June 1st Bug-Fixing Build (and Poll!)

Hi! Before I start telling you what’s new in today’s build, I’d like to poll the fanbase about something.

Out of all of the things that I’m considering/planning to work on next, I’d like to know which ones the fanbase is most interested in, and which ones the fanbase is least interested in. Specifically, I’d like to know how you would rank them from “most interesting” to “least interesting.”

Here is a link to a survey where you will be asked to drag-and-drop a list of features in order from top to bottom:


Please drag that features you’re most interested in to the top, and drag the ones you’re least interested in to the bottom! The features that people care about the most might be prioritized and expedited, and the ones that people care least about might be saved for last (or even get ditched entirely).

(By the way, on a completely unrelated note, I’ve recently posted a preview of upcoming content on my Patreon page.)

Okay! With that out of the way, it’s time to discuss today’s build: it contains 16 additions/changes/improvements, and 75 bug fixes. Whoa!! That’s a lot!!

To read the list of everything that was changed in the latest build, scroll down past this fan art by fzlO1FriwF10451 that illustrates just how silly Ayano looks to bystandards when sabotaging Amai’s Thursday event.

Haha! It makes sense within the context of the gameplay, but it must look absolutely ridiculous to anyone standing nearby…


  • Sometimes, a bug occurs that causes the game to recall old save data on a new save file. For example, the game might recall Genocide Ending data on a new save file, leading it to believe that all students should be dead on Day 1 of Week 1. I am not sure exactly why this bug occurs; nobody has ever found a set of steps that reliably cause the bug to occur. However even though I don’t know the cause of the bug, there is a solution: it is possible to force the game to forget absolutely all save data, past and present, by going to the Content Checklist screen and pressing the “R” key, which summons a hidden debug feature: the ability to completely remove all Yandere Simulator data from your computer’s registry. Tragically, this included all of the Content Checklist progress that the player had made…until today! From now on, when using the “wipe the registry” command, the game will remember only one piece of information: your Content Checklist progress. This means that, even if you get hit by the “All students are dead on Day 1 of Week 1” bug, and you have to use the “wipe the registry” debug command, you won’t lose your precious Content Checklist progress. Hooray! (You can still wipe the content checklist using a separate debug command on the content Checklist screen, if you wish to.)
  • One method for learning a student’s likes/dislikes is to ask them to follow you, and then take them to various places around the school. For example, taking them inside of the Cooking Club would teach you their opinion about Cooking. However, if a club shut down, this method of learning a student’s interests became impossible. The code has been adjusted so that, in the event of a club shutting down passing nearby the club is enough to learn a student’s opinion on that club (but you do have to walk as close to the club as physically possible).
  • There are 25 “conversation topics” in the game, and each student has 5 likes and 5 dislikes. Due to an oversight, it was actually impossible for the player to learn how a student felt about three of those topics – Family, Nature, and Money. It is now possible to learn how a student feels about Family by taking them to the Home Ec room, Nature by taking them to the Gardening Club, and Money by taking them to the Drama club.
  • There were images of Raibaru painting and cooking in one of my YouTube videos. The likes/dislikes in her profile reflected an appreciation for cooking, but not art. Her likes/dislikes have been shifted around a little bit to make room for her to have a positive opinion of art.
  • If Gema changes his appearance in the morning, the bully girls will check him out at lunchtime. And if Gema changes his appearance at lunchtime, the bully girls will check him out after cleaning time.
  • Ryuto now has thick eyebrows, as a nod to the fact that, when he was originally added to the game, he had very large, exaggerated anime eyebrows.
  • Previously, LoveSick Mode turned characters’ hair color black. Now, it turns characters’ hair greyscale and dark.
  • Amai and Kizana now have footstep sound effects in the “Senpai meets Amai” and “Senpai meets Kizana” cutscenes.
  • In Yakuza Mode, it is now possible to use the “Pass Time” book in the school library even if Ryoba is bloody.
  • Pedestrians in town now have original face textures instead of using the same face textures as teachers.
  • The “Feed List” has been re-named to the “Catering List,” because “Feed List” sounded goofy.
  • Updated the “mysterious silhouette” portrait used by Amai before she appears at school.
  • The delinquents’ radio will now stop playing music when Ayano is in SNAP Mode.
  • Kizana now wears sunglasses in the “Senpai meets Kizana” cutscenes.
  • The color of Aija’s hair bobbles now matches her apron.
  • Adjusted some of Itachi’s likes/dislikes.


