially malicious intentions of prior voice providers and obviously you said some have reached out to you privately to be more honest about why they can’t or won’t return. I for one am eager to see the game succeed and buy it whether you choose to start charging money now or after Kizana or whenever you have my support and a lot of other people too!

  8. My comment I left at 3:46 pm yesterday was not very well informed but I can’t delete it or reply to it since it is still awaiting moderation.

    I don’t think there was any ill will from the the voice actors that left and if there is any possibility that they might return in the future then I think that continuing to work on the game without voice acting is definitely the way to go.

    Michaela said on Twitter she hopes the game succeeds “with or without” her so I take that to mean that “with” is still under consideration. So to revise what I commented yesterday, I’m sure that if you finish the game the voice talent will be inspired to return.

  9. I would love for a Mac version of the demo to be released!! This is a wonderful game, but I want to be able to play it without having to buy a whole new computer or getting 834 viruses from some download link. It would be amazing if you could do this, thank you so much!

    • I’m sorry…I only have a Windows PC. I don’t own a Mac computer. If I exported a Mac build, I would have no way to test it. I would just be throwing a build onto the Internet and praying that people can run it, with no real way to debug it if it doesn’t work. The only way for me to begin providing Mac builds of the game is if someone offers to buy me a Mac computer that I can use to test and export Mac builds of the game.

  10. idea for kizana expulsion method, one day when kizana in practicing for the play, ayano will move the props around when nobody is looking, and kizana will get mad because she can not understand why the props keep moving so she will get angry at kokona and pull her hair, then ayano can click a picture and show to the head master

  11. i also hope you will add a method where senpai kills kizana, for the play they will use a prop sword but ayano will switch it with a real one. so in the play senpai stabs her, and if osana and amai have been killed then he will try to stab himself too, if he dies its game over but ayano can,l warn somebody like budo, who will throw the knife away from senpai but if she doesnt warn taro will die. i just love your game and thinking of ideas for it!

    • I’ve been considering / planning something like this for a very long time. I wouldn’t like to spoil exactly what I have planned, so I won’t confirm/deny exactly what will happen, but it’s similar to what you’ve described!

    • this is SUCH a good idea. I’ve seen lots of stuff related to replacing a prip with a real weapon to get her killed, but I’ve never thought about the idea of senpai trying to harm himself and ayano having to pre-emptively stop that. that would be so cool!

  12. Hello YanDev! I have some suggestions and from now I will barely ask you some questions that you don’t enjoyable on answering it.

    Here are my suggestions:

    1. If the player splashes Uekiya Engeika, she will go to the bathroom to take the shower. I think you should add a feature where the player could steal the gardening key from her locker too beside her phone. Once she realizes the gardening shed key is missing, she’ll start searching it around the gardening club.
    2. Since we could simply learn Amai’s likes and dislikes from her diary by just snooping her bag while we need to learn about Osana’s dislikes and likes through her conversations about her opinion on club with Raibaru and her task, I feel that we should only be able to learn only a few likes and dislikes from her diary (let’s say like 2 likes and 3 dislikes from diary), the rest of likes and dislikes of her beside we learned from her diary only can be learned through the conversation during her week.
    • 1. It’s a fair suggestion, honestly.

      2. I don’t like the idea of forcing the player to wait for an event and eavesdrop on it to learn certain information. I always felt that this was the lamest part of Osana’s week. I’d much rather let the player learn information through direct action than just passively waiting for something to happen.

      • I guess but it’s what made osana’s week much more intresting events with someone who isn’t senpai

        it’s better to make at least some events where amai would need to talk with other students…uekiya as example because there a lot of people who like the idea of them being friends

      • Hm. I do agree that non-rival, non-Senpai interactions make weeks more interesting.

        However, what if most people really don’t care at all, and I wind up wasting a bunch of development time on something that most people won’t even notice?

        I suppose this is the type of thing I’d like to poll the fans on…

      • Hmm, it’s fair to think about

        But I think rivals cannot fully show their backstories and personalities in a way that the player would feel like the character is alive without a rival talking to another student and having friendships with others

        One of the reasons why rivals in the eighties feel boring is that they only TALK with senpai…and we don’t see how they interact with other students (what makes eighties students boring too because they don’t have events with rivals)

        Theres one simple question!

