What is taking so long?

Yandere Simulator has been in development for over 7 years. That’s unusual. What’s the holdup?

In this blog post, I’ll attempt to explain the problem.

Click “Continue Reading” to get started.

43 seconds into this video from January 16th, 2017, I made a vague comment about how “a lot of stuff […] going on in my personal life […] took up a lot of my time, and took a lot of my attention away from Yandere Simulator”. I never divulged the details, but now that the situation has intensified, it has become necessary to talk about it.

Starting around January 2017, I began to receive massive amounts of harassment. This was the point in time when people began to:

  • Prank call my phone
  • Send weird things to my house
  • Post my personal information online
  • Make attempts to hack into my accounts
  • Send me lengthy essays telling me why I should kill myself
  • Flag all of my social media to try to get my accounts banned
  • Try to convince my team members to stop contributing to the project
  • Submit false reports to the police in an attempt to get the SWAT team to show up at my house
  • Spam me with gifs of people being killed, dead bodies, pictures of mutilated genitals, gore, scat porn, bestiality, animal abuse, gifs of animals getting killed, etc.

Many content creators receive harassment, but what people have been doing to me has gone far above and beyond what a person usually experiences on the Internet. I wish I could be an emotionless robot or a solid stone wall that is not affected by this stuff, but the truth is that, yes, it has affected me. Receiving all kinds of abuse and mistreatment on a daily basis gradually impacted my mental health, resulting in depression, lost enthusiasm, lost motivation, and most importantly, lost productivity.

If I had to explain it with a graph, it would look like this:

In 2016, my productivity was great; I was kicking ass and working fast. In 2017, my productivity fell like a rock as a result of the harassment I was receiving. The harassment continued throughout 2018, so my productivity stayed low. In 2019, the harassment subsided, and my productivity began to return. But, in 2020, a new wave of harassment began, and so my productivity plummeted like a rock.

I cannot possibly overstate how much of an impact the harassment has had on development. If the harassment had never happened, Osana would have been released years ago, and the game might even be finished by now.

So, what caused the harassment to begin in the first place, what caused it to continue for multiple years, and what caused it to become so widespread?

The answer to all three questions is the same thing: Misinformation. People are constantly saying things that aren’t true – things that cause them to feel justified in treating me like garbage.

“Yandere Simulator is made entirely of stolen assets!”

“YandereDev streams video games all day long instead of working!”

“YandereDev fired a tinyBuild programmer!”

“YandereDev doesn’t credit his volunteers!”

“YandereDev kills Midori because he hates his fans!”

“YandereDev spends all day reading e-mails!”

“YandereDev is prolonging the game’s development to milk his Patreon!”

“YandereDev defends pedophiles!”

“YandereDev wants to abolish the age of consent!”

“YandereDev threatened to commit suicide!”

None of these statements are true; each one of them is false, and they were all debunked years ago. However, people keep spreading these dumb narratives anyway.

Whenever I saw people spreading misinformation, I recognized that these untrue accusations had the potential to do severe damage to my reputation. So, I blocked/banned anyone who spread misinfo, and deleted their messages.

When people saw negative messages disappearing, they assumed that I was “censoring criticism”, which led to yet another false narrative:

“YandereDev deletes comments because he can’t take criticism!”

No, that’s not the case. You can’t call something “criticism” if it isn’t even true in the first place. However, “YandereDev can’t take criticism” is a more entertaining and scandalous narrative than “YandereDev prevents the spread of misinformation,” so that’s the narrative that people went with.

There is no end to the false narratives and untrue accusations that other people create about me. I’m not trying to sound melodramatic here, but I feel like it’s not an exaggeration to say that I’m at the center of the largest misinformation campaign that has ever occurred in the history of the game industry. I can’t think of a single game developer who has ever been targeted like this before.

All of the misinformation above was picked up and spread by clickbait YouTubers who made tabloid-style videos demonizing me and vilifying me, causing literally millions of people to develop false perceptions of me. And, after that many people were tricked into believing that I am an evil villain who deserves mistreatment, harassment skyrocketed. As a direct result, my productivity plummeted.

“But, YandereDev! There are screenshots and video clips proving that you’re a bad guy!”

You can have a real screenshot of something that really happened, and you can use it to paint a completely false image of someone.

Imagine that I have a photo of you drinking a beer; this doesn’t prove that you’re an alcoholic. But, a dishonest clickbait YouTuber could hold up that photo and make the false claim that you’re drinking beer every hour of the day. This is basically what happened to me, but on a much larger scale. I elaborate about this on the Debunk page.

“Why don’t you just stop checking social media?”