  • Some of the stores in town are not completely functional yet, and have “placeholder products” in their menus. Unfortunately, it was possible for the player to “purchase” these placeholder products, which would take money from the player without actually granting them any kind of benefit. From now on, non-functional products will be marked as “SOLD OUT” so that the player can’t waste money on things that are not functional yet.
  • When the player used the “Pass Time” book in the library, students are teleported to their destinations. However, if the player tranquilized/sedated a student, hid their body in a musical instrument case, and then used the “Pass Time” book, the tranquilized student would teleport out of the case, to whatever their destination was supposed to be at that time of day. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player arranged a meeting with a student, the student waited at a meeting spot where they could be pushed to their death, an event began that required that student to participate, and then the player got sent to the counselor, it would become possible to perform the “push to death” action on the student even though they were nowhere near a rooftop. This bug has been fixed.
  • If a Cooking Club member switched to their “carrying plate” animations, and then the player went to class and advanced time to lunchtime, and then the player alarmed the Cooking Club member, they would play their “carrying food tray” animation instead of their “reacting to suspicious noise” animation. This bug has been fixed.
  • When School Atmosphere is beneath 50%, the loading screen is black-and-red instead of white-and-pink. The keyboard graphic on the loading screen is also red instead of pink. However, the gamepad graphics remained pink instead of turning red. This was an oversight, and it has been corrected.
  • If the player alarms a student, the student’s outline turns yellow. After the player apologizes to the student, the student’s outline returns to normal. However, if the student had an accessory (such as an apron), the accessory’s outline would remain yellow. This bug has been fixed.
  • During stealth missions, if the player held down the “run” button while crouch-walking, the protagonist’s head would lean so far out of their collider that they wouldn’t be detectable by characters who were searching for the sight of the protagonist’s head. This bug has been fixed.
  • Previously, when the player pushed over the bookcase in the school library, students would not react to the loud sound of the bookcase slamming into the ground. This oversight has been corrected; students within a specific radius will now react to the sound and come investigate.
  • If a student was in a certain state (witnessed murder, hiding from murderer) and the player approached while using a stealth cloaking device, the student would react as if they could see the player, even though the player was meant to be invisible. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player killed a student and also reduced their reputation to below -150 on the same day, the student would be counted twice when the game counted dead students, resulting in their portrait appearing twice at the following memorial. This bug has been fixed.
  • It is now only possible to use the “Send Home” feature on a student once. After being tricked once, they’ll never fall for that trick again. (It was always intended to work this way, and I didn’t realize that the feature wasn’t already functioning that way.)
  • If the player used the “Week Select” button to advance to the Difficulty Options window, but then backed out of the window and tried to start a new save file normally, the player would still get sent to the Week Select screen anyway. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player killed a student with a heavy object dropped from above, wrapped them in a garbage bag, and then tried to lift them up, the student’s corpse would perform a walking animation instead of a “being carried” animation. This bug has been fixed.
  • If a mind-broken slave was sent to kill a student who was standing in a stairway, the slave would reach their target and then spin in circles indefinitely, causing their target to react with confusion but never actually die. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player tilted the control stick while the protagonist was sliding into place before dumping a corpse into the incinerator, the corpse would move forward in the air instead of remaining in the protagonist’s hands. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player exited their room and then entered the basement by moving the bookshelf out of the way, the protagonist’s controller would have an incorrect radius size inside of the basement, leading to clipping issues. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player had a “Duplicate Answer Sheet” in their inventory instead of an “Answer Sheet,” the “Put answer sheet inside of rival’s bookbag” option would not be available, even though it made logical sense. This oversight has been corrected.
  • Attempting to pour liquid on the ground at the confession tree could result in all kinds of weird glitches, so it is no longer allowed. (Logically, the liquid would just roll down the hill, so I feel that this is a fair game design decision.)
  • Mai Waifu’s hair no longer clips through the wall behind her when she is sitting down or eating. (It will still clip through chairs and whatnot, but that’s just an unavoidable aspect of video games with characters who have extreme designs.)
  • If the player was covered in blood and standing next to a corpse while using a workbench, it was possible for a student to become alarmed and try to apprehend the player while the player was in the workbench menu. This bug has been fixed.
  • Geiju’s unique character trait is that he only speaks in one-or-two-word sentences. However, when using the new Socialization System to talk to him, he would sometimes talk in normal sentences. This oversight has been corrected.
  • If a student vomited in the final phase of their day (usually after 4:00 PM) they would become unable to return to their routine, and would attempt to perform their routine in front of a bathroom sink. This bug has been fixed.
  • It was possible for a swimming student to decide to visit Amai’s bake sale, which would result in a soaking-wet student walking through the school halls with water splashing effects surrounding them. This bug has been fixed.
  • When the player changed the school’s default uniform, Megami (visible on the laptop in the student council room) would wear the correct uniform, but would not change her textures accordingly. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the police were called to school after a rival had confessed to her suitor at the confession tree, the confession music would continue to play during the police investigation sequence. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player used an Amnesia Bomb on a student who just discovered a corpse, there was a chance that they would return to the “reacting to corpse” state after the Amnesia Bomb wore off. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player used the “Reset All Progress” feature in Custom Mode, their Custom Mode save would transform into a normal 1980s Mode save, and no longer contain any Custom Mode content. This bug has been fixed.
  • In Custom Mode, if the player set their protagonist’s name to be extremely long, any line of text containing that name might overlap with other lines of text on the Stats screen. This bug has been fixed.
