Female Senpai and Male Rivals in Custom Mode

“When will we be able to have a female Senpai?”

“When will we be able to have male rivals?”

When, you ask? The answer is...now!

(Only in Custom Mode, though!)

To read more about this long-awaited addition to the game, scroll down past this emotional artwork of Jokichi mourning the death of a rival by Aya_0w0__!

Custom Mode Gender Swap Option

Recently, I got curious about something: “Hypothetically, if I wanted to allow the player to change the gender of any character and have a female Senpai, male rivals, etc, how much time/work would actually be required? Would it create tons of bugs? Would it take hours, days, or weeks?”

I couldn’t stop thinking about it! My curiosity wouldn’t be satisfied until I had taken the time to investigate it, so I began working on it…and the process turned out to be much easier and simpler than I anticipated!

So, what is the result? Well, the newest option on the Start Screen of the Custom Mode menu should give you the answer:

This new feature is incomplete, so it can only be enabled once the player reads a disclaimer and acknowledges that the feature may create bugs:

With this feature enabled, you can change the gender of any student when designing characters in Custom Mode – even your Senpai! Take a look:

I tested this feature by playing through the game three times: once with an all-female student population, once with an all-male student population, and once with the current 1980s Mode genders flipped to the opposite. I fixed all of the bugs I encountered and was able to complete all three playthroughs without any errors, so it looks like things are stable and working properly:

After gender-swapping a character, you may sometimes notice that some animations don’t look right. That’s because if the game tries to play a female animation on a male skeleton (or vice versa) the character’s body will deform in an attempt to take the shape of the other gender’s skeleton. Fortunately, this issue may soon be a thing of the past…

Previously, the process of converting an animation from male-to-female or female-to-male was a tedious process that had to be performed manually by an animator volunteer. However, an extremely helpful programmer has recently created a tool that automatically performs that process and instantly converts an animation from male-to-female or female-to-male! This is a big deal!! With this tool, it will become much easier to make male characters perform actions that were previously exclusive to females, and vice versa! Exciting stuff!!

Of course, since the last build, I worked on much more than just the gender-swap option…


  • The button to spill liquid out of a bucket is now the “B” button instead of the “A” button, since players were often accidentally spilling liquid out of a bucket while trying to use the “A” button to open doors. (For keyboard players, it has been changed from the “E” key to the “Q” key.)
  • When the player is talking to a student and selects the “Bye” option from the Dialogue Wheel, the player and the student say goodbye to one another. From now on, if the two of them have socialized using the new socialization system, their goodbye will sound a little more friendly.
  • The “rummage through drawer for dirty magazine” button prompt is now red, in order to warn te player that it represents a suspicious action that the player can be punished for.
  • From now on, using the Befriend/Betray stealth mission to eliminate a rival through friendship will result in the rival’s friendship meter jumping to 100%.
  • A few more stats now appear on the Stats screen: the player’s current number of friends, and the number of times they have alerted other students.
  • The police in the “End of Day” sequence are now using an original walk animation, rather than a default walk animation from the Unity Asset Store.
  • To help you remember whether or not a save file is an “Alternate Timeline” save file, a fun guest will now be visible on the Calendar screen.
  • Custom Mode now has unique background music! (You can still press the “M” key to switch to a different track or mute the music.)
  • Senpai will now reject a rival’s love confession if her reputation is -100 by 5:00 PM on Friday.
  • A student’s profile in Custom Mode can now be up to 200 characters long.
  • The “Senpai with heart eyes” graphic has been improved.