Way ahead of you. I stopped using social media years ago. But, I still need to use e-mail and Discord to talk to existing volunteers and recruit new volunteers. So, there is no way for me to completely avoid seeing a daily flood or harassment messages, even when I keep my exposure to the Internet as minimal as possible.

The next thing I need to explain is that, when you are put into a situation like this, you become incapable of thinking about anything else, and spend all of your time with very dark thoughts:

  • It’s hopeless.
  • Why even bother?
  • I don’t deserve this.
  • It’s all pointless now.
  • Maybe I should just die.
  • How could this happen?
  • I may as well not even try.
  • If I die, this will all go away.
  • Why did this have to happen?
  • I don’t have a future anymore.
  • How can these people be so cruel?
  • What’s the point in trying anymore?
  • I didn’t even do anything all that bad.
  • My life has been completely ruined forever.
  • After this, I can’t have a normal life anymore.
  • Everything I’ve worked for has been destroyed.
  • The only way this is ever going to end is if I die.
  • There is absolutely no way to recover from this.
  • None of this should have happened in the first place.
  • I’m not a robot! Of course I’ll get emotional sometimes!
  • How can anybody do something like this to another human being?
  • This will last forever. This is my life now. This is never going to end.
  • This pain and suffering and misery isn’t going to go away until I’m dead.
  • This sucks worse than anything else that has ever happened to me in my life.
  • Millions of people have been tricked into believing things about me that aren’t even true.

When those are the only thoughts that are swirling around in your head, every waking moment of every day, you can’t exactly focus on work. The majority of your time is spent asking yourself, “If my future has been completely destroyed, why should I even bother?” and struggling to motivate yourself to get work done. You can be sitting at your computer with your fingers on your keyboard, and yet you can find yourself completely unable to type a single letter, as a result of being too depressed and miserable to lift a finger.

“So, what now?”

I can’t think of anyone who has ever been put into a comparable situation, and managed to recover. Once you have been labeled as “This person doesn’t deserve any empathy or compassion and it’s perfectly okay to abuse them as much as you want,” it’s pretty much over. That’s a lifelong label, even if you don’t actually deserve it.

Developing a video game is pointless, if nobody is going to support your game because they’ve been brainwashed into believing in a false version of you that isn’t even real. Thus, if your reputation is being tarnished by false narratives, debunking the untrue accusations becomes a higher priority than game development.

I don’t want to make videos about anything but game development. However, at this point in time, it may have become necessary to create a video (or multiple videos) going point-by-point down the list of every single false accusation and systematically debunking them all one-by-one, with receipts whenever possible. But, even if I release a video that successfully dismantles every false thing people say about me, there is a still a chance that it won’t do me any good, for one very simple reason:

If you really, really enjoy the sensation of ridiculing and shaming other people over the Internet, you’ll just plug your ears and dismiss everything I have to say in my defense, and continue believing whatever mistruths you wish to believe, so that you can continue to feel justified in engaging in all the fun harassment that you enjoy. There is literally nothing I can do to stop that.

Harassment isn’t the only problem, either. The Anti-YandereDev community convinces my fans to stop financially supporting me, putting me beneath the poverty line and putting my future in jeopardy. The Anti-YandereDev community hacks my accounts and sabotages the game’s development in various ways. Every day, there is some new drama that other people have created, some new mess to clean up – something else that takes my time away from development.

Under the circumstances described above, is it really a surprise that the game has been in development for over 7 years? It was always going to take a long time because of its ambitious nature, but let’s be real here: it probably would have been finished by now if it wasn’t for all the problems that other people are constantly creating for me.

Depression, lost motivation, lost enthusiasm, acts of sabotage, constant harassment, character assassination, lost financial stability, hatemail on a minutely basis, drama being forced onto me every day – each one of these things is like a heavy weight tied to my body, and all of those weights are causing me to progress forward at a snail’s pace instead of moving at my maximum speed.

And that is the reason for the game’s development speed.

If you treat someone like garbage, they will work slower.

If you want someone to work faster, you have to stop treating them like garbage.

Scroll down for a list of bug fixes in the latest build.

Fixes, Changes, Additions

This list is especially short, because I’ve been focusing 90% of my time on Osana and only 10% on other things within the game.