  • Previously, the female Sports Club members of 1980s Mode were using male animations for diving into the pool, swimming in the pool, and climbing out of the pool. They are now using female animations.
  • If the player got a student’s fingerprints on a murder weapon and then killed that student with fire, the text that displayed at the end-of-day sequence would be incorrect. This bug has been fixed.
  • In 1980s Mode, after Week 1, members of the Light Music Club did not appear in the clubroom and play their instruments after the player initiated the daily club activity. This bug has been fixed.
  • When a character entered the “walk backward in fear” animation at the top of a staircase, they would walk backwards and float in the air above the staircase beneath them. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player used some of Info-chan’s Services and then used the Reset Week feature, the game would continue remembering which Services the player had already purchased. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player befriended a student and then killed that student, the dead student would still contribute to the number of friends the player had made on the Stats screen. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player eliminated their rival using the Befriend method and then tried to matchmake the rival, Ayano’s dialogue while speaking to the rival would not be correct. This bug has been fixed.
  • If Raibaru stopped sunbathing with Osana to report a dropped weapon and the player killed Osana while Raibaru was away, Raibaru would not begin sunbathing in midair. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player sabotaged one aspect of a stove, saved the game, and then loaded that save, the game would not remember that an aspect of the stove had been sabotaged. This bug has been fixed.
  • During Week 1 of 1980s Mode, the student in charge of cleaning the toilets in the girls’ bathroom would get stuck and become unable to reach one of her destinations. This bug has been fixed.
  • If a rival was splashed with water immediately before 5:00 PM on Friday, she would not be able to enter the “leave a note in a boy’s locker” phase of her schedule. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player approached a gas leak with a portable bunsen burner, the gas would ignite and cause an explosion even if the bunsen burner was not emitting a flame. This bug has been fixed.
  • If a cooking club member was handing food to Raibaru at the exact moment that one of Osana’s events began, Raibaru would not be able to enter that event properly. This bug has been fixed.
  • If a rival was killed with electricity while in the middle of a scripted event, the rival would enter a “recognized as corpse, but walking around freely” state. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player alarmed Senpai while he was talking to a radio to turn it off, he would fail to return to his walking animation after he was done being alarmed. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the protagonist broke a glass case while holding a corpse, the corpse would float in midair while the protagonist performed the glass-breaking animation. This bug has been fixed.
  • It was possible to perform the “break glass” action with an obstacle between the protagonist and the glass, preventing the animation from playing properly. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player used the Week Select screen to give themselves friends, those students would become friends, but their Tasks would still be available. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player told Gema to change his appearance during classtime, he would change his appearance and then go to his club instead of his classroom. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player used Yandere Vision while a mind-broken slave was killing a victim, the sound effects and the animation would become de-synchronized. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player carried Ritsuko’s corpse near the “POOL’S CLOSED” sign, Ritsuko’s “I don’t care” subtitle would appear, even though she was dead. This bug has been fixed.
  • Sometimes, the player would have the option to “Load Most Recent Save” at the game over screen, even if the player had not created any saves. This bug has been fixed.
  • In Custom Mode, the player’s custom-designed protagonist would not use the player’s chosen eye type when the protagonist was wearing pajamas. This bug has been fixed.
  • If a student sat down to read a book with a smartphone in their hand, they would hold a smartphone and a book in their hand simultaneously. This bug has been fixed.
  • When the player used the Week Select feature to skip to Week 2, the game would not realize that Osana’s profile should have been unlocked. This bug has been fixed.
  • Info-chan’s “Send Student Home” Service is supposed to be available once per day. However, due to a bug, it was only available once EVER. This bug has been fixed.
  • It was possible for Ayano to leave gifts/notes on Taro desk in Mission Mode, even though he is canonically dead in that mode. This oversight has been corrected.
  • If the player was killed by an explosion while in the middle of a struggle or an attack animation, bugs would occur. This should no longer be possible.
  • When Ayano/Ryoba joined the Light Music Club, their club accessory would float in midair instead of attach to their head. This bug has been fixed.
  • If Nemesis disguised herself as Pippi, she would use one of Pippi’s old hair models instead of her current hair model. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player chose to censor panties and then changed their Rim Light settings, the panty censor would disappear. This bug has been fixed.
  • The club leaders of 1980s Mode failed to perform the correct animation when attending the club meeting on Friday. This bug has been fixed.
  • The difficulty options that the player selected while creating a save file were not being reflected in gameplay. This bug has been fixed.
  • In 1980s Mode, if the player put a circular saw into the cello case, it would clip through the lid of the case. This bug has been fixed.
  • When Ayano and Ryoba wore a Cooking Club kerchief, their heads would show a strange outline in Yandere Vision. This bug has been fixed.
  • Amai and her clubmates will no longer agree to do Favors (Follow Me, Go Away, Distract) while they are participating in the bake sale.
  • If the player wore a weapon bag and carried a bloody school uniform, the weapon bag would turn bloody. This bug has been fixed.
  • The Occult Club candle was lighting people on fire from 5 meters away instead of from direct contact. This bug has been fixed.
  • One of the sinks in the Home Ec room was backwards; the back of the model was facing the front! Oops! This has been fixed.
  • It was possible for the camera to clip through the ceiling of the gardening club’s shed. This bug has been fixed.
  • When talking to Amai about attending a club activity, there was a typo in her subtitles. This has been fixed.
  • The sewing machine that Ryoba uses to sew a scarf was not positioned properly. This has been corrected.
  • It was possible to walk on top of the fountains near the headmaster’s statue. This bug has been fixed.
  • When Amai died from poison, she would clip into the bake sale table. This will no longer occur.
  • The likes/dislikes written in Ai’s diary were incorrect. This oversight has been corrected.
  • In the “Origin Dream,” the background music wasn’t looping. Oops! This bug has been fixed.
  • Fixed a typo in the subtitles for Headmaster Tape #7.