        Why osana is a good rival?

        Here the answer:

        It’s becausewe see how she acts around other people as example:

        With senpai: She is rude

        With Raibaru: She is nice

        With Musume: She is chill but suspicious

        When she talks about clubs, we see how she reacts to them

        Her personality over all is what makes her a good rival and a good written character because “she is not just tsundere who is rude to senpai” she is also a friendly and protective one

        I think if you want to improve amai you need to add some character that she would have events with. That way, you can show how she interacts with others, and we start to see her not just as a “nice girl because she is nice” but as someone who is cheerful, protective, and sometimes rude

        some people amai could talk with:

        1)Shoku on Monday, after senpai/rival talk shoku is going to wait for Amai to come to greet her. They would have Conversation where we could get a hint that shoku is in love with our rival.

        2) Saki would be spying on Amai and asking her after school what was happening with the rival bakery

        3)Uekiya could talk with Amai as a friend (needed for learning opinions and dark secrets and boys she like (you can still learn about opinions and boys Amai likes, but not all, just 1, 2, or only next day like if Monday happened the event next day, Amai would write about the even that happened last day), but you could change her role to Saki.

        In the end, That way Amai or any rival is going to feel like real people who you can CARE about rival and you will have more chances to show your rival’s personality. As for the poll, you could do another one at the next blog update. There would be a little poll where people would either say yes OR no

        Anyway, sorry for the long text. Just writing everything I think about

  13. hey yandev !

    i found a bug !

    the first day of the first weekend i talked to raibaru while osana is changing her shoes, and gived the curiousy look bcz i was talking to her bff ,suddenely when i finished she start walking with that look !

    i hope u fixed and good luck ❤

      • In short: They talked to Raibaru while Osana was changing her Shoes.

        They countine to talk to Ribaru until Osana finished changing her shoes after Osana played “f02_suspicious_00” animation because of player talking to Raibaru which cause her to walk with the “f02_suspcious_00” animation instead of “f02_tsunWalk_00”

  14. I would love to watch videos of you explaining the new updates and unpacking the lore and personality of the characters. I miss seeing you on YouTube!!

  15. Hello Yandere Dev! I was researching information about Ryoba’s mother’s past and the Aishi family lore, and I found a post where you supposedly answered some questions from a fan. I wanted to confirm if those answers were real from you, since I don’t really trust the place where this post came from, as they are usually people releasing fake news or insulting you. And I would really like to make a video about this on my YouTube channel!
    Sincerely, a fan of Brazil!

  16. The questions:1. During Ryoba and her sister’s childhood, how was therelationship between them and their mother? Ayano’sgrandmother used to be affectionate with her daughters ordistant?2. How was the relationship between Ryoba and his sister?Were they close? Ryoba-chan was protective of her?3. We know that Ryoba felt sorry for her father when shewas younger, but did she try to somehow interact with herfather? Talk or spend time with him?4. What was Ryoba’s mother’s reaction to seeing herdaughter being interrogated by the journalist live in court?Did she go into despair or was she indifferent? She wasdisappointed in her daughter in winning over senpai?5. Why are Ryoba’s parents and sister not present in 1980smode? is there any reason why they aren’t living in thehouse with Ryoba?6. Has Ryoba’s sister continued her family’s legacy on theissue of the textile industry? Does she work manufacturingclothes or something? What is her profession during 202Xmode?7. How is the relationship between her (Ryoba’s sister) andher daughter? Is she a caring mother like Ryobais withAyano?8. How is her relationship with her husband? Problematiclike Ryoba and Jokichi?9. If Ayano’s cousin studied in the same class as Yan-Chan,what would it be like? Would she disturb Ayano?10. What is Ayano’s cousin’s opinion of her aunt? She thinksshe’s a “cool aunt” (since Ryoba became famous with theAkademi murder case, does the girl think Ryoba is her”inspiration”?).11. If Ayano’s grandmother never murdered someone (andconsequently didn’t teach Ryoba how to escape murder),how could she help her granddaughter dispose of a body? |saw on a Wiki that if Ayanos grandmother appeared, shecould help Ayano dispose of her rival’s body…12. After the trial, did Ryoba’s mother visit her daughter?Did she somehow influence Ryoba to kidnap Jokichi?13. Are there any interesting moments between Ayano andher cousin? Any fun moments or arguments the two had?Your answers:I’ll answer 10.1. Ryoba’s mother did the bare minimum for her children. Assoon as they became even slightly self-sufficient, she stoppedtaking care of them. Ryoba did most of the housework andchores from a young age. She took care of her sister almostlike a mother would take care of a child.2. Ryoba and her sister were pretty close. They had to fend forthemselves since their mother didn’t do much for them, so theyhad to help one another a lot.3. She tried, but he was mind-broken.4. She was only worreid about herself. “What if this affects MEsomehow?!”5. They’re present. Just off-screen.6. The Aishi family gradually stopped working in the textileindustry from the 1900s onwards. Now there’s really just onebranch of the family that keeps it going as a small family store.7. Ryoba’s sister tried to be a good mother, but her daughterwas very rebellious and became a goth punk teen withpiercings, etc.8. The relationship between Ryoba’s sister and her husbandisone that | would explore in a future game, but not in YandereSim.9. Ayano’s cousin would be a delinquent.10. Ayano doesn’t get to hang out with her aunt much. Doesn’thave a strong opinion of her.