  • At the end of the intro sequence, some images rapidly flash onscreen. Those images were screenshots from the Rival Introduction Video that I uploaded in 2016. Actually, in some of those screenshots, you could see 3D models that came from other video games! Oops! Those 3D models were removed from Yandere Simulator a looooong time ago, but I still can’t feature those screenshots in the game; that’d be a copyright violation. The offending screenshots have been replaced with new ones. Now there should be absolutely zero copyrighted content in Yandere Sim. If you actually find a copyrighted model somewhere in the game, please contact me about it immediately!
  • Someone recently informed me that Yandere Simulator’s FPS display was inaccurate, and was displaying a number lower than the game’s actual FPS. I am now using an FPS counter supplied directly by Unity, so the FPS number should now be as accurate as possible. It turns out that the game’s actual framerate was about 5 FPS better than what that number was reporting this whole time, haha!
  • Fixed bug that prevented Yandere-chan’s character model from showing her new hair color after the player dyed her hair outside of home and school (for example, in the street or in the Kokona Befriend/Betray cutscene).
  • Fixed bug that would cause a student’s corpse to burst into flames when being removed from a locker, if that student had died from being set on fire earlier in the day.
  • Fixed bug that would cause students to fail to recognize severed limbs if those limbs were inside of a cello case (with its lid open, exposing its contents).
  • Fixed bug that made the game fail to activate Yandere-chan’s Club Benefit at the start of the day, if her club benefit was the Occult Club’s benefit.
  • Fixed bug that made the game fail to activate the benefit that comes from reading horror manga books (less sanity decrease when committing murder).
  • The Light Music Club / Martial Arts Club will no longer be willing to “Practice” (play music or spar) if it’s lunchtime or cleaning time.
  • Fixed bug that would prevent a teacher from noticing a pool of blood while investigating a report of a corpse.
  • Fixed bug that would allow the player to dip a mop into any bucket at any time, even if the bucket was empty.
  • Fixed bug that would cause camera problems if the player was tazed by the headmaster while crawling.
  • Fixed bug that would prevent the player from using the same door as a bucket trap twice in one day.
  • Lowered volume of “power up” sound effect when using one of the Gaming Club’s computers.
  • Fixed bug that prevented the Martial Arts Club’s benefit from functioning.
  • The manga store and game store on the street now have background music.
  • Kokona’s Befriend/Betray cutscene now has background music!
  • Reduced the filesize of some files that were way too huge.
  • Updated Saki Miyu’s hair texture.

850 thoughts on “What is taking so long?

  1. Quick reminder to YandereDev, I will continue to play the game, even without Osana. Its still a good game! But its unfinished!

  2. The people who are supposedly harassing you though, are going to shut up once the game is finished. They’ll probably act like nothing ever happened.

  3. yandereDev you keep doing what you do. True fans of the game will understand why it is taking so long. You are doing a amazing thing. don’t let the negativity get to you. Most people love your game. So just do you.

  4. Hi yandev, is there a method to clearly see the buttons when you play in the lowest possible quality? For example, when I have to open a door, I don’t understand if I have to press E or F (even though I have learned all the commands by now)

  5. hey man, keep on trucking. you’ve done a lot of things that i disagree with, and honestly this whole post didn’t do much for them, but i don’t think you’re an awful person and i majorly empathize with you- programming’s hard, especially when you have depressive thoughts and are getting as much hate as you are. the harassment certainly isn’t warranted. i can’t imagine how much it’s weighing down on you, but yandere simulator is a FANTASTIC game and once it’s fully out, i’m sure all of the people who are being horribly cruel to you will still purchase it. i wish you all the best, and do try not to let all of the assholes get to you- you have a vision here and i totally believe in you!!

    • Raided by trolls 24/7.

      Now that it’s invite-only, everyone there is friendly and the subreddit is peaceful.

      Simply message the moderators to be let into the subreddit.

      • Honestly I can’t find any yandere sim subreddit that isn’t raided by trolls 24/7. (I literally went to ‘Yandere Simulator Positivity’ and it was filled with hate. So I 100% understand that choice.

  6. Yandere Dev I know you have a bad time, but I beg you be strong and doesn’t pay attention on people that say shit about you and what you do.
    Love and support from fan from Russia!

  7. This broke my heart every time I’ve seen this type of criticism, in return that criticism turn to verbal harassment to yandere dev if this harassment does not stop the yandere simulator progress that yandere dev will be discontinued, and it will be our biggest regret to what have these people have then to make yandere dev stop this progress in the end they’re only reward that they given them is nothing, they only warship the creator of love letter as a god but not a real person its true that yandere simulator does not charge the amount of money You all think of, but think have u ever criticise the man who started this development until it became the most famous game that some youtuber played what ever happen to that moment, the moment yandere dev pull the biggest update in the year 2015, ever since the year 2020 came They tried to turn yandere dev supporters, fan, developers againts yandere dev to higher up the verbal harassment in this whole community, i dont know when will this drama/ harassment will end these people are turning this into a threat to yandere dev, when will there be a time when someone have to put an end to this whole Drama/harassment.