  • The bullies are two-faced, and treat you differently depending on your current reputation at school. For example, when you’re talking to them, their idle animation changes based on your current reputation. However, that behavior – choosing idle animation based on reputation – was not present when using the new Socialize feature. This bug has been fixed.
  • An “Alternate Timeline” playthrough is supposed to come to an immediate end if any characters die. However, the game was failing to acknowledge students who were driven to suicide as a result of bullying or deaths that occurred in the player’s basement (as a result of a kidnapped character starving to death). This bug has been fixed.
  • Raibaru has “Invincible” Strength, so she can fight off an attack from a mind-broken slave. However, she was programmed to not fight back if a mind-broken Osana attacks her. This created a bug where any student with the “Invincible” Persona would not fight back if Student #11 attacked them. this bug has been fixed.
  • Some players reported the game softlocking during the “suitor confesses to rival” cutscene. I wasn’t able to replicate the softlock, but I believe I know what may have been causing it, and I’ve attempted to implement a fix. Please send me a bug report if the game still softlocks during that cutscene.
  • If the protagonist had a knife concealed in her inventory when she was attacked by a Hero, she would automatically take out the knife and enter the struggle minigame. However, the same wouldn’t happen if the protagonist was attacked by a teacher. This bug has been corrected.
  • In 1980s Mode Mission Mode, it was possible to create a Multi-Mission mission that involved pushing a target off a rooftop. This was impossible if Yakuza Mode was active, since you can’t make students check their locker for a note in Yakuza Mode. This bug has been fixed.
  • If your Custom Mode playthrough required you to eliminate one of your rivals using the “Drive to Suicide” method, you eliminated your rival with suicide, the game would fail to recognize it, and would kick you back to the start of the week. This bug should now be fixed.
  • “Custom Mode” was only meant to function on empty save file slots. However, if the player highlighted a pre-existing save file slot and pressed the key to enter Custom Mode, they would enter the Custom Mode menu and lose that save file! Oops! This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player mashed the laugh button while pushing a student into the iron maiden, they could put the protagonist into a weird state where she was could not stop giggling, but also could never perform any of the laughing animations. This bug has been fixed.
  • If a character was hit with a stink bomb while carrying a tray of food, they would say a line about how they want to run from the smell but can’t run while carrying a tray of food in their hands…but they would still run, anyway. This bug has been fixed.
  • In Custom Mode, assigning “walk animation #1” to a male student would give them an ancient walk animation from 2014 instead of the new-and-improved walk animation that male characters have been using for the past several years. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the protagonist met the criteria to enter a physical struggle with Raibaru and the player tried to push Raibaru into an iron maiden, the struggle minigame would begin, but the protagonist would not hold the knife properly. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player sent a mind-broken slave to kill a teacher while that teacher was bringing a dropped weapon to the faculty room, the teacher would not drop the weapon upon death, and the weapon would be non-interactive forever. This bug has been fixed.
  • If a male student witnessed a “shocking” death (such as a murder-suicide or a student burning to death) and walked backwards in shock, they would grow in size and become taller than an average male student. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player dragged a mind-broken slave’s body away from the place where they died, the mind-broken slave’s 3D model would appear invisible if the place where they died was not in view of the camera. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player befriended Raibaru, asked Raibaru to follow them, then attacked Raibaru right before the “Follow Timer” ran out, Raibaru would fail to enter the counter-attack animation properly. This bug has been fixed.
  • Students are supposed to commit suicide after their reputation drops below -150. However, due to a bug, they weren’t actually being marked as “dead” – they were just failing to spawn at school. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player used the new Socialize feature on a student who was standing above / below them on the stairs, the camera would not correctly point at the student who was being socialized with. This bug has been fixed.
  • After the player uses up a bottle of emetic poison, they are supposed to lose that bottle. However, if the player poisoned Senpai’s bento in 1980s Mode, the poison bottle would not disappear. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player threw a stink bomb at a musician while they were playing a musical instrument, they would run away with their musical instrument floating in midair in front of them. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player concealed a corpse inside of a body bag, hid that corpse in a locker, and then got sent to the guidance counselor’s office, the corpse would pop out of the locker. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player tried running into the male locker room with low FPS or during a lag spike, the character could get trapped inside of the male locker room, unable to exit. This bug has been fixed.
  • In Custom Mode, when the player used Raibaru’s hairstyle, the locks of hair in front of her ears (not “sideburns,” but close enough) would not change color properly. This bug has been fixed.
  • When performing the “do a student’s assignment for them” Task, Ryoba would perform a “writing” animation, but wasn’t actually holding a pen in her hand. This oversight has been corrected.
  • If the player attended class while murder evidence was present at school, the player would perform a “sitting down and writing” animation while sitting in midair. This bug has been fixed.
  • In Custom Mode, the “Relax” action wasn’t working for girls and was making boys sit in midair. The “Relax” action now causes a character to perform a “standing and thinking” animation.
  • If the player made Osana and Raibaru stop being friends, Musume’s Friday morning event with Osana would happen much later in the day than it was supposed to. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player tried to put Nemesis’ corpse into any of the containers added to the game after the September 15th update, her corpse would float in midair. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player saved the game, loaded that save, and the killed a student, it would not be possible to interact with the student’s corpse. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player crushed Nemesis with a bookshelf, she would fail to play the “crushed by bookshelf” animation and would remain standing. This bug has been fixed.
  • Fixed bug in Custom Mode that would prevent characters from pathfinding properly if their action was set to “Admire” and their Destination was set to “Stalk.”
  • If the player spoke to a female delinquent during class time, there was a possibility that they would respond with a male voice line. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player took a photograph of a sleeping student, the text at the top of the screen would describe it as a photo of a “Corpse.” This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player looked into the fountains in front of the school, they would be able to see blades of grass inside of the fountain. This bug has been fixed.
  • If the player tried to give a character the “SocialSit” destination in Custom Mode, this would break most characters’ routines. This bug has been fixed.
  • The labels “Time/Destination/Action” have been added to the “Editing Schedule” screen to make it easier to tell what is currently being edited.
  • Students who removed dust from erasers during cleaning time were clipping into rooftop benches while doing so. This bug has been fixed.
  • In Yakuza Mode, the “You are being chased!” music would not play if you were being chased by a delinquent. This bug has been fixed.
  • The game was not acknowledging the player’s “Invert X-Axis” preferences in the dream sequence. This bug has been fixed.
  • Ryoba had the wrong eye color in the alternate timeline confession scene. This bug has been fixed.
  • Some of the text in Ai’s diary entry was the wrong color. This mistake has been corrected.
  • Fixed bug that prevented the music in the confession scene from looping properly.
  • Students were unable to pathfind into the greenhouse. This bug has been fixed.
  • Two lines in the credits were intersecting. This bug has been fixed.