Hey, anyone here interested in vinyl records? One of Yandere Simulator’s old composers has put 15 of his tracks onto a vinyl record and is accepting pre-orders for it now. I had no role in its creation and I don’t profit from it in any way, but if you’re interested in vinyls, check it out!

434 thoughts on “June 1st Bug-Fixing Build (and Poll!)

  1. ahh im so happy to see that ur still updating this game 🙂 hope the internet doesnt get to you too much cutie

  2. Yandev I know you did poll recently but it would be good if you make new poll in next blog update where you ask

    “You want amai to have more events?” or something like that

    here some answers you could provide to choice:



    I don’t care

  3. yandere dev, i have 3 bugs

    1: i cant get info points when i set bug on places, and when i took panty shots, then buy smth in favors the info points stay unlimited, and it was not spent

    2: when i change hair for senpai in 202x customization, in 31st and 2nd hair styles, they have the same bald heads

    3: i was cleaning in 3:30, like any students do, then i fill water, grab bleach, just grab the mop after the bleach was picked up, you can still pour bleach while carrying a mop instead of bleach


  4. So I was wondering.. why do none of the rivals appear until their week? I understand they are regulars to the school so why only appear for the one week and after?

    • Hi! I hope I can answer this for you!

      Amai is helping her family bakery for a week

      Kizana broke a few bones so she’s gone for two weeks

      Oka has ‘personal issues’ (Not sure what)

      Asu is training for Olympics

      Muja and Mida are substituting and are not needed until their weeks

      Osoro got suspended until her week

      Hanako transfers to Akademi for her week

      Megami’s father doesn’t allow her to attend the school because of Ayano until the tenth week

  5. hey i think one of the eliminations of amai should be related to cannibalism. i have an idea : ayano will kill someone and put parts of the body in food that amai gives to students. the students will take it and eat it, but something feels wrong. the student looks down and sees someones eye in the food. then they can call the police and get amai arrested. if you find my idea interesting i suggest that in your next post ask ideas on how to include cannibalism in amai elimination, then you can decide from many different ideas.

      • I only have a Windows PC. I don’t own a Mac computer. If I exported a Mac build, I would have no way to test it. I would just be throwing a build onto the Internet and praying that people can run it, with no real way to debug it if it doesn’t work. The only way for me to begin providing Mac builds of the game is if someone offers to buy me a Mac computer that I can use to test and export Mac builds of the game.

  6. Hi Yandere dev, I thought of maybe an idea to have the characters feel more real!

    If Raibaru is killed, Osana will react as a friend, same thing if the roles were reversed and senpai also. Same thing with the Basu sisters. I was thinking that it would be cool if characters like this would react in a special way if they see a mind broken slave.

    Example: Kidnap Inkyu, mind break her and then bring her to school. If Sakyu sees her, she might run up to her and say things like, “Where have you been/ I’ve been so worried/ Are you okay,” or things along those lines. Sakyu would then run up and hug her sister. If Sakyu wasn’t Inkyu’s target, then she may push her away or just kill her for getting in her way? I don’t think killing her anyway would be ideal, but it’s an idea. But if Sakyu was her target, it would make it easier and quicker for Inkyu to kill her if she ran up to her. But maybe an idea for a new killing animation is that she would kill her in the hug.

    This could also be used for Osana and Raibaru, Osana and Kyuji if they were matchmaked, Kokona and Saki, the bullies maybe, and just anyway who has a best friend in the game.

    This is just an idea, and I just thought it might be fun to share the idea. But I’m sure if might be an issue to make more animations and voiced lines. Thank you for reading!

  7. Hi! Suggestion for something that should be added to the list; club reworks.

    Unfortunately, as time has gone on, most of the club benefits have lost all value. Let’s go through them.

    Cooking: the giving treats to gain reputation thingy is… almost completely useless? it barely gives you any reputation points and the light music club can also increase your rep. Additionally, the feed list, while useful in hyper specific situations, is not useful enough to make the cooking club viable.

    Drama: Unfortunately, the gloves have lost value due to the implementation of the raincoat. While the raincoat could make you lose reputation, its incredibly easy to not get caught wearing the coat, making the benefit equal to the gloves. Additionally, almost no one used the mask, due to the many persona types making the masks almost completely useless (student council, delinquents, heroes, etc.)

    Occult: The benefits are so insignificant. You mentioned early in development that the occult club would help if you want to be an assassin, but the benefits are so minor that they dont help at all.

    Gaming: TOO OP. It’s almost a time skip, making the class time feature way less desired.

    Martial arts: Pretty good. No notes.

    Light Music: The cello case is useless due to the body bags and tarp. Also, the rhythm minigame is too difficult; when the minigake came out, no one could beat it, and it hasn’t been updated. It makes the potential reputation gain useless.

    Art: The raincoat ruined the smock benefit.

    Photography: The whole idea of the club is that the gang will avoid you if the atmosphere is low. However, they’re so easy to avoid anyway, making it useless. Also, the camera benefit isn’t very helpful, as 90% of students pose for photos anyway.

    Science: Pretty good, not great. The blood bot is pretty cool, and I actually use it. However, the acid vat is super inconvenient. The third floor has very little anyway, so there’s no incentive to go all the way up there to destroy evidence. Also, the science club members are there, making the acid vat really useless. Finally, the kiln is right next door.

    Sports: The speed gain isn’t useful. The weapons in the sports club aren’t unique. So what’s the point?

    Gardening: You can pickpocket the leader to get into the shed. Also, the growing seeds thing could work, but it’s SO slow and is only useful in super specific circumstances.

    So… how could we improve these clubs? I’ll give three potential solutions.

    Cooking: Secret recipes/mixtures that could help eliminate a rival/send someone to the infirmary, potentially locking items in pantries/compartments so they can’t be found during police investigations, setting distractions using cooking supplies (spilling sugar/flour, igniting a fire, etc.)

    Drama: Due to the drama skills you gain, gossip/apologies/socialization would ve worth significantly more (maybe 3-5 points?), fake reactions to make ayano look innocent if she is in a risky situation, heightened “blending in” ability due to acting skills.

    Occult: Creating protective charms to be less seen/give to others for better reputation, astral projection to make yandere vision stronger, access to crystals that could benefit the player or harm the rival (or be a distraction item)

    Gaming: Gain proficiency with technology to gain more features from info-chan/the student info menu, the ability to find student’s passwords and enter their phones/text messages, a gaming system that could be passed around to distract students, almost like the Rubik’s cube in the ABC challenge.

    Light Music; Honestly, if you nerf the rhythm minigame, that would be great. However, the music club could help ayano hear things from farther away, instrument cases which could double the amount of items ayano could carry, or using instrumental chords to create traps.

    Art: Items could be created/hidden utilizing pottery, hanging up paintings around school to increase school atmosphere, and access to large bins (used in the pottery industry to store clay), which could be used to move many items discreetly.

    Photography: Access to secret rooms/spaces under the guise of taking photos, gathering blackmail on your rival in investigation periods (due to the gang stalking your rival looking for clues), hiding cameras in different locations to collect evidence or blackmail without getting caught.