    • Everyday, they are becoming more powerful, I hope someone will end this, This drama is still rotting in this social media for years

  8. I’m sorry you are going through all of this. I have been following you for years and now I can say I feel connected with you. I can’t say that people who think this game is taking too long are not right, but all this drama, all this hate is really too much, and you don’t deserve this. You have created an amazing game, and I will wait even 10 year to have it, there is no need of a copycat. I will always support you and your creativity ❤️ Please don’t give up ❤️

  9. yandereDev, it’s alright. You have proof you’re not the bad guy. We’ll stay with you throughout the builds of Yandere sim and your struggles. Also, I think you should talk about this with someone (like a friend or therapist) I hope you get better and this whole harassment will end at some point..

  10. i was seeing youtube and it recomended me a video called ‘YandereDev is fake’ i was yelling ‘THAT’S NOT TRUE!’ i almost became insane, i didn’t see the video but i gave it a dislike >:V
    There are some people that say things like ‘YandereDev is fake’ ‘YandereDev will never end the game’ but i’m pretty sure they are just jealous because the game is too good, and even they don’t even know how to make games, i don’t know too but i’m pretty sure that it’s really hard, so i really wanna tell them ‘WHY DON’T YOU HELP YANDEREDEV DO THE GAME AND SEE HOW HARD IT IS HUH?’ sorry i’m just little angry :’v

  11. Hey there YandereDev! I’m just curious to know when is an estimated time that the demo will be released? Not trying to rush you or anything. I’m just wondering. Btw I truly think you releasing Osana will stop a lot of the hate that you’ve been getting. As someone with severe depression I know exactly how you feel. I know how the trolls are and how they work. They got no proof or rational arguments. All they know is how to be pricks, make people angry and hurt them. You’re much better than that. They don’t deserve you. Once Osana is released however, they literally won’t have anything to attack you for. Take care, I’m still looking forward to this awesome game.:)

  12. Even after all this hate on YandereDev, I still support him. I think he is such a nice and talented person and no one and should receive so much hate and be judged. Its discusting how internet can be so emotionless and honestly dumb. I support YandereDev since 2014 from whoole different country (Czech Republic) and even here some Youtubers played YS and loved it. I think people should really focus on someones feelings because they never know what that person can be capable of doing. Speaking for myself, and I ended up in mental hospital by trying to kill myself after what hate I had.
    People in these terrible days should support each other and just be fucking pround. Either way, I still stand YandereDev and this whole game and always be ready for new updates 💞

  13. Hey yanderedev when is osana coming out and also i found out that inku basu’s profile picture is buggy

  14. Do not let others discourage you, bullying is never justified, also keep in mind that this is only a small fraction of the community that is involved in your controversies. Most fans just wait, if you could see the magnitude of your community in other languages ​​and regions of the world you would understand how insignificant those that bother you are. Sometimes you just have to look elsewhere to see how insignificant the problem is.

  15. Hi YanDev! I think that this is my first time talking here. I’ve been accompanying yandere simulator for several years. I always followed, and I always loved. All this bullshit that is going on makes me really sad, but I can’t even imagine how much this is affecting you. I hope you know that, no matter how many people are cursing and mistreating you and your job, there are still those people who care. People like me, for example. I will never give up on supporting you, and waiting for the magnificent game that you have been working on for so long, and that with each update is more perfect and more beautiful. So, don’t worry, you can do it, we believe in you! 💜💜 (note, I’m sorry if I said a wrong word, my English isn’t the best in the world haha)

  16. Alright, I’m looking forward to your New update. A Live session where I get to see you work will help me gain a better understanding of how you work.

    On a different note, I had sent you a chat invite on Amino. I’ll let you decide whether you wish to respond or Not.

    Did you sleep well? Do you want hot miso soup and grilled fish for breakfast? Or do you want toast and coffee? 😉
    Great choice YandereDev-sama! ^_^
    What are you going to do today? Let’s do our best!~ ^_^

    I hope that little piece makes your mood go up a bit. It’s a new day YandereDev, are you okay?

  18. Hey came back here because despite the hate Yandere Sim and Yandere Dev gets, no-one here has ever gone to my personal youtube channel to attack me for saying ‘hey don’t be a dick’ or ‘hey if you don’t like something, just ignore it.’ No-one here has EVER called me a pedophile or assumed I supported pedophiles because I enjoy a god-damned game.

    I left a comment on two different videos that was essentially ‘Yandere Dev has addressed everything, I don’t know where this ‘He doesn’t address anything’ is coming from. I don’t feel one way or another about yandere dev (I was trying to avoid negative backlash, not that it did much) but sending hate to someone is inexcusable and unnecessary, if you don’t like something, don’t engage in it’.