Amai Progress?

After satisfying my curiosity by implementing the gender-swap feature, I shifted my attention to implementing the next 202X rival, Amai. I’m now focusing on her exclusively, and not working on anything unrelated to implementing her.

If you want to know more details about precisely how much progress I’ve made so far, you can read my 2023 Transparency Report here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/2023-97591134

And, if you’re donating at least $3, you’ll be able to see a sneak preview of upcoming Amai content here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/preview-of-96517532

And also here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/preview-of-97614123

Thank you for following the development of Yandere Simulator!

130 thoughts on “Female Senpai and Male Rivals in Custom Mode

  1. Damn! This is really big, I can’t wait till you release a few YouTube videos, I really miss the monthly reports and the fun little productions in between but keep it up!

  2. hello yandere dev! i have a few questions for you,

    1. Do you have a release date for Amai?
    2. Will Amai have a new voice actor along with the other rivals?
    3. If Mida Rana is ever added to the game, will she replace one of the teachers? or will there be a new class made specifically for her?
    4. Will Megami carry pepper spray like the Student Council members or will she know self defense?

    Those are all my questions and now i have a suggestion. in the future whenever you have time to work on new features in the game, you should add a feature where 2 students in the school dislike eachother. they dislike eachother so much to the point where if they walk pass eachother one of them could “push” or “shove” the other student and there could be a 50% chance of a fight happening. and if other students witness this happen, depending on what their “status” is (Example: Heroic, Coward, Snitch, Teachers Pet) they’ll either try to stop the fight, go snitch to a teacher, or run away. this might seem useless but, maybe if you provoke the 2 students enough like maybe gossip about one of the students and tell that student that the other student was talking bad about them, it could cause a fight and it could also be a “distraction”. meaning whatever you do for the next 10+ seconds wouldn’t be seen or heard over the yelling and shouting.

    • 1. I’m sorry, but I would strongly prefer to avoid giving out any kind of estimate as to when Amai will be finished. If I turn out to be wrong, and Amai is in development for longer than my estimate, then people will get mad at me. So, I’d rather just not give out any estimates at all.

      2. I have nothing to announce at this point in time.

      3. She’d replace one of the current teachers.

      4. I may decide that Megami will carry pepper spray. We’ll see.

      I dislike the idea of adding random events/routines to the game. If the player prepares an elaborate plan and it is ruined by a random occurrence, the player would be very frustrated. The addition of randomness would completely ruin the player’s ability to create plans. Whether or not the player fails should be determined by their skill, not by randomly getting unlucky. However, in the future, I may consider the addition of a separate “Random Mode” that tests the player’s improvisational skills.