  17. Yandev,

    Would you ever consider changing Raibaru and Osana’s walking animations to them linking arms or just walking next to each other? Something about Raibaru following Osana like a dog makes the relationship feel one-sided and creepy.

  18. Hello Yanderedev.
    Just wanted to ask if there will ever be a 202X costume mode, that would be awesome.
    Also it would be awesome if we can join musume’s bully gang and the student council so please make it a priority!
    I’m a huge fan of the game and I hope it gets completed, goodluck.

  19. I also have a suggestion for kizana’s events.

    Ayano could ruin Kizana’s reputation having other club members dislike her at the start of the week. Each day Kizana would rehearse her play with each club member, and Ayano has to sabotage each and every one of them. Like on Monday Kizana would rehearse the play with Kokona, Ayano would steal Kokona’s script as Kokona didn’t exactly had time to memorize her script due to her personal issues.. which would make her struggle during the play and have Kizana confront her. On Tuesday Kizana would be with Tsuruzo and by placing a bucket and having Kizana go and change clothes while keeping Tsuruzo waiting, he would then confront then her and they wouldn’t have enough time to properly rehearse. On Wednesday she’d rehearse with Tokuko, also they would have their costumes ready, that Tokuko was in charge of. Ayano could use a pair of scissors and mess up the costumes. having kizana argue with tokuko. On Thursday, Ayano could sabotage senpai’s script and make senpai uncomfortable with the play and no longer want to participate. That day the club members will argue and the play will be cancelled. And finally on Friday, Kizana’s too embarrassed to talk to senpai face to face after all of that drama, she would place a gift for him at his desk and an apology letter. Ayano could put something else in the box and sabotage the apology letter. Kizana then leaves a note in senpai’s locker, and confesses her love to him under the cherry tree, and senpai would reject her.

    And that’s just it, just sabotage kizana and make her look bad in front of senpai and the other club members having them argue with her and cancel the play altogether..

  20. Hey YandereDev! I’ve had this idea for a while now and have wanted to see what you’d think about it; whenever the police are called and show up to the school, I think an interrogation mini game could help liven up and possibly give more consequence to the player’s action. For example, say Ayano kills a student. She’d be interrogated by the officer and asked to give an alibi. She could ask her friend(s) to vouch for her (maybe the more people vouching for her would give her better odds of not being arrested), or could make up an excuse of where she was. You could use the guidance counselor’s code to somewhat reverse-engineer this mini game. I personally believe this could liven up a somewhat dead aspect of the game (no hate).

    • It’s been suggested many times, and I’ve considered it before, but I’d strongly prefer to limit the the number of new features planned for the game to just the features in the survey at the top of this blog post.