    As a response, two different people sought out my youtube channel and left messages harassing me. At first it was ‘why are you supporting Yandere Dev, you shouldn’t, he’s a terrible person!’, then when I said I don’t care one way or another (and I specifying all I said was don’t send hate), they turned to suggesting I support pedophilia and pedophiles, and I condone suicide baiting. I left a concise response explaining that ‘you’re really not winning me over by going out of your way, to go to my personal youtube channel, and harassing me.’ I ended the conversation saying anything further would be blocked/deleted.

    I just find it strange how for an ‘anti-taskforce’ so against yandere dev for all his ‘heinous crimes’, they’ve been so horrible to the fans they’re trying to win over to ‘their side.’ You’re not winning me over, you’re showing me you’re a horrible person who went out of your way to make claims on my own channel when all I said was ‘don’t be a dick.’

    • They attack YandereDev for his made-up crimes because it makes them feel better about what sad, cruel people they are. And it gets them clicks.

      I think he should just keep focusing on the game, remember that there’s still people who support him, and ignore the negativity. Responding to it will only give them more ammo to trash him.

    • Had something similar happen, except they just linked me to a video that essentially just parrots whatever haters were saying without any evidence, which only serves to prove to me they really aren’t confident in what they say if they need a Youtuber to paraphrase for them.

  19. Hey, I hope you going ok. Trying to prove them that somethings are false and send them that post on Twitter. But that’s really hard… No one deserve so much harrassement/bullying.

    I hope you will show them how the game changed since 2014, and I hope Osana will come ASAP then they will calm down a bit. Continu your fight, I will still be looking for your game and don’t go to Twitter it’s useless really

  20. Hey YandereDev,
    I‘ve been a fan for years now and I love YandereSim. I really appreciate your work and I hope you stay strong. You will do this until the end. I know that! Don’t let these stupid haters knock you out. They don’t have anything to do in their lifes, so they use their last brain cells to spread hate in the world. We will always support you YandereDev.
    Stay strong❤️

  21. Hey Yanderedev. I don’t know if you’ll see this, but I wanted to follow up on my previous message. I honestly think that you should make a YouTube video expressing everything in this blog post. I’ve been seeing people over the last couple days coming up with even more lies about you. I think at this point in time the best way to go about this would be to get everyone’s attention and show them that they’re wrong about you. It would really help some people see that they’ve been wrong all along. I know you said that it might not work, but it doesn’t hurt to try. I really think this could really help you in the long run. People might finally realize the truth and stop harassing you. Sure there might be some people who won’t listen and still be stupid, but the thing is there’s a lot of people who don’t know that you’ve debunked their narratives. YouTube would be the best way for everyone to learn the truth. I just want the best for you and I want to see you succeed. I just think this might be the best thing to do right now.

  22. Hi ! Sorry to bother you, but ummm… I still get notifications from stupid/abusive posts on the sub reddit that was hacked. I know you made one private but where can I find it ?
    Also I wanted to express my support 😉

  23. I disagree with the comment above that tells you to make ANOTHER video. Speech is useless at this point, only your final fruit is what people look forward to the most. Please finalize this piece of cake you have been putting so much work into decorating, then go Boom with a grand cake! Focus in the thing that matters the most to you YandereDev: Yourself and your pride: Yandere Simulator!

    • I mean you can make a video if you like, but i don’t think focusing on clearing your name would do any good anymore if people just use your words against you. I would prefer seeing a video about new/improved features in new YanSim sandbug build that we can try to mess around with. Please just direct attention away from you and more into your game.

      • Actually yeah I think he should actually release the demo first and then make a debunking video if he needs to. I think having the demo be out would actually allow people to believe him more. My comment about making a video now was kind of just a random thought as I was just getting annoyed at what I was seeing from the haters.

      • That’s understandable, the antis are really doing their best to force people to believe they are right. We should keep our anger in check to think of the situation as a whole and what’s the best for US.