  3. Yandere Dev, it’s as if you heard my prayers right at the moment they arose! A couple of days ago I was thinking about my own character in the setting of your game and how great it would be to be able to create a custom player and other NPCs! I was pleasantly surprised to read the news about this update and I want to say this is a massive, amazing job for us players – to feel like the creators of their Yandere worlds. Thank you for continuing to work and for such a unique update!💘

  4. Okay so like wouldn’t it be super cool if yandere dev added a feature where like if yandere-chan gets a very high reputation she might get an admirer? Or the ability for yandere chan to be targeted by the bullies if her reputation gets too low? Also maybe if ayano is skipping class to hide a body per-say or getting rid of evidence it could make the game more interesting if there were maybe 2 or 3 completely random students maybe wandering the halls to get out of doing their school work or going to the bathroom? It would make the game more challenging but also more strategic?

    Those things would definitely make the school more lively!

    let me know if you agree or if you have an idea of how to improve those concepts!

    • Those concepts sound cool, and I’ve even considered some of them in the past.

      However, at this point in time, it is extremely rare for me to consider adding any more new features to the game.

      I really want to finish the game and move on to other projects, so I do not want to plan any new additions that would significantly extend the length of time that the game must be in development for.

    • Oh and in addition to the admirer idea, it could either help or hurt yandere chan.If the admirer passes by yandere chan at school then the admirer would follow her so they could go talk to her which might be unappreciated, especially if yandere chan kill someone.

      The plus side being, the admirer would be more reluctant to do favors like a longer period of time they they would distract another student for yandere chan, or help out with tasks l. Depending on how long they have been admiring yandere chan the more useful favors they might do for you (for example but not limited to lending money, stealing answer sheets, turning a blind eye if they see yandere chan doing something suspicious)

      It might depend on their personality type like a heroic person might stick up for you if the delinquents try to fight you, an evil person might help in the less legal sense, a social butterfly could help raise your reputation, etc

      anyways hope you all enjoy this idea as much as I liked writing it!


  6. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck duck all of these were handwritten by me and it expresses how i fucking feel. Thank you for taking care of your health YanDev.

    I just read the title and i hope it is what it says but if it is that was my reaction

    (okay just read it. Apparently u cant change the protagonist but the gender swap was the thing i was waiting for so the game would be cool! I cant understand why it cant be a male protag yet but the fact its already this far is a good sign! very good! very proud!)

  7. Since my comment awaiting moderation is not approved yet and it had bad words out of amusement ill leave this as a just in case. Thats a great update ive been waiting for for such a long time. Its not yet on the point, but its on the corners. So its already very close. nice and thanks for your hard work. I hope you continue to take care of your health so your mind can be clearer also, which helps in decision making

  8. (I accidentally posted this on the wrong blog post the first time—hopefully by posting it on the right one, more people will see it before commenting with the same questions over and over.)

    For everyone asking about changing the protagonist’s gender, having male teachers, or kidnapping male rivals, here’s a quick run-down of why I believe those won’t be happening any time soon:

    1. Certain areas of the map would need updated geometry so that a male player could actually go into them—an example would be the boys’ showers. Currently, in the base game, the protagonist is the same gender as her rivals. This means when they go to change clothes you can follow them, which is important for a few eliminations and schemes (though less so in 1980s mode, which is what Custom Mode uses). This is still partially an issue with male rivals, but a male protagonist not being able to walk into the boys’ showers is a larger issue.
    2. Due to the way protagonist hairstyles are handled separately, male protagonist hairstyles would need to be added. I honestly think we’ll get student hairstyles on the Custom Mode protagonist before we get a male protagonist, for this reason; I don’t think Dev would waste time getting models for and adding hairstyles exclusive to only a male protagonist.
    3. A lot of the code for faculty members, like teachers and the nurse, checks gender first, and only checks whether they’re a teacher or not if they’re female. This would require a lot of rewriting in a lot of different places around the code—each individual one might not be difficult, but finding and fixing all of them could be time-consuming.
    4. Similarly to #2, teacher hairstyles are separate from student hairstyles in code, so new ‘male teacher’ hairstyles would have to be added. That’s an even lower priority than adding male protagonist hairstyles, I’d assume.
    5. I’m less sure about the issues with kidnapping male rivals, but the immediate issue right now would be animations. With converted animations (and some touching-up), that’s less of an issue. However, writing code to change the animations in the prisoner idleanims list based on the gender of each prisoner would still be a bit of a chore.
    6. Kidnapped students also have some relatively hardcoded handling for skirts, breast size, etc. However, there’s also an unused Male variable on HomePrisonerChan, so it might get added eventually—it’s just not a priority right now due to the aforementioned issues.