  21. hi yandev, theres a bug i found in the new build

    when i take a picture of ryuto, his old eyebrows pop up from behind the new ones as he poses for the camera

  22. This is kind of random, but i was watching an old Kubz scouts video and i thought that the ‘ayano patrolling the school at night with only a flashlight’ easter egg already in the game would be an awesome betray/befriend mission for Oka, perhaps the player could try to find some paranormal activity or evidence of a ghost for Oka as she’d heard of an urban myth about the school at a specific time and place

      • Thats a shame, but i’d love to see the easter egg at some point in the game’s gameplay its super creepy and also seems realistic since its not unheard of students sneaking into school at night. perhaps the player would have to avoid patrolling guards or security cameras

      • It’s been a highly-requested feature for a long time, but I’ve always seen it as unnecessary.

        If I do another survey and it’s near the top of the list, I’ll consider it…

  23. In regards to joining the bullies I have some suggestions,

    1. instead of just providing additional advantages on existing game mechanics, it could also be used as an opportunity to rebalance gossip, since currently with high reputation, max psychology, and gossip boosting panties you can easily destroy anyone’s reputation in 30 in game minutes. It could be that gossip is heavily nerfed without being part of the bullies

    2. It could be that reputation loss is lowered from being a bully but the guidance counselor is less forgiving, also if you aren’t a delinquent but your reputation is below -33 it could be that the bullies (or whichever one is on the same floor as you) follows you around from a distance, not running but just walking and giggling mischievously, waiting for an opportunity to snap a compromising picture. It could be similar to how a suitor walks back and forth between your rival and their normal position, but instead of crossing the entire school to reach you, they will only follow you if you are on their floor in the main building. If this was the case it would be difficult to predict when a bully might enter a room while you are cleaning up a crime scene, making it more stressful to just lure someone into an empty room, close the door and kill them, since the only other danger is the student council dropping by once an hour.

    3. Being part of the bullies could give you the opportunity to learn about anyone’s likes and dislikes when you gossip with them in the bathroom during cleaning time once a day. It could also be that this gossip session is like a club activity, and failure to participate at least once a week could see you kicked out. This would also be a good alternative to finding a rivals likes or dislikes, in case the player doesn’t want to go through another method if other methods are rebalanced in the future.

    This is all just food for thought, I’m sure you have thought yourself about what benefits the bullies could possibly provide when gossiping is already strong without them. Right now gossiping is practically a speed run strategy so having to do favors for all of the bullies and join them to get the perks would change the meta quite a bit, and make gossip more exclusive and interesting, and hopefully the other ideas will make it feel less like this is just nerfing gossip, but also providing additional advantages as well.