  24. YanDev-Chan, you are not alone. Many people read things in the wrong tone. I can imagine the trembling of writing this. The little tears. I’ve been through something like this and until today I haven’t gotten over it. I spent 7 years on something to be deleted in 2018. Just like you, i had a problem with the people next to me. It seems like they don’t want to see who you really are. There will always be those who will try to destroy. I know that this was not the first wave of criticism you have ever faced. Don’t let yourself get mad. Just don’t get out of your control and don’t say things you don’t want to say… You will never be alone! Among those who criticize you, there are those who support you! I’m one of them! YanDev-Chan! YOU ARE STRONGER THAN YOU THINK! THEY DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU PASS EVERY DAY!!! YOU ARE NOT A ROCK! YOU HAVE FEELINGS!!! THEY DON’T KNOW THIS!! THEN DON’T LISTEN TO THEM !!!! I TRUST YOU!!! I’M WITH YOU!!!! EVERY DAY , DON’T FORGET TO DEDICATE IN WHAT YOU BELIEVE, TRUST AND DREAM !!! I WANT TO HELP YOU WIN THIS BATTLE !!! NOT FOR YANDERE SIMULATOR, BUT FOR YOU !!!!
    I AM HONEST !!! Please don’t make the same mistake as me. You dont have to say,but show to then. How you will do this will only be discovered by you. Don’t ever stop. You are special. I know it is. And I don’t need to know who you are to know that. Don’t cry, don’t despair. Get some rest. Let the air in. We are with you, YanDev-Chan.

  25. Hi Yandev, I just want to say I do think it’d be best if you would make a video on this. You have a much larger audience there, and I think more people would be willing to listen to you. I also think it’d be best if you don’t express any of your personal feelings or emotion into that video, but rather just state how these lies are pretty much all misinformation and how they’re extremely detrimental to anyone’s mental health, not just your mental health yourself. I feel like the anti-yandere simulator community will take that as you trying to guilt trip them, when in reality I’m under the impression that you wouldn’t be. That truly is detrimental to anyone’s mental health, and we all applaud you for still going and working on the game, even if the development is going slow (which is completely understandable). A lot of people would just quit if they were in your shoes, or worse. So I just think the best thing to do in this situation is simply refute their misinformation with a lot of facts, without trying to express any emotion. I just think it’d be the best route, and it’d completely get rid of the argument of you trying to guilt trip anyone. I hope you get through this! People should really just listen to your side of the story before jumping to conclusions on how you’re a terrible person, etc. It’s immature. Good luck on the future development.

    • I also want to mention that I think it’d be best if you make this video after the release of Osana, because I don’t want to give the haters more attention than they already have. They really need to see both sides before coming to a conclusion before believing everything they hear on the internet, it’s common sense.

  26. YandereDev, nothing, and I mean NOTHING will ever justify people sending you all those horrible messages, videos, pictures, etc. I just want you to know that we support you, no matter what!

  27. Hey YandareDev, i’m really sorry to hear all of this is happening, I’ve seen many youtubers play it and honestly it looks like a really fun game with a lot of potential, seeing you bullied and harassed for a long time must have been horrible for you, i really hope you can recover from all this, we believe in you dude! We know the accusations against you are false, especially the Pedophile and the sex licence accusation, what the fuck are people thinking? Anyway, Stay strong dude! we will always believe in you!

    • this kinda reminds of bunch of ppl who accuse 11 friends of Christine, they are being accused as rapist and there are no evidences that support their claim and her real cause of death was Rupture

  28. pls dont see this as hate or any kind of abuse ok, i respect your work. so yeah i am hearing things too about you that you are doing everything except working on the game (sorry for my bad english) but you are stiil making progress on the game so thats atleast a point i gotta make. and second. that graph you made about abuse and progress. if you just maybe could reset your mind to like get all that hate you got out of you and just ignore it and slowly on your on tempo make the game. (these are just tips if you dont need them than ignore them ok) maybe do like something that makes you calm and makes your mind clear. like meditating or mindfullnes. beacuase if you overwork you get to much pressure and that like blocks you from thinking (i say this out of my own experience) so yeah just take a deep breath and clear your mind. because yeah the more hate and stress you get the less progress you make the more people start hating. keep up with what you do. one day you will make the game and the abuse stops. i love your work and keep it up.

  29. Hi YanDev but I just wanted to say that as Osana grown nearer just remember that what they say isn’t true and that even if they say what you did is wrong you are innocent, and if you do the math hate is outnumbered by support , I mean just look at all the responses on this post. Stay strong and you will do it.

  30. I am not good at writing supportive messages, and all I can say, please YandereDev stay strong. There is no worse thing in life than knowing that your favorite creator is dead. People who hate you, I despise immensely. That’s just terrible…
    (Sorry for the mistakes, Google translator is not the most literate thing)

  31. Ever since 2018 I’ve been a fan of this game but I honestly think that YouTubers are using you for clout and attention. But I think people misunderstand your wording and intentions. Like when you wrote that slave novel many years ago, I read some of it and it doesn’t even seem sexual at like wtf.