    There’s probably a bunch more I’m missing, but these are the ones I can recall off the top of my head.

    Generally, when Dev doesn’t do something or says it would be difficult/impossible to add, there’s a good reason he says that. Unfortunately those reasons aren’t always apparent to people who don’t know a lot about how the game’s code works, or just haven’t thought through their suggestion fully.

  9. Hello yandere dev, I have noticed two bugs, first when you go home after school or talk to a teacher to report a murder the character will fly through the air, the other is that the photo of senpai in 202X mode does not show the character in the shrine and in the character information in addition to the 1980 mode in the photo of senpai in the shrine, behind him appears something strange.

  10. Could we eventually in the future have same sex senpai and same sex rivals+yandere?? I feel like it would be pretty fun to be able to have other sexualities instead of just straight

  11. i found a bug, i burned osana, but it didnt let me pick her up, so i used save and load. But, she went back to her normal color and started getting blood everywhere. In a similar topic, theres also this blood where, when i placed a bucket on the floor when i used save and load, the trap di activates and i cant pick up the bucket or overall interact with anything, until around 10secs. A different time when i did this, the screen went blurry and it didnt go away. i know theres a literal warning that theres a posibility that theres bugs in the save and load, but im just letting you know!

  12. Hello YandereDev! I found an error related to the Custom mode. When my main character confesses her love to senpai in gaiters, her clothing texture turns white. Can this be fixed, please?

  13. I officially volunteer as a voice actor!! I have been following this game since 2014, but couldn’t play as I was only 14 then. I can’t wait to see what you do with your creative outlook!

    • I’m very happy that you’d like to volunteer to help out with the game! However, I can’t accept your offer unless I’ve heard samples of your voice. In the case of voice acting volunteers, I always need to hear a “demo reel”, like this one for example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhPit9vjvWY

      (I can’t help you make a demo reel; volunteers need to come to me with a demo reel already prepared.)

      If you send me a demo reel, I’d be absolutely delighted to listen to it and tell you if there are any roles I think you’d be suited towards.

      Thanks for your time!

  14. This is the second time I’ve tried to download the new update and I still can’t change the gender of my rivals in 1980 mode:´v

  15. idea. What if you could change the uniforms for each character.

    Maybe, in custom mode you could change what uniform each of them wear, And if they wear the sweater around their waist.

    I just think that would be a good idea, because if the headmaster let’s people have a lot of freedom on accessories and hair, I feel different unifor types for each of them would look better.

    I got this idea cuz 1: No sweater around waist

    and 2: It just kind of makes sense in a way? Idl how to describe it.

  16. i have a question! so since we can change female senpai are you gonna add male ayano? i know it might be hard to implement it into the game but i feel it would be fun while we wait for amai

  17. Yandere dev, for custom mode when you make your characters, can you please add the option to put a cardigan or a jacket wrapped around the waist? I think it would make the outfits cuter oh and also if you can could you please add more accessories like scrunchies, nails, headbands. I know there are already some accessories but they dont really match with anything. Thank you!

    • I’ll consider adding the feature that you’ll requested, but at this point in time, it’s not a very high priority, and I’m going to focus on other things for a while.

  18. What’s the criteria for entering a physical struggle with Raibaru?? I had no idea you could directly attack her now, does your physical stat need to be to level 5?

  19. Yanderedev, I tested the custom mode on a ready server of the 1989 mode, which I was already in week 9, after leaving the server, simply, ALL my progress was lost. I simply

  20. Hey! :p When I go to re-write the character profiles in this build, the character limit is still 150. Is there any way to fix this in the game or game files so that it’s 200? (Also been following the game since 2015 and this is my first comment so yay!)

  21. I wonder what’s the amount of money you want from the potential kickstarter. Absolute atrocities like “Dreamworld” got funded up to 100k and even full fledged games didnt even ask a million to get finished. So, I’m curious, if you expected a million or more from kickstarter, which is honestly quite unrealistic.

    • Looks like Dreamworld raised $64k.

      To pay voice actors + animators + modelers for about 12 months’ of work, I would need more than Dreamworld raised, but certainly way less than $1,000,000.

  22. hello yandere dev, I found a bug when we modify senpai to the opposite sex the character has a pink body and stays frozen in place when he walks and the animation stops because of that

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