  24. In regards to joining the student council I have some suggestions,

    1. The biggest issue to overcome with joining the student council I think is, how does this effect your morning? Even if we ignored the fact that you wouldn’t have time to go into town, we could just say that you do. The student council arrives to school before all the other students and spawn in the student council room because they were having a morning meeting, if the player spawned here they would miss out on the opportunity to eavesdrop on Senpai’s morning conversation with your rival. So how about this? The student council doesn’t trust Ayano because of Megami’s warning about her, so she is given the special responsibility to leave the morning meeting early in order to greet the student body at the front gate. In this case being part of the student council would only change your spawn point slightly by having you spawn inside the school gate and facing opposite the main building. You would be able to easily eavesdrop on morning conversations without any issue.
    2. You’ve said before that Ayano would probably be responsible for patrolling the classrooms so I don’t need to give any suggestions about that. Obviously Ayano would have access to pepper spray and zip ties like the other council members, although other then automatically winning struggles I don’t see that she would find much use in either of these, she wouldn’t be able to leave anyone alive who she won a struggle against anyway, but I do think that winning struggles would be the main advantage of pepper spray. Maybe zip ties could be used to craft something?
    3. Ayano should be able to ask favors of any student except the student council, and maybe should be able to ask favors of faculty as well, she wouldn’t be considered intruding in the faculty room, and perhaps without being a member you should now be considered intruding in the student council room. I imagine that overall the faculty would be more lenient and wouldn’t immediately send you to the guidance counselor for various small offenses, you may even be able to “apologize” to them for looking incriminating after a body has been found instead of them immediately trying to apprehend you. None of this would apply to actual members of the student council because they are aware of your true nature. I also imagine that the delinquents wouldn’t shove you or speak to you at all if you were in the student council and the same may be true of the bullies.
    4. while you are in the student council it should never be suspicious for you to carry anything that belongs to a specific club as people should assume that you are returning it to where it belongs, in general I think that students should be a lot less concerned about being suspicious of you and a lot more concerned about being respectful, maybe even Senpai would think twice about suspecting you as telling a member of the student council to their face that they are creeping him out would probably, or assuming that they hurt someone instead of the reverse when covered in blood, or assuming that they are carrying a weapon to hurt someone, would all be ridiculous accusations for an ordinary student to make of a student council member, although killing someone right in front of him would obviously be to far, it could also be that he just reacts much more slowly, and uses different dialogue.
    5. maintaining your position on the student council should obviously require keeping a very high reputation, a perfect academic record, joining should require never getting in trouble, and staying should require never being suspended. It could be that as a student council member you don’t answer to the guidance councilor but rather to someone else, such as the rest of the student council or to the headmaster. If you did answer to the headmaster then even though he knows your true nature you may have some leverage to talk your way out of trouble due to him believing that you being on the student council would encourage you to reign in your true nature in favor of a more peaceful existence. To this end, it could be that you get kicked off the student council if any unsolved homicides take place at school, since both the student council members and the headmaster would suspect that you are the culprit. This would force you to either peacefully eliminate your rivals, frame someone, or make it look like they disappeared under mysterious circumstances, with the latter two options damaging their trust of you but not enough to have you instantly removed. Something like, unexplained homicide makes them lose 100% trust, unexplained disappearence makes them lose 50% trust, framing someone makes them lose 25% trust, and a peaceful elimination increases their trust by 20% per week. Your final trust when Megami arrives during week 10 could effect her week and effect the ending as well. And might still exist as a statistic regardless of whether you are a member of the student council. If their trust started at 80% then eliminating Osana peacefully could be a requirement of joining the student council as early as week 2.
    • 1. I don’t think I’d force the player to arrive at school early or start their day in the Student Council room instead of the usual location.

      2. No, I don’t think that the player would be allowed to use pepper spray or zip ties. There is no gameplay application for these features that wouldn’t carry the consequence of being expelled from school / arrested by police.

      3. Yes, this is one thing I already have planned.

      4. Yeah, this is another thing that I already had planned.

      5. Keeping your reputation high or else you get kicked out of the council? Yep, that was something I was already planning.

      I don’t want to comment too much on anything regarding Megami, though, to avoid spoilers.

  25. hi yandev, if the survey does prioritize joining the bullies, is it going to be like the mods- for example, PoILuxs mod? or do you have your own ideas?

    • I haven’t seen PolLux’s mod, so I can’t really give an informed answer.

      However, I will say that I already have ideas for how the feature would work.

  26. Hi Dev, I have some questions about Megami (I understand if you don’t want to answer because of the spoilers)

    1. Does she speak other languages? If the answer is yes, how good is she at speaking them?
    2. When you implement her, will she be killed just as easily during snap mode as the rest of the NPCs? or maybe since she has an “invincible goddess” personality she tries to escape from the broken Ayano, I don’t know…
    3. What would happen to Saikou Corp’s inheritance in a hypothetical case where both Megami and Kencho die?
    • 1. Yes, seven languages. Japanese, English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, and Chinese.

      2. I guess I don’t really care about making her exceptionally difficult to kill during SNAP Mode, since it’s a guaranteed game over anyway…

      3. Quite a panic. Saisho believed strongly that only people with Saikou genes should inherit the company. Without any children, Ichiro and his wife would either need to have a new kid late in life or adopt. Neither of these options would be ideal. They’d probably try to do something with gene-editing. They’d accept a volunteer and then try to “transform” them into an artificial Saikou family member by altering their DNA.

  27. yandere dev, i have 2 bugs

    1: i cant get info points when i set bug on places, and when i took panty shots, then buy smth in favors the info points stay unlimited, and it was not spent

    2: when i change hair for senpai in 202x customization, in 31 and 2 hair styles, they have the same bald heads, you should try and delete 31

    • also when you fill bucket with water, grab the bleach, but not pour bleach in bucket, grab mop, and the pour bleach option will appear, and will be poured on with mop, please fix this

  28. Hello, YandereDev! I found something that needs to be fixed.

    1. If the player kills someone while member of delinquents and play the practice mini-game with the delinquents, the corpse will stand.