    Science: keeo the blood bot, but add the ability to move the acid vat to strategic locations. Additionally, perhaps and increae in biological knowledge would only make you lose 5 sanity points rather than 20 after a murder, or the use of a laser pointer to distract or blind a student.

    Sports: In volleyball, there are these big zip-up carts to help move the balls around. Perhaps these could be used to carry two bodies at the same time and the cart could be zipped up would keep the bodies covered. Also, a manor buff against heroes/delinquents and a major running speed buff (10% is unnoticeable).

    Gardening: The creation of flowers for way more circumstances (it also needs to go much faster than it currently is), the use of bushes for surprise attacks, or the use of a pesticides/chemicals to cause students to go to the infirmary.

    Also, rather than being required to go the club meetings once a week, there should be challenges you must complete over the week, like the dailies in Genshin Impact. For example, the dama club could require you to complement five students, gossip about three, take selfies with two drama club members, watch two club members perform a scene, and use the “haughty” persona at some point throughout the week. This would incentivize players to go to school every day and explore different features.

    • I agree that the club benefits are underwhelming, there is overlap between them, and that some of the additions made to the game (raincoat, kiln) trivialize benefits that were once exclusive to the clubs. I’m open for suggestions on how to improve them.

      I agree with some of your suggestions for improving the club benefits, but I have to admit that I dislike most of them. Since it’s a giant post, I can’t go point-by-point down the list of everything you wrote, since then I’d be here for way too long.

      • Kinda relating to what this person has said, what if you could gain skills in the clubs? There could be five different level in skill that you will maintain even after quitting the club. This could give the player more skills to look forward to besides the five we get for going to class. The player could gain half a skill for attending a club meeting, or a full one if they have the low leg panties equipped. I don’t have many ideas for skills, but I have some.

        Cooking: I like the person’s idea of being able to poison the food. So at skill 1 – make it salty so they go to a water fountain, skill two – headache poison, skill three – emetic poison, skill four – a sedative, skill five, lethal poison. If you put emetic poison, it could damage the rep of the person who fed the person. If they give a student lethal poison, they will be arrested for murder. Ayano can put this in another club members food or her own.

        Drama: I don’t know if this is right, but I think other students think that the drama club are full of rich and snobby kids, so Ayano could have a socializing boost with certain students. With high skill, her fans would carry around her gossip, damaging someone’s reputation faster. More with high skill, Ayano will be considered for a higher role in the play, giving her access to more outfits and weapons.

        Occult: With a somewhat low skill, (two or three maybe) Ayano’s footsteps will no longer be heard. With high skill, she could use demons for her benefit. (That seems impractical but I can’t think of anything else)

        Art: Ayano can create art to hang around the school for higher atmosphere, sell it for a profit, or gift it to a student (if the painting has something of that students interests, like a cat for Osana) for a reputation boost. I also saw a cool concept on yt where Ayano can cover a dead body with clay, other students will admire it and Ayano will take it home with her and the student will be considered missing.

        Music: I’ve been sitting here for 10 minutes and can’t think of anything besides private concerts for rep or if Ayano taught a suitor a song he could play her.

        Martial arts: Ayano can get into physical altercations without having to kill the student, but knocking them out like Osana’s stalker. This could give the player the chance to kidnap Raibaru. If Ayano has a knife but is not holding it, she will knock the student out, but could have a chance to kill the student if that’s what she wanted.

        Gaming: Ayano can boost multiple of her stats a day depending on her skill level. Since the gaming club is already op, she will not be able to do this once she has left the club because Gema won’t stand for any posers. Video games in Ayano’s house could be easier and I’m only suggesting this because I couldn’t beat Magical Girl Pretty Miyuki if my life depended on it.

        Photography: Never in my entire life have I thought about this club except for reading manga to summon demons. If Ayano drops a weapon and a student picks it up, something strange like the bat, she can take a picture and post it, giving that student less reputation. With a skill level 5, she can take a picture of a student near a dead body and show it to the police, that student will be arrested for murder.

        Science: Access to more robots? I don’t think I’ve ever joined this club tbh so I don’t know much about it.

        Sports: Ayano can have more of a seduction boost since the students may like her physique? I’m running out of ideas.

        Gardening: Ayano will be noticed slowly and may not be suspicious to student council as much since the gardening club is known for their kind members. Ayano can have more access to weapons with more gardening skills and can make her seeds grow faster.

        Delinquents: With a higher level, Ayano will no longer lose reputation when demanding as the students are too afraid to say anything. A delinquent can manipulate the counselor somehow as we all know that she feels responsible for them. Ayano can maybe also have something to do with the teachers.

        Bullies if added: Gossip becomes more effective, Ayano can ask about secrets from the other bullies about other students and bully those students which could make that student leave the school or can scare that student into doing favors for you with medium skill. With high skill, Ayano can put a note into someone’s locker and ask to meet on the rooftop. Ayano can go up and encourage that student to jump until they do.

        Student council if added: With medium skill, Ayano will be trusted with pepper spray, which she could use to intimidate people. With high skill, she can add lethal poison into her pepper spray and kill anyone she sprays.

        This is super long, so I appreciate it if you actually tool the time to read my suggestion. I guess my only thought out one was cooking, but I think it’s a cool idea.

      • Interesting thought.

        If I had to re-work the club system, I suppose that it would be a little bit similar to the Study Points system…

        1. Being in a club raises an EXP bar
        2. When that EXP bar fills up, you “rank up” and gain a permanent new ability (such as footsteps being silent)
        3. Attending a club activity makes the EXP bar raise faster
        4. Each rank up grants you a better benefit than the last one.
        5. Even if you leave a club, you keep the benefits you gained from it. (This obviously doesn’t include any benefit that would require access to objects/materials.)