  32. Please YandereDev, read it all. This comment may be badly written because I know little English. However, this will not prevent me from reaching you! I used to be sad every day, I saw no point in my life or a reason why I should get out of bed the next day. Now I have passion, hope and dreams, in short, let me just write that it all started with Yandere Simulator! Everything I have today and what a person I am I owe to you, it all started when I once stumbled upon your game completely by accident. If it weren’t for you and what you’ve been creating for so many years, it’s possible that I would have suicide myself. You unknowingly helped me a few years ago, so now I want to help you! I know this comment of mine is just one of the thousands of negative and positive things flowing towards you, but I hope you will read it and that now I will help you to some extent. Do not give up! In this world there are still people on your side, in this world we are still! Your fans! You’ve put a lot of time into this project and you can’t give up now. Me and over two million people who continue to subscribe to your YouTube channel look forward to supporting you! Don’t worry about hate from idiots! Take care, remember that I owe you everything, because thanks to you I found something that drives me to act and gives me a will to live. Hope to see a demo soon.
    I am sorry that I do not support you financially but I am poor, but know that with my mind and heart I am with you all the time! I hope you will never stop and someday see Yandere Simulator 100% complete! Thank you for all that you have unconsciously done for me, I will be grateful to you for the rest of my life. So get up and start this fucking coding! A lot of people are still with you, our favorite YandereDev!!!

  33. Hey, YanDev, don’t worry. Everyone will come back when they see just how much work and heart you put into Osana! The wait has been long, and I admit it’s frustrating at times, but that’s okay. Looking forward to what the final result is before I made any assumptions about you! ❤

  34. Lemme preface this by saying I’m very, very new to YanSim. I kinda missed the hype back in 2016-2017 (I was busy having my Undertale phase then, lol) and just now got around to looking into it. To be 100% honest, it actually was all the controversy that finally pulled my attention back to YanSim. Now, I frequent Tumblr (yeah, I know) and I know that 90% of the time when they “cancel” someone, it’s over some bullshit that half the time isn’t even true. So when I started hearing all these rumors about you, I decided to look deeper into everything, and guess what, I was right! All this harassment is complete and utter bullshit and no one on this planet deserves it, least of all you. These are the same ungrateful assholes who harass you non-stop, and then turn around and complain about how Osana is taking so long. Hm, I wonder why?

    Anyways, keep on keeping on, YanDev. I’ll definitely be donating to that kickstarter you mentioned on the FAQ once it starts.

  35. Hey YandereDev,

    Just like the post above, I didn’t played YandereSim until some months ago, and on my first playtrought I was completely astonished by the quality of the game you created. I think that the creativity, perfectionism, and dedication that appear into the game are amazing, and that you can be really proud about it.

    Sadly, there is a real culture of bullying on the internet, maybe you could shield yourself with someone that would sort what is sent to you, and only transfer to you the necessary stuff regarding volunteer and recruitment ? Also, if you need advices on protecting your private life, feel free to contact me, I’m not an expert but I know one thing or two.

    I really hope that you will get better, not for the game, but for you to be happy and hopeful in life.

  36. That sounds rough! Well, hopefully, you rest up and all! There are always going to be bullies no matter what, even if calling them bullies sounds childish. Plus, if you get all down you’ll just encourage them to keep going! Hope you find yourself in a better place!

    Sparkle!~ ✌💫

  37. Hey YanDev,it’s not something actually about Osana but, could the rainbow six back? in my opinion,they make the school yard feel more alive,and makes more difficult and intresting the rival elimination,i have some ideas,but only if you want to heard them,i hope Osana is ready soon,and stuff, keep working, i guess¿

  38. I commented on the “She’s Done” post, but I want to comment here anyways.
    You see, I am really devasted that people are wanting to get Yandere Simulator cancelled. It’s disheartening to me because I played it in my childhood and the game holds a special place in my heart to this day. Con-artists are everywhere in the internet and they try to get people to support them, you are not a con-artist because you are genuinely developing a game, not for money and support. I try to stay away from even TALKING about Yan Sim in social networks because the gremlins and casual cyberbullies will call me a “pedophile defender” or “brainwashed” or other disgusting things. You are human, not a robot that only does one thing. You need food, rest, sleep and leisure, like every human does. I can only think that this cyberbullying situation will only get worse because of copycat games like that “Love Letter” game that I obviously hate. The gremlins call you a con man while in reality, the creators of these copycat games that they praise to death are the actual con men. You can’t judge a person because of his past, you can judge a person of his current actions. Games take a long time in development. Since this is a SIMULATOR that is AMBITIOUS that has A SINGLE developer working on it, this game is justified to take a long development time. Please don’t cancel this game. It holds a special place in our hearts. Don’t release Osana too early either, since A delayed game is eventually good, and a rushed game is forever bad. Here are some quotes: “You can’t call something criticism if it’s not true in the first place.” “If the cost of Yandere Simulator was ending a person’s life, I’d cancel development.”. Well, that comment was long, but a detailed comment is better than an “entertaining” or “short” comment. Thanks for reading if you ever read this. Bye.