    2. “Bloom” setting will be automatically turned on when the player plays Mission Mode.

    3. The necklace placed in Occult Club appears to be metal, but if a player holds it and passes it through a metal detector it goes undetected. Is this an oversight, or is the necklace made of a non-metallic material?

    4. The 50kg weight placed in gym storage also appears to be metal, but if a player holds it and passes it through a metal detector it goes undetected.

    I’m Japanese and I’m not good at English so I used a translation. I’m sorry if the text is hard to read.

    • 1. Fixed in next build.

      2. Fixed in next build.

      3. I’m honestly not sure what material it’s made out of. It kinda looks like beads to me, not metal.

      4. Fixed in next build.

  29. Hey Yandev Sir, You know Blaming the delinquents and get them expelled right? I just noticed that one of the rival is the actual leader of the delinquents, Osoro Shidesu. So If I just Keep blaming the Delinquents on week 1 and get them expelled then… !BOOM! Future Rival is Eliminated.

    Isn’t that too early.

  30. Hey, yandere dev!

    ive thought of a way to arrest amai, i dont know if its too gruesome or not but ill say it!

    so first you have to kill a student, dismember them, and get away with it, but WITHOUT disposing the body parts (like hiding them somewhere faculty wouldnt look). and then going home, go to amais bakery and put the body parts into the food. and then take a picture of a eye or finger etc and call the police. how i explain it is really vague but i i find it a creative way to “expose“ amai. ) also maybe a way of hiding body parts could be in the musical instrument box where you kidnap people, just a thought, tho.

    • Between “Put body parts into Amai to frame her for being a cannibal” and “Drive Amai insane so that she kills someone and includes their dead body in a meal” I favor the 2nd option.

  31. Hi yandere dev how would you advise someone who isn’t really good at stealth games not for when ayona is at school it is quite easy for me to eliminate rivals (idk why) but eliminating other students is harder for me so I really never got genocide ending and helped my last rival in 1980s mode in the way the game asked me to along with Amai in 202x mode and also lacks gaming skills so I can’t really win the music rhythm games panther an the dance rhythm game in gaming club so basically I don’t want to stop playing yandere simulator but I do want to know how you developed your gaming skills I don’t play enough games as I intend to but right now I only have yandere simulator it has lots of of things to do and I lack time to search for others. Hope for a response. Thank you for taking time to read(apologies for a long comment and bad grammar)

    • Aw…

      I’m sorry that there are parts of Yandere Simulator that are difficult for people who are inexperienced at certain types of games.

      I suppose I can try adding more difficulty options; like an “Easy Mode” for Panther…

  32. Hello Yandev! I hope you’re doing well ^^ I had some suggestions about learning Amai’s likes/dislikes through both an inorganic and organic manner! I commented my suggestions on a previous blog post and I’m not sure if you saw it..I hope you acknowledge this one!

    Instead of learning her likes and dislikes through her diary, we could learn it through Stokr. I know it’s possible to learn others opinions through it too, but maybe a timed mini game / going through her social media to learn about her could make it a tad bit more hard to access her opinions. I think that’s a more fun and challenging way to learn about Amai than the “going through her bookbag” method. ^^

    Otherwise, there could be a certain event (for which I have many ideas) where Ayano can spy on her.

    1. Ayano can offer to help Amai bake something together/Amai cooks with a friend/clubmate where they talk about their likes, interest in boys etc. with each other while preparing meals, to pass the time/make merry conversation. Alternatively, Amai could talk with her female clubmates during the bakesale and discuss their likes and dislikes with one another.

    2. Amai can hand out food to people of various clubs and her facial expressions / body languge could change depending on whether she approves of their club or not. This one’s a little bit icky because facial expressions aren’t the easiest to observe, but obvious body language could convey the message. Also, maybe a little tedious…

    3. Another alternative to the bookbag method is Ayano snooping through Amai’s phone instead of a diary. Idk, it feels more modern and isn’t as easy as just quickly going through her diary, because she’d have to wet Amai to steal her phone. I think this is the most logical method to learn Amai’s embarrassing secret too, since she won’t talk to anyone about it obviously.