        Although there are a lot of good suggestions here, I’m not ready to commit 100% to making a change like this to the game. I’ll continue to think about it, though, since “The club benefits are imbalanced” is some of the most common feedback I receive.

  8. Hello Yanderedev, I would like to tell you good luck with the development of the game and I hope that everything is fine with you.
    I would like to ask a few questions:

    1. What will Hoshiko do if she is expelled from school and when her parents find out about her cruelty?
    2. What will Musume, Hana, Kokoro and Hoshiko do after graduating from the Academy?
    3. What will Ayano study after graduating from the Academy?
  9. Hey Yanderedev, I have a question: Teachers have extensive self-defense training. So, they can defend themselves against the player. However, why can’t them defend themselves against a mind-broken slave? I know that there is probably a explanation in the game, but what is this explanation? Did the headmaster or Megami Saikou alerted them that Ayano/Ryoba is a dangerous person and they are too shocked that is not Ayano or Ryoba who is attacking them?

  10. yandere dev, i have 3 bugs

    1: i cant get info points when i set bug on places, and when i took panty shots, then buy smth in favors the info points stay unlimited, and it was not spent

    2: when i change hair for senpai in 202x customization, in 31st and 2nd hair styles, they have the same bald heads

    3: i was cleaning in 3:30, like any students do, then i fill water, grab bleach, just grab the mop after the bleach was picked up, you can still pour bleach while carrying a mop instead of bleach


  11. hey yandere dev! i have a few ideas for like small details in the game that could go a long way

    • ive noticed that when you set the bucket trap with blood, the student that gets covered in blood runs past people and they dont care that the person is covered in blood, but when ayano runs past them when shes covered in blood, the students notice instantly, and your reputation is damaged. I think that all students should react the same way when they see someone other than ayano covered in blood, and that student should get the same reputation damage when they are seen
    • This next idea is related to the previous idea, but I think the student council should also react and send them to the guidance counselors office, because if it was ayano walking with blood covering her, she’d be in trouble right away with the student council if they saw her, but with other people, they are just ignored. I also think it would be fun to see students get in trouble more or also do weird things, since not everyone is perfect, especially highschoolers
        • so imagine the delinquents are walking through the hallway. Since they are feared, maybe students with a fragile or shy personality speed up when walking past them, to get away faster. Or they could move to the other side of the hallway to create as much space as possible between them and the delinquents. Along with this, maybe other students can wave to a student whose reputation is high and who is liked. Person 1 is the person whos waving and person 2 is the person who has a high reputation. Person 2 is walking throughout the hallway and person 1 waves to them in a friendly manner because person 2 is a well liked and nice person. This is just something that I think would make a fun addition
        • Another thing i would like to see is students reactions to seeing suspicious stuff. What I mean by this is like, when a student sees ayano carrying a knife or a weapon, they’ll do their standard “you shouldnt be carrying that”, but they don’t go back to what they’re doing right away. They’ll wait until Ayano is far enough away from them, watching her, and then they go back to what they were doing

        I don’t know if you’ve thought about these features in the past and think they’re stupid, so I’m sorry if these ideas are just super dumb. I thought these would make for fun additions to make the school feel more lively! Thank you for reading and I can’t wait to see the future updates of yandere sim

        • 1. Fair suggestion.

          2. Although these are arguably logical suggestions, I don’t want to commit to extremely significant changes to student behavior at this point in time; the game will never get finished in that regard.

          3. I understand…I’m just not prepared to commit to this kind of addition to the game.

          4. Interesting thought. Hmm. I’ve never heard anyone else suggest it, though, so I’m not sure if many people would really appreciate this addition to the game.

          • the 4th one is really interesting and would definitely add a little extra challenge, because if your target sees you with a weapon then it will be impossible to do a sneak attack on them

      1. Hey Yandere Dev, I remember a few years ago in a video you said you planned to make Ayano’s sanity animations change to be more deranged as time goes on. As of now her eyes just darken, her arms get wider away from her body, and she twitches more. The animations you included in that video looked really cool!! The way she was rocking around as if she almost couldn’t stand up straight, it looked really realistic. Are there still any more plans to implement this?

      2. Yandere dev, you can add events for Amai logically related to the “rejection” method. For example: she can ask someone to provide her with a picnic rug.
        You can also reveal her character as a caring girl with an event where she consoles a student.
        (with this event you can also come up with a unique way to eliminate it: hack into Amai’s account and write this student’s secret on her behalf on the school website, ridiculing the problem, thereby the student who suffered will kill her the next day and go to prison)

      3. yandere dev, i have 3 bugs

        1: i cant get info points when i set bug on places, and when i took panty shots, then buy smth in favors the info points stay unlimited, and it was not spent

        2: when i change hair for senpai in 202x customization, in 31st and 2nd hair styles, they have the same bald heads

        3: i was cleaning in 3:30, like any students do, then i fill water, grab bleach, just grab the mop after the bleach was picked up, you can still pour bleach while carrying a mop instead of bleach


      4. Hi! I have a question.

        In 1980s mode, do newspaper club actions work? I join the club, do the activities and choose either to increase my reputation or to lower that of my rival, but absolutely nothing happens. Is this a bug? Am I doing something wrong? Or is it just not there yet?

      5. Yandere dev please fix the bloody weapon bug in mission mode 202x. I cleaned the weapon and decided to join the class but the warning thing popped up saying I have a bloody weapon. I also disposed of the weapon but it still gave me the warning

        • Hello,

          I attempted to investigate the bug that you reported, but I could not make it happen.