  39. Hey YandereDev, I just wanted to say you do not stand alone in depression. The words people say are heartless, and they don’t even stop and think ‘how would this feel?’. You’re only human, so OF COURSE people saying awful things to you are going to take a toll on you. It’s noble and all to be like ‘eh bullying doesn’t effect me’ but… well, it does. And admitting that is really brave. The game looks awesome so far! I probably won’t be playing it until it’s done, but I will buy it and stay up-to-date on the new updates. You probably won’t see this, but we’re with you 🖤 If any harassment ever gets too intense, phone the police. 🥺

  40. Nobody nobody *nobody* deserves that. I am so so sorry that has happened. You are not a terrible person and you are making something from your heart and putting it out there. That is incredibly admirable and something very few people do. Depression is a bitch that likes to haunt you but don’t listen to it. Do what you need to to take care of yourself and do what you want to do – finish Yandere sim, develop for something else, do what keeps you sane and makes you happy. Remember, crappy people doing crappy things is not your fault. You are loved, not alone, and very much supported, even if the other voices are much louder. I will keep watching the progress of the game and keep loving it. Thanks for making such a unique and awesome game. Stay strong ❤

  41. I think it’s best that you try to work on the game as hard as possible and get it out as soon as possible as a lot of the “criticism” is based on the fact that it has taken so long to release, so when the game releases, a lot of that will have to go away. Possibly release it earlier when it is in a buggier state, and then that’s when you can focus on improving the game performance-wise. It is important to listen to real criticism of the game, such as parts that are buggy, plot holes, stuff like that. No game developers are perfect, but you should still refine the parts that are scratchy. A way to deal with the hate is to mark important people in some way, and check the rest of the mail/messages less often so that way your focus is mostly on the game.

  42. Dude, you’re doing your best. We all appreciate it. I want to play the finished product so much I can taste it, but make sure you take frequent breaks and take care of yourself. You are not a machine, you are mortal, and you need rest. You’ve done right handling those sonsabitches so far, and half of ’em are probably dummy accounts. You got this.

  43. Hi YandereDev. First of all sorry for my bad English. Just to let you know I’ve been following you since late 2016. But this is the first time I visit this blog. Before reading this article, i thought that a ‘certain religion that keeps labeled as terrorist for no reason’ is the worst victim of misinformation, false propaganda, criminalization of its believers, false accusations, unreasonable hate, believers killed just because they exist, etc. But after reading this, damn, maybe you’ve reached top 100 or top 50 on that list. That’s why i can sympathize with you. But! Don’t forget you also has many supporters. Don’t let them get to you. And i agree with some other commenters here that you should do a video about this. And also, as someone who aspire to be a game designer. This made me question myself, am I going to get through this too? And how can i prevent this? Any suggestions?

  44. Whoever has the nerve to harass you just because you’re a little slow or patient with developing your game can go to hell. Such horrible people don’t even deserve to play this game, let alone have the Internet at all. You are a great person, and I’m not so easily fooled, like those idiots. If it feels any better, the moment your game is complete and released, all of this hate will most likely just DISAPPEAR. It’ll vanish. Because once you’re done, they won’t have much material left, and they will inevitably stop. In the meantime, try to carry on, and prove those assholes wrong! True fans will understand and we got your back, man!

    Just something to consider.

  45. Yanderedev, I really hope you see this.
    I have been following this game since 2014 and I’ve just been in absolute awe at the progress that you have made thus far. You’ve been a huge inspiration on me and I look forward to every announcement and every update you give, no matter the wait, because I understand that you are a human being too, not a machine.
    I believe you are be eh kind to give a free gift like this to the world and it’s cruel that people want to crush you down. Don’t give up hope, ever. I know how it feels to be rejected by people, and it really sucks. You’ve played a big part of my life for just being you. You’ve done things half of this population could never dream of doing. You are an amazing person with an amazing creative mind.
    Never lose yourself to the people who want to destroy something beautiful.

  46. I sent you an email because I think a simple message here is not enough to express my support.
    Don’t worry sooner or later this bad period will end too, you have a lot of real fans who think you are making one of the best games ever created and none of them are interested in the nonsense that is posted online.
    I can’t wait to support you at the kickstarter (even if it was on another platform), you deserve all the good that will happen to you in making your dreams come true.

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