    4. Maybe Amai has a routine phonecall with her friend from another school. Ayano could acquire Amai’s phone, get Info chan to add spyware/remote access on it so that she can tap into the phone call where Amai would discuss her interests with her friend.

    5. Okay..this one is a little far-fetched but what if Ayano sets up an interview with Amai? She would have to have a high reputation for it, and she could interview Amai about her food / cooking skills that she’d like to post on her blog for example (Info-chan can certainly set up a fake blog for Ayano). During this mini-interview Amai drops hints about her interests in statements such as;

    “Cooking is my passion! I would love to pursue it regardless of the money I might make. I don’t really care about money afterall, seeing people enjoy my dishes is more than enough!”

    “Family is everything to me! My parents inspired me to bake and constantly provide support for my dreams of becoming a chef. Sometimes, we like to cook dishes together as a way of bonding together.”

    “While I usually show my creativity through cooking, there are a lot of other things I really enjoy! Art for instance, sometimes I spend quite a while doodling my next dish!”

    “I would say I source a lot of my inspiration from anime. Having watched many cooking-animes, I’m always tempted to bring their mouthwatering food to life.”

    and so on. I hope you got the idea! Well, that’s all. Thank you for reading 😀 !!

  33. I have some silly questions
    1.what is every occult club student’s favorite animal?
    2.if the occult club did not exist, what other club would the students of the occult club choose?
    3.and who is your favorite student from the occult club? ><

    • 1. Most of them love supernatural / mythical / legendary creatures more than they care about real-world animals. But Oka’s favorite creatures are spiders.

      2. Either the Gaming Club (no barrier to entry, everyone in there is already seen as a misfit) the Photography Club (low-stress club, the people in it just goof around) or Art Club (they could draw artwork of supernatural beings or allegedly magical diagrams).

      3. Oka! But if I’m not allowed to name a rival, it’s Supana Churu!

  34. yandere dev, i have 3 bugs

    1: i cant get info points when i set bug on places, and when i took panty shots, then buy smth in favors the info points stay unlimited, and it was not spent

    2: when i change hair for senpai in 202x customization, in 31 and 2 hair styles, they have the same bald heads, you should try and delete 31

    3: i was cleaning in 3:30, like any students do, then i fill water, grab bleach, dont pour it in, just grab the mop after the bleach was picked up, you can still pour bleach while picking up the mop

  35. ..
    Amai could have a busier week, she just interacts with her senpai and cooks

    I know you said you’d like to change that, so I’ll give you ideas.

    I think, on every day of the week, she could talk to a member of the cooking club

    For example, on Monday she talks to Ajia Ashitomi about the other clubs

    On Tuesday she talks to Shoku Tsuburaya and he seems shy, the player finds out about his crush

    On Wednesday she talks to Saki Miyu about her type of boy

    on Thursday she talks to Kenko Sukoyaka about her likes and dislikes, etc etc

    just an example, to show more of amai’s personality

    • Fair suggestion.

      I felt very hesitant to create a lot of optional cutscenes for Week 2, because I didn’t know how many players would care. But, it seems to be a very common piece of feedback, so I think I’ll definitely consider it in the future.

  36. Why can’t Raibaru stand up to a mind-broken Osana? Because of their strong friendship? I think that Raibaru should try to bring Osana to her senses, but Osana will not succeed, she will do harakiri and Raibaru will call the police and cry

      • But this is not logical! imagine, you are super strong Raibaru, who hasn’t seen her friend for 4 days, and here she comes with a broken mind to kill you, AND YOU GIVE UP SO EASILY FOR SHE TO KILL YOU?! NO! Where is the instinct of self-defense? why is Raibaru able to stand up to other students with broken minds but succumbs to Osana? is it really meant to be?!

  37. Hi, YanDev. What do you think about adding new locations for bugs from info-chan every week? What if we will be able to put bugs on bakesale table, home economic room and the place, where Amai have phone call. Usually there are a lot of people near places that current rival visits, so Info-chan can gather a lot of valuable information here.

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