          In order to fix a bug, I need to know the exact circumstances that are 100% guaranteed to always cause the bug to happen.

          Have you been able to make this bug happen multiple times? Can you consistently trigger the bug anytime you try to make it happen? Can you provide me with instructions that I can follow to make the bug happen?

          (“I don’t know what caused it, it just randomly happened” or “sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn’t” are not helpful bug reports, because it doesn’t give me enough information to investigate the bug. Please don’t report bugs under those circumstances, since there is nothing I can do about it.)

          It might help if you send me a video of yourself re-creating the bug. (The video must begin BEFORE the bug has happened, obviously.)

      6. I’ve only had yan sim for a few months, so I apologize if youve answered these questions before. Of course you do not need to answer these questions if they create spoilers, or at all.

        1. Will something happen with Selene2005 sometime at the end of the story?

        2. In 1980’s mode, the yakuza guy says “about my brother, nevermind forget it” and then it wasn’t mentioned again. Will something happen in the future or was this just to play with our minds?

        3. Sakyu said a certain controversy happened in 1990, was that Ryoba and her murders?

        4. Will Ayano have access to the hidden rooms in the future sometime?

        5. Will all the chances to steal senpai’s things happen on Monday? Because I thought it would be funky if Ayano could steal senpai’s boxers from his room during Hanako befriend/betray.

        6. Will we ever know how Aoi lost her eye or is it lore related? Also, who knows how she lost it besides Megami?

        7. Her family is important to Aoi’s backstory, will we eventually get backstories of the students or just the more important ones?

        8. Why can’t male students be kidnapped and will we ever be able kidnap them?

        9. Are they called basement tapes because they are only found in the basement or they take place while Jokichi is locked in the basement?

        10. Will the Basu sisters have an important part in the lore or are they at Akademi to teach the player new things with their conversations?

        11. Will Ryoba and Jokichi come back during the ten weeks?

        12. Will something happen to the delinquents after 10 weeks since the counseler will be fired if they don’t change if the story goes on after that?

        13. How many endings do you have planned for the 202X mode currently?

        I’m sure I’ll have more questions in the future, but you can just tell me to shut my yap if my questions are too irritating.

        • Hi. I’m not Yan Dev, but I can answer some questions.

          1. Dev said he probably won’t add anymore Selene convos until Megami is released.
          2. The Yakuza guy wanted Ryoba to look after Togo, to ensure he wouldn’t enter a life of crime, but thought this request would make him weak or vulnerable
          3. I’m not sure about this one. Ryoba’s murders and the trial happened in ’89.
          4. Only Dev can answer that.
          5. Only Dev can answer that, but would be a good concept, if you ask me…
          6. Megami is responsible for Aoi’s eye. Only Aoi and Megami know about this real reason…
          7. If by ‘her’ you mean Aoi, then I’m not sure what to tell you.
          8. Only Dev can answer this one… I don’t know if he’d make it possible…
          9. Basement Tapes 1 and 10 take place in the basement, with Tape 1 happening whilst Jokichi was kidnapped and placed in a chair, and Tape 10 happening whilst Jokichi was collecting them. Tapes 2-9 may not all be about the basement, as one of those might be about Ryoba’s ‘test’, given by Saisho Saikou in Warehouse AD79
          10. Yes, they are important.
          11. They will return after Week 10.
          12. All we know is that Genka said if she doesn’t change the delinquents, then she’ll be fired… The Delinquents probably won’t de-delinquent themselves…
          13. More than one or two.

          • I have a question what if info-Chan still a crush on Taro had would she be the 11th week and will she use the information she has against Ayano to expose Ayano (hope I’m not being too annoying)

      7. To me, aside from implementing the schemes, the Yandere Dev videos coming back were my top choice. I may be alone in this, but the videos are what made me really love the game. Being able to hear about new implementations and the thoughts behind them as well as an assisting visual was extremely helpful.

        A video I was really hoping for (although we already have a blog post) was an introduction/informational video on Amai! I think they really build hype and excitement around new features, and honestly since it would be on my ‘Subscribed’ page on YouTube, I would have known about her implementation sooner.

        Maybe I’m alone in this sentiment, but those videos made a younger me more excited about the game, and I still go back and re-watch them knowing about the features. I would really like to see them come back.

        • You’re supposed to sit here 24 hours a day, refreshing the page every 3 seconds to see if I’ve updated!

          Kidding, kidding…

          One method is to join my Discord server, since the #notifications channel will update whenever I post a new build.

          • Oh right i forgot the discord server existed, im not very active in it so i have it muted i should probably fix that

      8. yandere dev, i have 3 bugs and 2 ideas you can accept or no

        1: i cant get info points when i set bug on places, and when i took panty shots, then buy smth in favors the info points stay unlimited, and it was not spent

        2: when i change hair for senpai in 202x customization, in 31st and 2nd hair styles, they have the same bald heads

        3: i was cleaning in 3:30, like any students do, then i fill water, grab bleach, just grab the mop after the bleach was picked up, you can still pour bleach while carrying a mop instead of bleach

        idea1: i have the idea for amai’s clothing than a dress, its a tucked in polo and a skirt reached her knees, her school socks and apron, it would appear in senpai meets amai cutscene

        idea2: you deleted meme closet easters such as ddlc poem, or more, can you re add them back, and also update the meme closet inside, you should try add easter eggs that are deleted, or from genshin, camp buddy, jock studio, honkai star rail, literally anything, if no, its okay

        (i included BLits games because it like counts as anime and i love the games, so dont try to judge me like my recent comment)


        (first sabotage: make up)



      10. I sincerely hope that Amai’s schemes will be the top priority for the development, I think they are really important if you don’t know what to do. I also hope that you will make schemes for every single rival

      11. question (sry i dont have discord) – is it cannon that the journalists daughter finds the tapes that he left around the school?

        • It’s canon that the Journalist’s daughter found the tapes that he left for her at their home, and that she went to Akademi and spread the tapes around the school.

      12. I struggled really bad with the Evil Photographer extra little mission thing. So, I was wondering if there was any way you could implement cheats into that after finishing the demo/1980s. Also, I wish there was some way to make it so we could wear the raincoat without looking suspicious. Like maybe being in the Science or Gardening Club such as in the Science club maybe there is something special like the smock to “protect from sparks” or something along the lines of that. Also, with the Gardening Club it could be like an apron, boots or gloves making it seem like Ayano was digging or something along that. The boots could make it so you don’t leave bloody footprints, or just not as many, and gloves and apron could work for fingerprints and blood. But you wouldn’t be able to walk around inside the school in this attire due to cleanliness, as if it was dirty gardening clothes. Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes.

        • I don’t want players to hate the asylum mission and think that it sucks, so I’m definitely willing to consider changes / adjustments to it so that it’s not a pain for players to get through. It depends on how many people comment / contact me and express problems with the asylum mission (and suggest improvements, that is).

          Just earlier today, I was talking to a fan and discussing a valid way to implement an equivalent of the raincoat that would be non-suspicious to wear around school. I don’t want to spoil the plan, but I bet you’d think it was cool.

      13. Dev, have you heard of SayMotion? It’s a website where you can generate animations! It’s in its early stages, so not everything is perfect, but it seems perfect for Yan Sim, especially if you/your team are struggling to create animations. Also, while it can’t generate hand nor face animation just yet, it is coming really soon! The website has some other cool things to (like mocap).

      14. Hello, I've tried to play the game, and I'm quite impressed at the progress that was made in the intro. It feels real clean, well done. However, there are few factors I would like to speak about:

        • When you accept to do the tutorial, and your game crashes during loading, you load the game again and enters the house of the protagonist, and when you go to school, and refuse the tutorial, you go back to her home, and is forced to face a loading screen, once more. You follow me?
        • I’ve also had few problems with the launcher, not sure what happened, it just says it failed (my device is a windows 10, by the way, just letting you know). Also, I think the ability to go Fullscreen when pressing f4 would be useful to test if the loading screen is still going or crashed, since when you’re not stuck in it, the program can show it’s “not responding”.
          By the way, I feel like the loading screen could have a “tips” feature while the player waits, like suggesting useful stuff, such as “you can use the raincoat to prevent getting the uniform stained”.
          That said, I sadly did not manage to get to the school, I only made it to Ayano’s house, even tho I waited the loading screen for over 20 over and over, which made me wait an hour and 30 minutes, with the game having crashed once. Tho, I suppose every suggestion is helpful.

        By the way, not sure if it’s a bug, but when the game crashed on my first time opening the game, I loaded the save file and I was on a “Tuesday” instead of Monday, and the tutorial still played out. Other than that, the sub titles were a little not visible to me, some were going bellow the screen, not the dialogues, but buttons like the “E” confirm. I think it would, as well, be useful if there was a “Load at school” button, to spare the player from multiple loading screens for the same end.

        Hope this can be of use to you.


        • Too many loading screens.
        • The inability to unequip the Fullscreen by pressing f4.
          •Suggestion if adding tips on the loading screen.
        • If the game crashes on the first time you open the game, and try to Konana tutorial, the load file leads to “Tuesday” instead of “Monday”
        • Subtitles, such as the “E” to confirm button are a bit bellow the screen when not on full screen.
        • Device used: Windows 10.
        • Oh…yikes. I’ll fix that first bug that you described.

          As for the launcher, I can only recommend that, if it doesn’t work for you, you should use one of the alternate download links.

          I’ll take the rest of your feedback into consideration.

          • Also, I forgot to mention the subtitles bellow screen thing was when I wasn’t Fullscreen and low resolution.

      15. Is there going to be a way to be able to reform the delinquents so it may be easier to eliminate the rival that is a delinquent?

      16. Here are 20 ways for Yandere-chan to permanently get rid of a body, making it difficult for the police.

        1- Acid in the Chemistry Lab.
        2- Garden Shredder.
        3- Take the body to the biology lab and throw it into the piranha tank. The piranhas quickly devour the flesh, leaving only bones, which can be crushed later.
        4- School Sewer.
        5- Manipulate someone else to commit the murder (mental slave). This will drastically change the atmosphere of the school, causing everyone to stop looking for the real culprit.
        6- Freeze the body until it can be disintegrated into small parts and gradually discarded.
        7- Use genetically modified bacteria and enzymes to decompose the body quickly and without a trace.
        8- Use a high-power laser in the science lab to completely disintegrate the body.
        9- Use an experimental solar oven that concentrates sunlight into a single point to completely incinerate the body.
        10- A room equipped with special lenses that focus intense sunlight to disintegrate the body.
        11- Create a hidden garden with carnivorous plants that quickly devour organic matter.
        12- Use a colony of genetically modified decomposer bacteria in the biology lab to consume the body.
        13- Feed the body to hungry pigs, leaving few traces.
        14- Leave the body in a place where hungry rats can devour it.
        15- Attract vultures to an isolated area of the school to devour the body.
        16- Use an industrial meat grinder in the culinary lab to disintegrate the body.
        17- Use a bone grinder in the biology lab to completely disintegrate the remains.
        18- Use a plasma reactor to incinerate the body and turn it into powder.
        19- Hide the body in trash bags and place them with regular trash to be taken away by waste collection.
        20- Fake suicide, write a farewell letter using the victim’s handwriting, mentioning unbearable personal problems and the decision to end the pain. Leave the letter in a visible place near the body.

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